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Christ, that's a hell of a fucking story. Here's the back and forth I had with someone said on another board I go on when he posted the story (He's a diehard McCain supporter):


"Imagine what would happen in this country if he ever got assassinated." - him


"I Really hate the implication there." - me


"I really don't give a shit, I'll even say it in unequivocal terms so as to erase any implication:


If something happens to Barack Obama, the Black community in the United States will riot like no one has ever seen." - him



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There's an Obama interview from last fall where he says he's like a sixth cousin to Cheney. Plans to skip that family reunion. On Leno, I think.

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Yeah, those genealogy reports on public figures always crack me up. Who is doing those? It's always something like "Princess Diana and Nancy Reagan are 7th cousins. Both are also 8th cousins of Humphrey Bogart." What?!?


I did a family tree for my family in Ireland once. My cousin Sinead's husband is her fifth cousin. When I showed that to her, she said "just like the royal family! :w00t " :lol

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So is Ashley Todd going to be the next Joe The Plumber?


You know, tell a story, get a lot of national attention - and then once it comes out that the story you told was full of holes, still be used as a "symbol" of a story that should be told anyway.


Even though she wasn't beat up by a big, scary black man for being a McCain supporter, she could have been...

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Yeah, those genealogy reports on public figures always crack me up. Who is doing those? It's always something like "Princess Diana and Nancy Reagan are 7th cousins. Both are also 8th cousins of Humphrey Bogart." What?!?


I did a family tree for my family in Ireland once. My cousin Sinead's husband is her fifth cousin. When I showed that to her, she said "just like the royal family! :w00t " :lol


I'm related to Celine Dion, I believe we share great grand fathers or my grandfather and hers were borthers, soemthing like that.

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So is Ashley Todd going to be the next Joe The Plumber?


You know, tell a story, get a lot of national attention - and then once it comes out that the story you told was full of holes, still be used as a "symbol" of a story that should be told anyway.


Even though she wasn't beat up by a big, scary black man for being a McCain supporter, she could have been...

On the plus side, I now know what my halloween costume's going to be next week:



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Dems Mobilize Against GOP in Ohio -- Plan Showdown at Ohio Polls


Republicans intend to place 3,600 paid recruits inside Ohio polling places on Election Day to challenge the qualifications of certain voters. Today the Obama campaign told OffTheBus it intends to counter with the most massive voter protection effort Ohio has ever seen. "Democrats learned their lesson in 2004," said the high-level spokesman.





When you think about it, what kind of mugger carries a dull knife :lol



or gives a shit about politics :lol

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Again, your initial premise holds true, though. Higher capital gains taxes do not slow a growing economy. Now, whether a Dem is responsible for that growing economy? We can argue til the cows come home.


Ahh I see what you;re saying and agree wholeheartedly.


Moe - check this out. Article in today's nypost suggesting that part of the selloff in the market relates to the assumption that Obama wins the election. Again, directly contradicting the evidence you posted. But again, not really sure what it's evidence of. It bears repeating that this is the nypost, so take it with a grain of salt.







Barack Obama has re mained cool and confident amid the financial melt down, even as John McCain at times has been embarrassing, lurching from one proposal to the next. But while the polls are reflecting Obama's steady hand, the markets haven't. In fact, they're getting worse by the day as Obama's lead widens.


Most investors know the devil is in the details - and the details of Obama's economic plans are anything but reassuring.


Of course, the market turmoil is first a reflection of grim reality - the bursting of the housing bubble and the billions upon billions in writedowns and losses that have forced upon the hugely leveraged financial firms companies that had cranked big profits during the bubble years.


The resulting credit crunch is hitting Main Street harder than ever before. The country is headed for recession; the only question is: Just how low can the markets and economy go?


It could be a lot lower - it all depends on the policies of the next president.


And, as it looks increasingly likely that Obama will be that man, the markets are casting a vote of "no confidence."


To be fair, McCain hardly instills confidence among the Wall Streeters I speak to. Why has his campaign spent the last week focusing on Obama's friendship with former terrorist William Ayers - when it should be hitting Obama's blind loyalty to policies that bring together the worst elements of Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter?


Recently, Obama said he wants to expedite loans to small businesses, so he seems to have a clue that they produce much of the country's job growth. Yet his income-tax hike on upper brackets will hit vast numbers of small businesses - they'd face the highest rates they've seen in decades.


Overall, his plan includes some of the most lethal tax increases imaginable, including a jump in the capital-gains rate. He'd expand government spending massively, with everything from new public-works projects to increases in foreign aid to a surge in Afghanistan - plus hand out a token $500 welfare check that he calls a tax cut to everyone else.

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Friends you have that are Republicans? C'mon now. :rolleyes

I know, right?


I purposely do things that make me uncomfortable. Like periodically attending Evangelical mega-churches and cultivating friendships with hard core Republicans. Keeps me fluid and in touch.

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