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I guess you completely missed " within the law of the land" part of my post.

i guess you completely missed the fact that 2 of your 3 examples are illegal and the third has at least legal consequences as it pertains to divorce.

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This is an over simplification, but isn't this election, at it's heart, a culture war? Family values, protectionism, free trade, personal debt, loss of the middle class?


Only if you buy into the myth that there are only two sides to every issue and that each party solely represents one of the two sides.

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I didn't think the Palin pick was all that great until lately. When I see that people on this board can't quit talking about it (good & BAD) not to mention the media (papers/blogs/networks) it seems to be a wonderful pick. I truly believe the more shit talked aboiut her the more it helps McCain. If I was a democrat I would be pissed as hell about this. This takes away from Obama and the stance he takes on the issues. Whatever the hell they are.

at the risk of repeating myself, i believe you're right about that.

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Young Bristol's judgement has nothing to do with the campaign. What shoudl be called into question is that right here we have a living breathign example that abstinence education only does not work because kids are still going to have sex. If an abstinence only parent still has a duaghter who ends up having sex and getting pregnant, then that bad policy needs to be exposed.


As to her getting married, I sure hope she is doing it becasue she wants to and not to enhance her mothers politcal career. I for one do not believe in the notion that you "have to get married" I believe that they should get married only if they want to be married.

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i don't consider keeping your dick out of an intern's mouth or not getting pregnant at 17 to be impossible standards.

i didn't know bill clinton was "watch me fall" posting in disguise.

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I for one do not believe in the notion that you "have to get married" I believe that they should get married only if they want to be married.


That is the reasonable, more secular view. Unfortunately, the Palin

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i don't consider keeping your dick out of an intern's mouth or not getting pregnant at 17 to be impossible standards.


I was wondering when an oblique "look at Clinton" reference was going to appear. Could this be a godwins law correllary? Eventually give time a politcal thread will bring up Bill Clintons BJ? Anyhow one situation is a man fooling around outside of marriage. He did not run for office on

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guess he should've used a rubber. oh wait, his governor didn't teach him about that so he's never heard of them.


Ummm but the republican party wants to make BC harder to obtain and they really don't want the kids to know about them. The republican party wants abstinence only taught, nothing else. But if your line of reasoning holds true then creationism shoudl be off the tabel for teachign in school, because afterall who has not heard of creationism? (Caveat: I think it shouldn't be taught ebcause it can not hold up to scientifiic standards of evidence and proof)

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it was two consenting adults and he paid a price for it, and is still paying a price.

right, but most lefties i know don't think he should be. it's all the right wing zealots that are exacting that price.


what is legal age in Alaska? Is there possibly a case of statutory rape here?

good question.


nature is nature and kids have natural urges and it is time that the republican party realize this and stop the abstinence only crap.

of course, everyone realizes this. still, when my daughter comes of age, i will be teaching her to wait. and i sure as hell don't need her school advocating an opposing view by giving her condoms.

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