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PS - I also think you're overreacting about the socialist society thing.


I don't think he's overreacting. Many of those I know who get their news from the usual sources (FOX, Talk Radio etc...) think the same way. They see doom and gloom if Obama get elected. Of course to them everything is just great right now and the only problem is that the liberal media keeps making up stuff to embarass Bush and hinder McCains efforts at getting into the White House. Seriously, no satire or snarkiness on this post. But they are a black and white group, for the past eight years it has been either do it their way with the only alternative being total ruin and damnation, there are no gradations. Even if everything went perfectly for President Obama the economy rebounded, our debt went down OBL captured terrorism ends, they still would hate it because it is not them calling the shots and things would be shitty in their minds. These guys can enact a failed policy watch it fail and still not blink and eye as they talk up the policy as eing sucessfull even in the face of evidence to the contrary (spefically i'm thinking trickle down economics, deficits do not matter, tax cuts pay for themselves, democracy out of the barrell of a gun end others) They still view the 1990's as some of the worst times in American history. With that crowd it is a no-win situation for Obama regardless of the reality here on earth.


BTW I think any president is going to have a crappy time over the next few years imply because they are being left with a huge toxic mess to clean up. Does nto matter if it is McCain, Barr, Nader or Obama they inherit crap.

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But they are a black and white group, for the past eight years it has been either do it their way with the only alternative being total ruin and damnation, there are no gradations.


w/ all dure respect and before bobob says it...there are large % of each party who view things like that.

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I like Palin's pro-life credentials. It would be great if someone like her got in the White House to send a message.....however subtle or not so subtle.....of respect for life. I like her positivity.




:poke She's not pro-life, she's anti-abortion. Pro-life people do not support unnecessary wars.

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BTW I think any president is going to have a crappy time over the next few years imply because they are being left with a huge toxic mess to clean up. Does nto matter if it is McCain, Barr, Nader or Obama they inherit crap.




You should be a football coach.


This sounds like Pete Carroll or Bob Stoops:



"Yes, you all probably think this is gonna be a blowout, but believe me, Northeastern Central South Dakota State is a force to reckon with. I'd be thrilled to just get out of there with a victory of any kind."



A strong, good President will find a way to sort through whatever crap he feels is there.

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Palin actually took a few questions today. Here is one...


JERSEY JOURNAL: What do you think of bailout package before congress?


A: I don't support that until the provisions that Sen. McCain has offered are implemented in Paulson's proposals.



Now if a follow up had been asked, such as "What provisions has Senator McCain offered" Would that have been the liberal press tryng to play gotcha politics? Or would it be a reasonable followup question? I'm guessing the answer to my question would depennd ont he answer to hers. My Guess right now since McCain has not yet been to Washington and since senator McCain has admittedly been out of the loop and uninformed on the White House Proposal, my guess is that he has offered nothing, and she would have been caught looking bad again.


Excellent :thumbup . It's funny how McCain now takes credit for the bailout provisions, and the fact I'm still breathing. The Idiot twins are something else.

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w/ all dure respect and before bobob says it...there are large % of each party who view things like that.


Yep there are, but in this particular case we are talking about conservatives fear of a socialist state and their die hard view that anything not thir way will result in sucha state. On the flip side there are those who thought Bush was going to be a total disaster... :stunned


You should be a football coach.


This sounds like Pete Carroll or Bob Stoops:



"Yes, you all probably think this is gonna be a blowout, but believe me, Northeastern Central South Dakota State is a force to reckon with. I'd be thrilled to just get out of there with a victory of any kind."



A strong, good President will find a way to sort through whatever crap he feels is there.


Regardless of who the president is they have to clean up the mess before they can implement their agenda.

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BTW I think any president is going to have a crappy time over the next few years imply because they are being left with a huge toxic mess to clean up. Does nto matter if it is McCain, Barr, Nader or Obama they inherit crap.

Kind of like what Bush inherited from Clinton?

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Kind of like what Bush inherited from Clinton?


Exactly it took Bush a while to undo the economic gains, peace and prosperity of the Clinton years. Actually it takes less time to crash a car than it takes to build it, or hydroplane boat if you want a more dramatic crash.


"This isn't gonna be a quick fix. We gotta find new talented athletes into our school. You don't build a great program overnight. It could take many years."



Whatever, deny the obvious.

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I stand corrected. Couric is obviously asking unfair questions and they're just splicing up the tape to make Palin appear to not have a clue.





Again, I can see outer space from my hammock in Missouri. I'm keeping an eye on those bad green outer space dudes as I write this..

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Exactly it took Bush a while to undo the economic gains, peace and prosperity of the Clinton years. Actually it takes less time to crash a car than it takes to build it, or hydroplane boat if you want a more dramatic crash.


Whatever, deny the obvious.

I'm not denying anything. Many aspects of the US economy were in the shit starting in August 2000 or so, well before Bush even took office. Many people think it was all 9/11 and after, but that is inaccurate.

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I'm not denying anything. Many aspects of the US economy were in the shit starting in August 2000 or so, well before Bush even took office. Many people think it was all 9/11 and after, but that is inaccurate.

I agree with that. The Internet bubble was bursting. I don't think enough was done mitigate the damage. Clinton certainly bears some responsibility for that. Greenspan was hailed as a genius in those days. Today... not so much. But Bush did no better and I would argue he did much worse.

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I'm not denying anything. Many aspects of the US economy were in the shit starting in August 2000 or so, well before Bush even took office. Many people think it was all 9/11 and after, but that is inaccurate.


If you look back at the agricultural sector, including support industries and manufacturing, they were well in decline in 1999-2000. The company I worked for at the time was caught in this and still hasn't recovered.


So the car was in an uncontrollable skid prior to Bush taking office if you want to continue the crash analogy.

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1. Drive in diners. Cuz we are inFatuated with unhealthy food and love to burn oil. Hope it is like that in 2008. Oh, it is.

2. Cool cars and artistic designs in the auto industry. Uh, not anymore, efficiency is boring.

3. A pretty decent economic boom. Except now it was totally propped up to expand the difference in wealth between the rich and poor.

4. Engineer boots, tee shirts and leather jackets (smokes rolled in sleeves optional). Uh, yeah that shit is cool, except all of it is manufactured in China from dogs now.

5. Buddy Holly- Wilco!

6. A family could have a pretty decent standard of living with just one income earner because a portion of females and minorities were held out of the market and we used to make stuff in the US instead of simply buying and selling stuff in the US

7. AM radio sucks

8. lynching as someone as said

9. No gay people

10. skinny ties.

11. Alaska and Hawaii became states in 59, w/o that who would the press talk about in the election? Biden? McCain?

12. Levittown was established-see Bill O'Reilly

13.One of the best indicators of the conservative frame of mind was the addition of the phrase "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance

14. the best though is...

But not all Americans conformed to such cultural norms. A number of writers, members of the so-called "beat generation," rebelled against conventional values. Stressing spontaneity and spirituality, they asserted intuition over reason, Eastern mysticism over Western institutionalized religion. The "beats" went out of their way to challenge the patterns of respectability and shock the rest of the culture.

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