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The Palin bashing on this board is ridiculous.



Seriously, if we had to pick the one of the 4 people running, wouldn't Joe Biden be the one who's coming across as the least qualified for anything. He's constantly saying things that are either wrong or hurting Obama.



I think Palin will do great in a debate against Biden. I can't wait to hear what stupid things come out of Biden's mouth.


Gawddamn someone's been smoking crack.


Does anyone thing McCain might do the old switch-a-roo with his VP pick? I kind of have a feeling that if this whole debate thing doesn't work in his favor, he'll dump Palin for Romney. There will be a huge surge in the polls again because of it and he'll be back on top, right in time for the election.


I've heard Obama might, if the polls are too close. Biden health problem, insert Hillary- problem solved. Take the women back. And maybe Bill wouldn't be a dildo sellout. "uh, Todd Palin is cool" whatever Bill.

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The Palin bashing on this board is ridiculous.



Seriously, if we had to pick the one of the 4 people running, wouldn't Joe Biden be the one who's coming across as the least qualified for anything. He's constantly saying things that are either wrong or hurting Obama.



I think Palin will do great in a debate against Biden. I can't wait to hear what stupid things come out of Biden's mouth.


You mean his 36 years as a US Senator versus 2 years as Governor of Alaska?


I agree, Joe Biden has made incorrect, uninformed statements. Palin LIES. And the number of lies she's been caught in after only a month of anyone knowing or caring who she was is truly scary.


Show me the "constant" stream of quotes Biden makes that are wrong and hurting Obama, please.

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Gibson's interview was atrocious. Gibson came across like all Al Gore, John Kerry and Obama.....pompous, arrogant. If anybody at anytime ever screamed of "I'm smart and you're not", it was Gibson in that interview.



In my opinion, that's what has cost Democrats the Presidency the last 2 elections and will probably cost them this election.

Are you saying he should have 'dumbed it down' for her a bit? She's very clearly unqualified - lacks knowledge on the overall economy, foreign policy, etc. You don't see this?

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Gibson's interview was atrocious. Gibson came across like all Al Gore, John Kerry and Obama.....pompous, arrogant. If anybody at anytime ever screamed of "I'm smart and you're not", it was Gibson in that interview.



In my opinion, that's what has cost Democrats the Presidency the last 2 elections and will probably cost them this election.


I agree that Charlee was mean. I agree that many people in the US are uninformed. I agree that many people vote Dem or Rep regardless of what 'truth' they discover.

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Gibson's interview was atrocious. Gibson came across like all Al Gore, John Kerry and Obama.....pompous, arrogant. If anybody at anytime ever screamed of "I'm smart and you're not", it was Gibson in that interview.



In my opinion, that's what has cost Democrats the Presidency the last 2 elections and will probably cost them this election.

Unfortunately I think you're right. The bulk of the American public wants someone relatable (how's that been working the past 8 years, America?). I would love to have our leaders be the brightest our country has to offer on the other hand, just as I would hope the CEO of my company knows more about what is going on than I do. My CEO being fun at BBQ doesn't make my options worth more.

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Gibson's interview was atrocious. Gibson came across like all Al Gore, John Kerry and Obama.....pompous, arrogant. If anybody at anytime ever screamed of "I'm smart and you're not", it was Gibson in that interview.



In my opinion, that's what has cost Democrats the Presidency the last 2 elections and will probably cost them this election.


So, I guess Palin

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Palin actually took a few questions today. Here is one...


JERSEY JOURNAL: What do you think of bailout package before congress?


A: I don't support that until the provisions that Sen. McCain has offered are implemented in Paulson's proposals.



Now if a follow up had been asked, such as "What provisions has Senator McCain offered" Would that have been the liberal press tryng to play gotcha politics? Or would it be a reasonable followup question? I'm guessing the answer to my question would depennd ont he answer to hers. My Guess right now since McCain has not yet been to Washington and since senator McCain has admittedly been out of the loop and uninformed on the White House Proposal, my guess is that he has offered nothing, and she would have been caught looking bad again.

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The Palin bashing on this board is ridiculous.



Seriously, if we had to pick the one of the 4 people running, wouldn't Joe Biden be the one who's coming across as the least qualified for anything. He's constantly saying things that are either wrong or hurting Obama.


You have to be joking! How is he less qualified than Palin?


And if saying things that are factually wrong is damaging as damaging as you're implying, then McCain should have withdrawn by now.



think Palin will do great in a debate against Biden. I can't wait to hear what stupid things come out of Biden's mouth.


Yeah, I can't wait.

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I can't tell if this is sarcasm. No doubt Biden puts his foot in his mouth sometimes, but the rest of that post......really????


What happened to pit-bull hockey mom? They're afraid to let her talk to anybody. When she does, she's getting stumped by the likes of Katie Couric asking what should be about the most basic question that can be asked of a VP candidate during an economic crisis. Give one example of why we should trust your running mate on the economy (paraphrasing). She balked. Oh. my. god.

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Cancelling the debate would be stupid, but at this point I don't think I'd have a problem with them switching the topic of the debate -- with everyone watching Wall Street this week, it might be prudent to have the economy debate tomorrow and save the foreign policy debate for later. Although by now both sides and the media have probably done too much prep work for a debate on foreign policy for anyone to agree to it, I would imagine.

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Cancelling the debate would be stupid, but at this point I don't think I'd have a problem with them switching the topic of the debate -- with everyone watching Wall Street this week, it might be prudent to have the economy debate tomorrow and save the foreign policy debate for later. Although by now both sides and the media have probably done too much prep work for a debate on foreign policy for anyone to agree to it, I would imagine.

I'd like to see them wing it. Why not? They've been preparing for something else entirely, but lets see what happens when they go completely off script.

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Regardless of how anyone feels about Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin isnn't this just about the weirdest couple of days on the campaign trail that anyone has ever seen in a presidential campaign?


Yes, truly.


I'd like to see them wing it. Why not? They've been preparing for something else entirely, but lets see what happens when they go completely off script.


I wouldn't mind seeing that either, I just don't think it will ever happen.

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What wacked out liberal said the following...


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed... The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.

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What wacked out liberal said the following...


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed... The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.

is it who is eisenhower, Alex?

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What wacked out liberal said the following...


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed... The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.


Why do you hate America?

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This is board is so anti-Conservative it's scary.



I find it interesting that, when reading this board, or watching the Emmy's, or watching late-night shows, or when listening to celebrity types, or when listening to Larry King or CNN or MSNBC (by the way, I have to say Keith Olbermann is a smug, arrogant asshole).....you get the impression that Bush is an idiot, McCain is old and dumb, Palin is a dufus, blithering brunette Barbie doll.


And Obama?






Has there been ANY criticism about him? I mean, I know there's been a little here and there....but he really does seem to be treated like Jesus re-incarnate when watching or listening to various programs.




It's cool that most on this board disagree with McCain and/or Palin's views. But based on all the polls, almost HALF of America feels the exact opposite. Many Americans like the real-ness of Palin and McCain. They like McCain's resiliency and toughness over the years. And they are scared by Obama's lack of experience....particularly in foreign affairs.

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This is board is so anti-Conservative it's scary.



I find it interesting that, when reading this board, or watching the Emmy's, or watching late-night shows, or when listening to celebrity types, or when listening to Larry King or CNN or MSNBC (by the way, I have to say Keith Olbermann is a smug, arrogant asshole).....you get the impression that Bush is an idiot, McCain is old and dumb, Palin is a dufus, blithering brunette Barbie doll.


And Obama?






Has there been ANY criticism about him? I mean, I know there's been a little here and there....but he really does seem to be treated like Jesus re-incarnate when watching or listening to various programs.




It's cool that most on this board disagree with McCain and/or Palin's views. But based on all the polls, almost HALF of America feels the exact opposite. Many Americans like the real-ness of Palin and McCain. They like McCain's resiliency and toughness over the years. And they are scared by Obama's lack of experience....particularly in foreign affairs.


I'm sorry for not recognizing your high level of satire before. I can't believe I didn't pick up on it before. You're really good, dude. You should write for Colbert.

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Does anyone thing McCain might do the old switch-a-roo with his VP pick? I kind of have a feeling that if this whole debate thing doesn't work in his favor, he'll dump Palin for Romney. There will be a huge surge in the polls again because of it and he'll be back on top, right in time for the election.

Interesting idea - it would be quite the Maverick

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This is board is so anti-Conservative it's scary.



I find it interesting that, when reading this board, or watching the Emmy's, or watching late-night shows, or when listening to celebrity types, or when listening to Larry King or CNN or MSNBC (by the way, I have to say Keith Olbermann is a smug, arrogant asshole).....you get the impression that Bush is an idiot, McCain is old and dumb, Palin is a dufus, blithering brunette Barbie doll.


I'm not anti-conservative... I may not agree with the policies in all cases, but I am an independent thinker. I am anti-horseshit and that is what the GOP is running out there right now. Rather than spin this to Obama, can you tell us what you disagree with? Bush is an atrocity, McCain is old and ill-equipped for this run, and Palin may have been the worse choice they could have made. You think she's solid, huh?

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