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New and Improved 3-ply election thread...

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is it who is eisenhower, Alex?


Correct, that was too easy.


How about this one?


Gentelmen are bred not born. They are trained to childhood and recieve manners from those who surround them and not from their blood...?"




A point we can agree on. Since you offer nothing of substance only bitching whining and complaining with little substantive support the above statement is all I can agree with you on.


It's cool that most on this board disagree with McCain and/or Palin's views. But based on all the polls, almost HALF of America feels the exact opposite. Many Americans like the real-ness of Palin and McCain. They like McCain's resiliency and toughness over the years. And they are scared by Obama's lack of experience....particularly in foreign affairs.


By the way the polls simply indicate who they might vote for, they in no way indicate that people agree with McCains or Palins views. In reality the figure is much much lower.

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I love how a deal on the bail out was made before McCain & Obama got there. It's pretty hilarious. "Don't Worry guys! We'll figure everythi...! Wait, what? You already agreed on everything?"


Newest internet rumor: Biden will drop out for health reasons and Clinton will come back:



Mrs Clinton could be just the key. Mr Biden, who had surgery in 1998 to repair two brain aneurysms, would drop out after the vice presidential debates due to be held on October 2, according to the claims - leaving the way open for the former First Lady.
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Regardless of how anyone feels about Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin isnn't this just about the weirdest couple of days on the campaign trail that anyone has ever seen in a presidential campaign?

Absolutely. Really, there's hardly been a day in some time now that I don't get my mind blown in some fashion.


I know I've heard a lot of "God, I just wish this shit would finally get over" and similar statements, but I don't know if I ever want it to end! This shit has been going on for nearly 2 years - I won't know what to do when it's finally over. :lol

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Absolutely. Really, there's hardly been a day in some time now that I don't get my mind blown in some fashion.


I know I've heard a lot of "God, I just wish this shit would finally get over" and similar statements, but I don't know if I ever want it to end! This shit has been going on for nearly 2 years - I won't know what to do when it's finally over. :lol

Don't worry the next one will start as soon as this one is over and it will be even more absurd! On the shoulders of giants! :lol

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I'm not anti-conservative... I may not agree with the policies in all cases, but I am an independent thinker. I am anti-horseshit and that is what the GOP is running out there right now. Rather than spin this to Obama, can you tell us what you disagree with? Bush is an atrocity, McCain is old and ill-equipped for this run, and Palin may have been the worse choice they could have made. You think she's solid, huh?



I don't think you'll find many Conservatives praising Bush's tenure as President.



I like Palin's pro-life credentials. It would be great if someone like her got in the White House to send a message.....however subtle or not so subtle.....of respect for life. I like her positivity.



McCain's old? Original.


I like McCain's history of reaching across party lines. His self-sacrifice in Vietmam is amazing and inspiring. I like that he'll give ill-intentioned foreign leaders second-thoughts about doing anything stupid when he's President.




He's cool. He's fresh. He's hip. He reads a teleprompter better than anybody. The ladies on the View thinks he's sexy....that's definitely worth something. And I saw him kick Stuart Scott's butt in basketball on ESPN.





You know what....I think I WILL vote for Obama.

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Have you bothered to educate yourself on any of the issues? If that's all you really know about any of the candidates, then you could probably stand to do some reading. Information is not hard to find.



I down't no how to reed. Dat is why I'm leaning tords MickKain and Palein.

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I like Palin's pro-life credentials. It would be great if someone like her got in the White House to send a message.....however subtle or not so subtle.....of respect for life. I like her positivity.

This is my problem with both McCain and Palin. Pro-life is the ONLY reason (IMO of course) that she is on the ticket or anyone is supporting her. McCain reignited the culture wars because he couldn't win without them. It's fine if you're pro-life, I lived in Colorado Springs and worked with and was friends with many ardent pro-lifers. Guess what, we had no issues with each other. I'm not set to rest my country's fate on that one issue, however and it shows me the Maverick McCain that I did respect is long gone.

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If McCain doesn't show up they should invite every 3rd party candidate they can find.

Agreed. And they should let McCain/Palin supporters ask and answer questions as well. In fact, that might be an awesome premise for a debate. No candidates, just candidate supporters, and then we can really see what the message is, and how it is being disseminated! Great idea, Bobbobob!! Let's make this happen. You should do it on your campus. I think it would make great news.

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I don't think you'll find many Conservatives praising Bush's tenure as President.



I like Palin's pro-life credentials. It would be great if someone like her got in the White House to send a message.....however subtle or not so subtle.....of respect for life. I like her positivity.


You also won't find any conservatives criticizing Bush or standing idly by when Bush is taken to task.


As to Palin? There is someone like her in the White House right now Actually two since position wise she is a hybrid of the worst of Bush and Dick. Her positions are so far out of the mainstream as to be over the horizon and unobservable to the middle.

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I like Palin's pro-life credentials. It would be great if someone like her got in the White House to send a message.....however subtle or not so subtle.....of respect for life. I like her positivity.




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I down't no how to reed. Dat is why I'm leaning tords MickKain and Palein.


dude, c'mon. let's quit the passive/agressive party methodology of deflecting intelligent debate about the issues. i agree the bashing can become tedious and sometime borders on the ludicrous...but, honestly, there are serious flaws to the mccain/palin ticket and i'm not going to pull any punches over them.

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I don't think you'll find many Conservatives praising Bush's tenure as President.



I like Palin's pro-life credentials. It would be great if someone like her got in the White House to send a message.....however subtle or not so subtle.....of respect for life. I like her positivity.

Message? That we've given up as a country? You should listen to her talk sometime. She really is not equipped for the job, and lots of Republicans will agree with that.


McCain's old? Original.


I like McCain's history of reaching across party lines. His self-sacrifice in Vietmam is amazing and ispiring. I like that he'll give ill-intentioned foreign leaders second-thoughts about doing anything stupid when he's President.

I like his history of reaching across party lines too. It seems so long ago now though, doesn't it?



He's cool. He's fresh. He's hip. He reads a teleprompter better than anybody. The ladies on the View thinks he's sexy....that's definitely worth something. And I saw him kick Stuart Scott's butt in basketball on ESPN.





You know what....I think I WILL vote for Obama.

He also is saying a lot better things about the economy than McCain is. I find that almost as important as his b-ball skills.


I don't think this board is anti-conservative. I'm not at least. I've voted Republican and Democrat. I think in this election the choice is just getting clearer everyday.

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Qualified or not Palin's positions are far too radical and far too similar to what we have had for the past eight years. I for one think that every time she speaks when it is not a stump speach she hurts her own credibility and the McCain campaign. This is not because of evil liberal reporters, this is her own near total lack of awareness on the issues and her campaigns stance and history on them. Before the '00 election I told my brother in law (Loves Palin by the way) that Bush was possibly the worst candidate put forth by a major party in a presidential election during my lifetime, I now stand corrected. And this is not simply a case of Palin bashing, this is comign from observation and listening to her, she's bad and couple that with a bad lead on the ticket and this is just not a good ticket for the republicans to put forth. Their absolute only chance is to keep her smiling and not talking and hope that the little things, like the Obsession Video and the Obama's a muslim talk and the did we mention he's black stuff scares enough voters away. Beause there really is no comparison between the tickets. None.

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This is board is so anti-Conservative it's scary.



I find it interesting that, when reading this board, or watching the Emmy's, or watching late-night shows, or when listening to celebrity types, or when listening to Larry King or CNN or MSNBC (by the way, I have to say Keith Olbermann is a smug, arrogant asshole).....you get the impression that Bush is an idiot, McCain is old and dumb, Palin is a dufus, blithering brunette Barbie doll.


And Obama?






Has there been ANY criticism about him? I mean, I know there's been a little here and there....but he really does seem to be treated like Jesus re-incarnate when watching or listening to various programs.




It's cool that most on this board disagree with McCain and/or Palin's views. But based on all the polls, almost HALF of America feels the exact opposite. Many Americans like the real-ness of Palin and McCain. They like McCain's resiliency and toughness over the years. And they are scared by Obama's lack of experience....particularly in foreign affairs.


And you are reading too many emails circulated by religious zealots, uninformed fanatics, 1950's lovers, and warmongers?

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This is board is so anti-Conservative it's scary.


Whats scary is that some folks are still willing to vote for Republicans after 8 years of gross GOP mismanagment.


Absolutely. Really, there's hardly been a day in some time now that I don't get my mind blown in some fashion.


I know I've heard a lot of "God, I just wish this shit would finally get over" and similar statements, but I don't know if I ever want it to end! This shit has been going on for nearly 2 years - I won't know what to do when it's finally over. :lol


2 years?!?


By my count, its been almost 8 years of nightmare.

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