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It's time for a New Election Thread

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I don't like Palin, so I might. I can't see voting for McCain at this point. I may just abstain on the Presidential ballot when I vote. I respect Obama quite a bit, he's just sooooo liberal for me.


Thats exactly how I feel, although I don't mind Palin but I don't think she's fit to run this country if she had to.. Just like the soooooo liberal Obama.


Edit: Damnit, I promised my self I would stay out of these election threads.

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According to a story in USA today Newell Plumbing, the coompany Joe the unlicensed plumber ]wants to purchase has around $100,000 in annual revenues, not income, revenues. Also Joe the Unlicensed plumber has not really seriously looked into buying the business, he has (his quote) "no specific plans to buy" and has only "talked generally" with owner Al Newell.


Soa little more of the onion is peeled away, but I am pretty sure mccain & co will consinue to push the joe the plumber myth over the joe the unlicensed plumber truth.



There are two employees in the business in question. One of which is a licensed plumber, the other of which (Joe) Is not. Though from what I read the rules for Toledo don't require him to be one. But that is all irrelevant when each little bit of the story turns out to be generally false, or a flat out lie. $100k revenues vs $250k income? flat out lie. I'm going to be buying a business vs generally talked about it? Flat out lie. Yet the McCain campaign will beat this into the ground as a common guy hurt by Obama's plan rather than portraying him as he is, a guy who is full of crap making sht up to score political points while covering up the real truth about himself.


I don't really care about Joe or his plans to purchase a plumbing business or not or any revenues, it just seemed you were quite concerned with his license status and I thought a clarification was in order.


Carry on.

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So you dont care who gets in. Both suck just as much as the other huh?

McCain doesn't suck so much, I voted for him in the Iowa Caucus (I think I was the 1). I think he really blew his choice for running mate. Obama doesn't suck, I just think he's wrong. It'll be interesting to see what happens in this country if the Democrats have an filibuster proof majority. The WSJ has a predictable essay about the possibility.

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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a riot no matter who wins the election. Lots of people are going to think it was rigged if McCain wins, and a lot of other people will think the country will fall apart of Obama wins. Neither is representative of either candidate's supporters as a whole, but it doesn't take that many people to cause big problems.

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It'll be interesting to see what happens in this country if the Democrats have an filibuster proof majority.

i predict that everything that goes wrong will still be bush's fault. and reagan's not out of the woods yet, either.

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I think the severity of possible rioting/protesting will depend on the demeanor of the candidate -- both of which (and like Gore and Kerry) will advocate an orderly transfer of power.

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McCain doesn't suck so much, I voted for him in the Iowa Caucus (I think I was the 1). I think he really blew his choice for running mate. Obama doesn't suck, I just think he's wrong. It'll be interesting to see what happens in this country if the Democrats have an filibuster proof majority. The WSJ has a predictable essay about the possibility.


I think the good side of this could be that the Republican party will have to reassess themselves and maybe get a more conservative person next time. Maybe this could make room for Ron Paul's ideas to come out.

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I think the good side of this could be that the Republican party will have to reassess themselves and maybe get a more conservative person next time. Maybe this could make room for Ron Paul's ideas to come out.

if an obama presidency gives rise to ron paul, then it will all have been worth it.

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I found this white racist MB that I peak on once in awhile to get a feel for this sort of thinking during the election. Here's their thoughts on people rioting if Obama loses.

white racist on Obama


That board is sooo racist, alot of that has to be in humor. I dont see why people would riot unless it was an unfair election. If you lose fairly, just take it like a man.

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I dont see why people would riot unless it was an unfair election. If you lose fairly, just take it like a man.

I think the rational thinking is that if either candidate wins by a sizeable margin there shouldn't even be a question because it should be beyond the rather smallish scope that any tampering could effect. But both sides have a paranoid edge about them. The left is still wigged out by some of what was perceived to have happened in Ohio and Florida in recent elections and the voter-purges that are continuing to go on. The right, on the other hand, is setting up the ACORN angle as a way of de-legitimizing an Obama victory. Really, the only way to stop that kind of speculation is for one candidate to win by enough that it is beyond doubt.


But don't win by too much, because that will get people going all conspiracy-theory on it, too.


Its a crazy world. :punch

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That is actually a white pride-type board. Not a joke. I wouldn't browse there much unless you want a headache. Probably not fair to compare active, up-front white supremacists with rank and file McCain supporters.



I agree. I find how people think to be very interesting...and scary. I found it on accident and like a bad train wreck, had to go back. I think they are very serious and it frightens me. :ohwell

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I think the rational thinking is that if either candidate wins by a sizeable margin there shouldn't even be a question because it should be beyond the rather smallish scope that any tampering could effect. But both sides have a paranoid edge about them. The left is still wigged out by some of what was perceived to have happened in Ohio and Florida in recent elections and the voter-purges that are continuing to go on. The right, on the other hand, is setting up the ACORN angle as a way of de-legitimizing an Obama victory. Really, the only way to stop that kind of speculation is for one candidate to win by enough that it is beyond doubt.


But don't win by too much, because that will get people going all conspiracy-theory on it, too.


Its a crazy world. :punch


I see the point. This is my opinion but I dont think we will see rioting even if Obama loses (which I bet alot will not happen) unless there is some substantial evidence of tampering.

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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a riot no matter who wins the election. Lots of people are going to think it was rigged if McCain wins, and a lot of other people will think the country will fall apart of Obama wins. Neither is representative of either candidate's supporters as a whole, but it doesn't take that many people to cause big problems.



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If Obama enacts a policy making things worse it will be his fault, or even if he has a total lack of action too. For instance if Obama does not take national security seriously and next fall we suffer a huge attack costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives there will be plenty of blame that will be rightly heaped on Obama.

my point was that i seriously doubt that die-hard partisans like yourself will ever attribute a worsening of anything directly to an obama policy. anything that goes wrong for the next 20 years on a democrat's watch will be blamed on bush. including hurricanes.

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my point was that i seriously doubt that die-hard partisans like yourself will ever attribute a worsening of anything directly to an obama policy. anything that goes wrong for the next 20 years on a democrat's watch will be blamed on bush. including hurricanes.


But see that is part of the problem

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i don't think he was completely serious about that part.


It really is hard to tell these days. People I know seriously believe that Bush was being blamed for the occurrence of the Hurricane, or at least they say they believe that. If it gets repeated enough un challenged it becomes the new truth, the new reality. A more famous example is that Al Gore Invented the internet, even though he said no such thing, many republicans I know still believe he did and repeat it as fact. Or even today the Obama

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