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It's time for a New Election Thread

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and now to the issue we should all be most concerned about .... voter suppression. From RFK's current article in Rolling Stone.


"I don't think the Democrats get it," says John Boyd, a voting-rights attorney in Albuquerque who has taken on the Republican Party for impeding access to the ballot. "All these new rules and games are turning voting into an obstacle course that could flip the vote to the GOP in half a dozen states."


Suppressing the vote has long been a cornerstone of the GOP's electoral strategy. Shortly before the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, Paul Weyrich

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Limbaugh: Where are the inexperienced, white liberals Powell has endorsed?


Rush Limbaugh said Colin Powell's decision to get behind Barack Obama appeared to be very much tied to Obama's status as the first African-American with a chance to become president.


"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. "OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."


As for Powell's statement of concern this morning about the sort of Supreme Court justices a President McCain might appoint, Limbaugh wrote: "I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let's hear it for transformational figures."

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So let me get this straight:


1. I need to turn in all my Wilco albums, etc. if Obama wins the election.

2. If I don

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Jon Stewart to Sarah Palin: '[Expletive] You.'


Speaking to a college audience in Boston, Mass. Friday, "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart used his stand-up routine to respond to Sarah Palin's comments about "pro-America" parts of the country, shedding the profanity restrictions that govern his Comedy Central show.

"She said that small towns, that's the part of the country she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: [expletive] you," Stewart said to raucous applause.

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Limbaugh: Where are the inexperienced, white liberals Powell has endorsed?


Rush Limbaugh said Colin Powell's decision to get behind Barack Obama appeared to be very much tied to Obama's status as the first African-American with a chance to become president.


"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. "OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."


As for Powell's statement of concern this morning about the sort of Supreme Court justices a President McCain might appoint, Limbaugh wrote: "I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let's hear it for transformational figures."


c'mon, rush. powell is only one of many republicans and/or conservatives, both public and private, who recognize the consequences of this bush presidency and who believe a huge shift in course is needed. nothing new there, and given powell's well-articulated and obviously long-thought-out reasons for voting for obama over mccain, i think he'd vote for obama if he were purple, green, or mauve.

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Jon Stewart to Sarah Palin: '[Expletive] You.'


Speaking to a college audience in Boston, Mass. Friday, "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart used his stand-up routine to respond to Sarah Palin's comments about "pro-America" parts of the country, shedding the profanity restrictions that govern his Comedy Central show.

"She said that small towns, that's the part of the country she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: [expletive] you," Stewart said to raucous applause.



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Jon Stewart to Sarah Palin: '[Expletive] You.'


Speaking to a college audience in Boston, Mass. Friday, "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart used his stand-up routine to respond to Sarah Palin's comments about "pro-America" parts of the country, shedding the profanity restrictions that govern his Comedy Central show.

"She said that small towns, that's the part of the country she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: [expletive] you," Stewart said to raucous applause.


Go Jon go. I still haven't decided whether to vote for Barack or Jon. I'll probably side w/ Barack since a victory in our state would be a mandate, as W would say. Man, the rally in KC was awesome. Like most effective politicians when he looks in your direction it feels like he is looking directly at you. Powerful. We have some pics and patm will post later.


We'll be going door to door next weekend in our little college town following our homecoming parade. It will be a huge political weekend here in preparation for the 4th. Exciting times.


Another reason I think Jon Stewart is a dickhead.

comedy, pal, comedy.

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Another reason I think Jon Stewart is a dickhead.


a "fuck you" from a master of comedy pales in comparison to cries of "anti-american," "traitor," "terrorist," and "kill him." not to mention the call for an investigation of congress to root out "anti-americans" by the likes of michele bachmann. i wonder if you think those folks are dickheads.

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Jon Stewart to Sarah Palin: '[Expletive] You.'


Speaking to a college audience in Boston, Mass. Friday, "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart used his stand-up routine to respond to Sarah Palin's comments about "pro-America" parts of the country, shedding the profanity restrictions that govern his Comedy Central show.

"She said that small towns, that's the part of the country she really likes going to because that's the pro-America part of the country. You know, I just want to say to her, just very quickly: [expletive] you," Stewart said to raucous applause.



Another reason I think Jon Stewart is a dickhead.


What would your reaction to Obama have been if he said/implied that only the portions of America who were voting in his favor was the real America? That only Americans who were voting for him were real Americans? You would not have an answer because Obama has not and would not stoop so low. The McCain campaign is the first I can remember that is running not on real issues but on the premise that the other guy is disloyal, a traitor, not a real American etc

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Pat Buchanan:

Thanks for always being there as the voice of reason, Pat. :rolleyes


You can smell the panic in the air, but I fully agree that this thing ain't over yet, for all the reasons mentioned above and then some. As good as things are looking, I can't imagine anybody being complacent at this point.

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a "fuck you" from a master of comedy pales in comparison to cries of "anti-american," "traitor," "terrorist," and "kill him." not to mention the call for an investigation of congress to root out "anti-americans" by the likes of michele bachmann. i wonder if you think those folks are dickheads.




I think one of the big issues of this election IS about The Chosen One's skin.....as in, how THIN it is.




You can't be serious. A few knuckleheads scream out at a rally and that really bothers you?



Wait until he gets in office. Bush has been called every name in the book over the past 4 years. If Obama gets offended by the things you mention, he's gonna have a loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng 4 years in office.

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Limbaugh: Where are the inexperienced, white liberals Powell has endorsed?


Rush Limbaugh said Colin Powell's decision to get behind Barack Obama appeared to be very much tied to Obama's status as the first African-American with a chance to become president.


"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. "OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."


As for Powell's statement of concern this morning about the sort of Supreme Court justices a President McCain might appoint, Limbaugh wrote: "I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let's hear it for transformational figures."


Rush Limbaugh should be fed to the Wood Chipper God as a sort of a big fat pale obnoxious blow-harded sacrifice.

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What would your reaction to Obama have been if he said/implied that only the portions of America who were voting in his favor was the real America? That only Americans who were voting for him were real Americans? You would not have an answer because Obama has not and would not stoop so low. The McCain campaign is the first I can remember that is running not on real issues but on the premise that the other guy is disloyal, a traitor, not a real American etc
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Bush has been called every name in the book over the past 4 years. If Obama gets offended by the things you mention, he's gonna have a loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng 4 years in office.


Are you really equating the two? I don't even know where to start.

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I think one of the big issues of this election IS about The Chosen One's skin.....as in, how THIN it is.




You can't be serious. A few knuckleheads scream out at a rally and that really bothers you?



Wait until he gets in office. Bush has been called every name in the book over the past 4 years. If Obama gets offended by the things you mention, he's gonna have a loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng 4 years in office.


Apparently you haven

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You can't be serious. A few knuckleheads scream out at a rally and that really bothers you?


What bothers me is that McCain and Palin don't do anything to stop it, and even seem to instigate it by asking "Who is the real Obama?" and walking away (Palin). When McCain was asked about this at the debate, his answer should have been "I don't agree with it, I don't condone it, and although I can't control what people say, I'm completely disgusted by it."

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I think one of the big issues of this election IS about The Chosen One's skin.....as in, how THIN it is.




You can't be serious. A few knuckleheads scream out at a rally and that really bothers you?



Wait until he gets in office. Bush has been called every name in the book over the past 4 years. If Obama gets offended by the things you mention, he's gonna have a loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnng 4 years in office.


obama does just fine handling the garbage that has been thrown at him in this campaign. he isn't fazed, he doesn't let it throw him.


yah, the knuckleheads do bother me. what bothers me more, though, is the campaign that is not only encouraging but planting that kind of thinking. if you can call it that. and if you don't think it's dangerous, your head is in the sand.

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I think one of the big issues of this election IS about The Chosen One's skin.....as in, how THIN it is.

Are you talking about Obama himself or his supporters? In music terms, do you hate the band or do you just hate the fans? :lol


Because Obama himself has been cool as a cucumber, as far as I can tell. At least compared to Admiral Angst over there.

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Exactly, sweetheart-mine. I used to have a lot of respect for McCain, and was choosing Obama based on the actual issues, not because Obama is some kind of second coming. But between his answer to the outbursts from the "fringe" at his rallies and his repeated use of the term "pro abortion" at the last debate I lost the remainder of my respect for him. The increase in negative campaign tactics is really the last straw for me.

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a little daily inspiration from the campaign in NC .... a couple great speech clips, but scroll down for the vid of Obama taking part in the phone banks.



I'll be making some calls for Obama tonight myself. So Obama, if you're in the hood, drop by. (Yeah, here in anti-American NYS we aren't made to suffer through much campaigning).


I used to respect McCain too, but he's allowed himself to be used and abused by the GOP in ways that can't sit well with him.

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