remphish1 Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Sure I realize everyone will have different impression...maybe you catch them on a good day, bad whatever...maybe something cool happened? Get to ask any questions, anything else memorable? For me working concert security/publicity for 4 years helped with some of these also used to go to Conan and Letterman a ton in the 90's was easy to meet bands there. Jeff Tweedy- Nice, friendly met him probably 4 or so times. Helped him find his car after a show once!Jay Farrar-Not so talkative, short answers....signed my Wide Swing Tremolo cd so works for meMichael Stipe-Usually in a odd mood. Never really spoke to him. He did sign a cd for me once and being that he was my music idol since age 9 I was excitedThom Yorke- Didn't say a word! Gave me a funny look like I was an alien...he signed my HTTT cdTrey Anastasio-Seemed friendly and talkative but he was mobbed when I met himBilly Joel- Very a pic and multiple signed cds. I requested a song off of Cold Sping Harbor and he said he hates that album and he sounded like a chimpunk on it!Tom Petty-Not too talkative but friendly enough signed my Echo cd (Probably the sloppiest signature I have ever seen)Antony Kedis- Super friendly....seemed very grateful. Coolest signature I have ever seenEddie Vedder- Shook his hand, he flew right by me...David Bowie-Shook his hand, I was like a giddy school girl...hummmMarylin Manson-Was by accident but he was nice and friendlyBeck-Great guy,signed for tons of peopleGary Louris- I like Gary, always ready to talk nice guy!Marc Olson- Had a conversation but it was awkward...was probably me thoughBrian Wilson-Gave me a nod and a signature...I wasn't expecting anyting...Morrissey- Kind of snickered and walked right past me...I know he is a divaBB King- Nice's celeb I ever met. He invited a bunch of folks backstage gave everyone a pin, took a picture with everyone and a picture to sign if you did not have anything with you! Really standup guy!Glenn Phillips (Toad) Trying to give BB a run for his money on the kind department!Robin Wilson (Gin Blossoms)-Seemed as if he was on something, that or he was really nervous/skittishChris Barron (Spin Doctors)- Very friendly. After he had throat surgery he played a local bar acoustic to get back into signing. It was several times over a summer and it was free at a bar I liked so I went a few times. He remembered me and welcomed me back!Stuart Murdoc (Belle and Sebastian)- Shy but niceBen Folds-Met several times. Was easy to talk to in BFF days but still nice enoughBen Kweller-Super nice...chattyBen Lee- Always ready to chat and hangs after every showAimee Mann-Didn't speak. Signed my cdTori Amos- Gave me a huge hug.Dave Gahan- Nice guy. Funny story as Martin Gore was next to him. I asked himif they could play Everything Counts at MSG. Martin goes to Dave "HEAR THAT" Dave sighs and says yeah I heard it...I think they must of had a dissagreement..they did play it soo woot!Chris Robbinson- Met him at a jayhawks show. Nice enoughFran Healy (Travis)- Really cool guy. Accent was super thick though!Ryan Miller (Guster)- Played him in racquettball. I lost all 3 games!Wayne Coyne-Nice, friendly talkative, seemed genuwineDave Grohl- Really chill guy!James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem)- I offered him my seat at the MHOW show when he was wathcing the opener. He was real chatty and friendlyJohn Linnell/John Flansburg- Flansburg is friendly, easy to talk to, Linnell is not so easy to talk too...Matthew Sweet-Invited a bunch of people on his tour bus after a show. Nice guyJonsi(Sigur Ros)- Very friendly, tries hard to converse even though english is not his first languageMike Doughty ( Soul Coughing)- Character...David Byrne- Friendly guy, riding his bike to the library. Meet him before Tweedy spoke at the NY Public LibraryGeorge Clinton- What is this guy on!!!!!! He grunted a bit.Scott Wieland- Went to a book signing( Yeah I should have known better), he was 2 hours late...left a bad taste in my mouthBrian Johnson (AC/DC)- What a friendly guy. He was really laid back, chatty and genuwine! RIPMark Sandman (Morphine)- Great guy, witty.Elliott Smith-Shy but nice As a side note I have stoped actively seeking out meeting bands but there are a few I would like to still meet. Given the opportunity if I could meet: Springsteen. Robert Smith or Damon Albarn I would jump...anyone ever meet em? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jff Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 I met Henry Rollins during my first week of college. I also met Craig Wedren from Shudder to Think. Both were very nice. Oh yeah, and that guy who now sings for Alice in Chains. He helped me get my broken gas cap open on my car at a gas station about 15 years ago. Awesome dude. I actually saw him two days ago in a record store, but I didn't bother him. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
JAK2112 Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 I met Springsteen a few months ago, very nice guy, but it was at a crowded benefit event and he wasn't exactly in the right place to have an extended conversation with strangers. But we talked for about a minute, and i got a picture with him (still my FB profile pic). As a Springsteen fan, this was a defining life moment. Grace Potter - Burps like a fiendDave Grohl - Super nice dudeEddie Veder - Met on a few occasions, another super nice dudeWayne Coyne - Nicest guy in Rock & RollPeter Silberman (The Antlers) - Nice guy, sort of quiet, but niceThom Yorke - Didn't really meet him, happened to run into a photographer friend at a festival and started talking to him, only to realize the guy he was with and about to photograph was Thom. He just sort of looked at me and i couldn't really breath for a few seconds There might be a few more, but those are the big ones i can remember well. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
remphish1 Posted September 8, 2011 Author Share Posted September 8, 2011 JAK2112 Awesome! Where was the benefit? I assume Bruce would be easy to talk to... Jff I forgot I also met Rollins. Ironically I asked to sign a book for my friend who was getting married. He told me to tell my friend not to do it! Was pretty funny. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
u2roolz Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Ryan Adams: I know that I've told the story here more than several times, but I got to hang out on Ryan Adams' tour bus after his show at the Hampton Beach Ballroom Casino in April 2005. My close friend who is a musician met him a few nights earlier in Vermont at Higher Ground and asked my friend for a cd of his music. Actually, during the show he saw my friend and said, "Do you have it? You do. Nice!". We both look at each other and did the Wayne & Garth "NICE!". After the show he takes off his cowboy boots (this was during the Cold Roses tour) and signs autographs for fans in the back of the room. He tells my friend and I to wait around. Finally, Ryan comes over and tells us to come and chill on his bus. He took one young woman with him that we didn't see waiting like we were doing. We get on the bus and I see the first iPod dock in my life. He also had like a PS or XBox in there in the back and he literally sat down for like 20 seconds and was like "OK. I'm bored! I need a smoke! Let's go!". So we go outside the tour bus and I'm pretty sure that the young woman lent Ryan a joint and they're smoking and he takes a phone call from Parker Posey. Eventually he came over and said that he liked my friend's music and then he called up Catherine Popper to see where the band was hanging out. I guess they were on the boardwalk at Hampton Beach looking for a place to drink in the off season of late April. Also, at some point Ryan is in the bathroom (my friend and I were by the door of the tour bus inside looking at a stack of pizza boxes on a table) and asking his tour manager where his weed and meds were. The tour manager told him that they had to get rid of it because they were heading into Montreal the next night and they'd definitely be stopped by Customs. Conclusion: My close friend eventually opened for Ryan Adams a few months later in New Jersey. I think Rachel Yamagata wasn't opening that night. I couldn't make it because I was at a Red Sox game and I'd never make it in 6 hours to Jersey on a Saturday night. I think he met him again the night before in Upstate NY and asked him to open for him the next night in NJ. My friend should have called me there and then to get my ass down there. Not at 4pm in the afternoon. LOL. Oh well. Proof of it is up on (June 4, 2005 Starland Ballroom). Jeff Tweedy: Met him several times. The best was at the Brown University show where he was the most verbose. I remember him coming out saying "Look at that giant head over there!" pointing to an HDTV far off in the distance in someone's dorm. We discussed Sky Blue Sky before it came out. Every time he was nice, but a few times he was quiet and shy. Most notably the Thanksgiving weekend Chicago shows in 2006. Fran Healey: LOL. I met him at a Newbury Comics signing. I told him that I enjoyed his music and asked him if he'd love to open up for U2 (this was in 2001 when U2 was about to embark on their Elevation Tour). Well, he was flattered and went on about loving to open up for them. In a scene right out of Curb Your Enthusiasm, I had to get out of line and started walking away (rather being pushed away) from him as he was telling me all of that. He started to raise his voice so that I could hear him and looked at me funny like "where is this guy walking to?". I couldn't help it. People were in a rush. My friend and I joked that we cursed the band at this exact moment. Ash: Also met them at a Newbury Comics signing in 2002. Nice folks from Ireland. I asked them about "what's wrong with folks not welcoming you with open arms over here in the U.S." They wondered that too. I think the last time that they played the States was in 2005. Doves: Another Newbury Comics signing. Another nice friendly band from across the pond. I think all 3 bands did short acoustic sets. That night I saw them play at the Avalon in Boston and an unknown band by the name of My Morning Jacket opened up for them. My friend and I were on the railing and wondered who this guy was with hair covering his face. Jimmy Gnecco (Ours): Met him after an acoustic show at the Paradise Lounge in Boston. Amazing voice! He signed my cd and we chatted for awhile. Very nice guy. I wonder what ever happened to him. As far as I know, he put out 2 albums. Tim Robbins: I just met Tim over the summer back in July about 5 minutes from where I live in a gorgeous petite venue with perfect sound. He signed my copy of Cradle Will Rock and we took a picture. Obviously he's very tall in person. Great show. Sting: I met him in New York City when I was 10 or 11(so 1989). I think he was in some Broadway play. Anyways, I went up to him when he was about to get into his limo after a performance. He graciously signed my whatever and went off to have Tantric Sex, I think. I have 0 idea where that autograph is. I think I knew him as that weird looking guy from Dune who did music. Elton John: I didn't meet him, but I was in the front row when my dad finally got his autograph. He looked over and smiled and waved at me because I was a kid. I think that was also in 1989. Maybe this influenced my Sting paparazzi moment. Surprised that he was fully functional because this was during that "white hair and bloated" period before George Harrison told him to check into rehab. John Stirratt & Pat Sansone: Met them during and after an Autumn Defense show at the Middle East in Boston. Also, after some Wilco shows too. John was extremely nice and talkative. Pat was too, but I remember being in awe of this gorgeous woman who was extremely attractive and was standing right next to me. I was wondering why she was there by herself and lo and behold Pat Sansone comes over and lightly hugs her. I was like "aw! come on!". It was funny too though. Grace Potter: She literally sat in front of me during Wilco's performance at the Concord, NH show a year ago. I didn't know who she was until I came on here and people talked about seeing her at the show, so to my amazement I looked her up and was amazed that she was right in front of me the whole night. Absolutely stunning in person. I kind of figured that she had to be "somebody" while I was checking her out. Some actors/directors that I've met: Harvey Keitel (intense in person), Joe & Anthony Russo (associated with Arrested Development. directors of episodes and films.), Tim Blake Nelson (very friendly. We discussed Terrence Malick because he was in The Thin Red Line in a very small role), William H. Macy, Campbell Scott, Eartha Kitt (I remember this in that 89 NYC trip. My cousin somehow got us into the backstage area and Eartha Kitt was hanging out in Rufh Brown's dressing room. I said "look! It's Catwoman!" She was nice and even purred for me. It wasn't until later that I realized that my cousin was gay and had a Broadway addiction. Nothing wrong with that.), Ricky Gervais (talked to him briefly while I was an extra on The Invention Of Lying. I made him laugh because I told him good luck with the film to which he quickly replied thanks it'll surely go straight to dvd.), The Rock (on the set of The Game Plan he raised his eyebrow at me as he walked by me on the sidelines at Gillette Stadium.), Jay Leno (met him after a taping of Tonight Show. Got a picture with him. My mom yelled out Andover during the show when someone mentioned Boston. So Jay asked for us to come down and meet him after.) Quote Link to post Share on other sites
PopTodd Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Jonathan Richman -- More aloof than you would expect. Maybe it was that I was an unprepared neophyte interviewer who was trying his patience, but he was kinda distant and easily annoyed. I would still like to have a double chocolate malted with him sometime. Dave Draiman (Disturbed) -- A good friend of mine grew up with him and we had the chance to hang out a few times. A really, really nice guy. It's been probably 12 years or so since I've seen him, the day before Disturbed had their first gig at Metro here in Chicago. He was excited and nervous. Now he headlines Ozzfest. Nash Kato -- Again, mutual friends (it's a small musical world in Chicago). A lot easier to hang with than you might think. Nice guy. Jim Ellison (Material Issue) -- Met him at the same bar where I met my wife (Danny's in Bucktown). Super sweet and easy to talk to. We had a couple of beers together. I was really sad when I heard about his death. Jeff Mangum -- At an in-store performance at Reckless Records in Chicago, just after Aeroplane came out, before the whole cult took shape. Just talked to him for a minute or so. He was really nice and soft-spoken, if a little shy. I talked to Scott and Jeremy a little bit longer. Jim Peterik (Ides of March) -- He lives near me and we take our guitars to the same shop. He's nice, if a bit goofy. ALWAYS dresses like a rock star, with leather and snakeskin and gold chains and all that. He'll talk shop for as long as you want, as long as you know what you're talking about. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
PopTodd Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Oh yeah, almost forgot:Larry Damore (Pegboy/Bophal Stiffs) -- One of my old bands shared a bill with his roommate's band at the time. I had seen Pegboy fairly recently and they absolutely KILLED. I told him as much and he got all shy and bashful, but really appreciative. Kinda funny, as he is a very big, imposing guy, and even BIGGER when he's on stage. (The man's stage presence fills the entire room.) He was really nice and I felt a little bad that I may have embarrassed him. Sinderella Pussie (My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult) -- A friend of mine dated her for a little while. She was okay. Nice enough, if a little full o' herself. Didn't hate her, but I'm glad that he wound up with somebody else. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
moxiebean Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 On 9/8/2011 at 6:11 PM, remphish1 said: Robert Smith or Damon Albarn I would jump...anyone ever meet em?I have a friend who worked at The Hacienda in Manchester and was introduced to Robert Smith by a mutual acquaintance (Steven Severin). He said that Robert was polite but seemed a bit nervous and (literally) standoff-ish - meaning he kept 4-5 feet distance from my friend. After Robert wandered off he asked Severin what what up. Severin told him that a few days before Robert was introduced to an over-excited American female fan, who had promptly vomited on him. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jff Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 I met Mike Watt when my old band opened for him. He seems kind of scatterbrained, but very nice. Actually, I've met him a couple times. He tends to come across as a guy who is (because he usually IS) doing too many things at once. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
RainDogToo Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Scott McMicken (Dr. Dog) - Met him this past May... very cool guy. Thanked me for coming to the show like 10 times.Erika Wennerstrom (Heartless Bastards) - Talked to her on a number of occasions. She is a very shy, but kind person.Shilpa Ray - Interesting lady, but very sweet. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
froggie Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 all of Nels era Wilco and they were all cool... even partied them after the gig. John Fogerty - so humble and gracious. pity i didnt have my camera with me Bob Dylan and Roger Waters both waved and smiled from a distance (not on the same day of course) Weird Al Yankovic - again, very friendly lots of Aussie artists like Ed Kuepper, Ian Moss, Juanita Stein, Colin Haye, Daryl Braithwaite, Chris Bailey... ect (all really cool) Jimmy Barnes - arrogrant barstard! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
PopTodd Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 When I was interviewing the guys from NC band Dillon Fence (really, really cool guys), Exene Cervenka popped her head into the dressing room to say hi. (They were opening for X.)Seemed friendly and nice, but I wouldn't say that I actually talked to her... just said hi back. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Cam Jones Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Met Jeff outside the State Theater in Portland a few months back. He was really really nice. Signed my acoustic guitar and i gave him a copy of my bands album to give to Spencer (he took the cover photo). His production manager (i assume) asked if i had tickets to the show. I was so tempted to say "no they sold out :(" to get some special treatment. But alas, i was honest. I met Craig Finn from the Hold Steady, he was a great guy. Signed my copy of Boys and Girls in America. and I also hung out with State Radio once (lead singer is from Dispatch) Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Magnetized Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 Mine is a short and strange list: Darryl Hall and John Oates: My sister had a big crush on Hall and got the attention of a roadie, who invited us backstage after the show. We hung out with them for a while playing foosball. Unfortunately for my sister, Hall wasn't interested in her, but Oates hit on her. (She wasn't interested in HIM.) Warren Zevon: I met him after a show long ago in Charlottesville, right after Excitable Boy had come out. I couldn't stop gushing about how brilliant I thought he was and he seemed genuinely happy and surprised to find such a hardcore fan at this random show on the east coast. It was a small venue and hadn't even sold out, but it was so high energy. He was definitely a bit drunk, but really very sweet. Richard Hell: This hardly counts, because he's the brother of one of my best friends. But he is a most interesting and thoughtful guy. One funny story--his mom is a retired college professor and the founder of a women's studies program, so is very much a feminist and also quite professorial in demeanor. And my friend, Richard's sister, is a very out lesbian. Anyway, back when Richard and the Voidoids played at CBGB's, my friend, her mom and I went to the show and they had a table set up for The Hell Family. (Needless to say, that's not his given name!) A good time was had by all. Randy Newman: I am a huge fan, and Randy has a passionate following with an online discussion group, the Little Criminals. His manager, Cathy, will generally allow members of that group to email her before a show and she'll arrange backstage passes. I've seen him many times but I've gotten to go backstage for the meet and greet twice. He is the most incredibly warm, literate, funny and genuine guy you could ever hope to meet. The audiences at his shows are so weird--you get probably 50% of the people who only know him from Toy Story and Pixar movies, and he does a smattering of that stuff, but he still does mostly his challenging and personal songs, and by the end of the night I've never seen him not win the crowd over. He is a fucking genius! Bruce Springsteen: Well, it wasn't really a big meeting, but back in the day he used to jump into the audience when he sang Rosalita, and I was up front and grabbed his upper thigh. My friend was kind of grabbing onto his back in a backward hug, and I remember we were so thrilled to be holding him!! But after a minute or so it felt weird--like, hmm, now what? Of course, that's about when he finished up the verse and leapt back on stage. This was in his early, scrawny days, before he beefed up. Peter Noone (Herman's Hermits): No one believes this but it's true. In '64 or '65 they were the headliners at an auditorium in Virginia Beach, and the opening act was the Rolling Stones! I got Peter Noone's autograph but I was much more interested in that sexy lead singer for the opening act, the one wearing the white pants cut on the bias. Sadly, he was not available for autographs. And as many times as I've seen Wilco, I have YET to meet the elusive Jeff Tweedy. I've talked with and gotten pictures with Pat, John, Nels and Glenn, but I'm still waiting for my Tweedy encounter. But this was kind of cool: at the first Solid Sound I spoke with Nels, who was standing alone watching Vetiver the day after their Saturday night show, and I asked to see his what his hand looked like after the show. He showed me. Then this year, I spoke with him again. I mentioned that I had talked with him briefly last year and he said, "oh yeah, you asked about my hand." You could've knocked me over with a feather! What a sweetie. So that's all I can remember. Obviously, I go back a few years. . . . . Edit: I forgot--two more. .. Dave Matthews: He used to tend bar in a place called Miller's on the downtown mall in Charlottesville, and I lived in a 3rd floor apt. right next door. He served me a beer a few times. Rufus Wainwright: I saw him in a coffee shop in Alexandria when I lived there. No one recognized him, but I'm a big fan and told him so. He was very shy but polite and seemed flattered. It was early afternoon and he was with friends, so I didn't overstay my welcome. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Vacant Horizon Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 On 9/8/2011 at 6:42 PM, jff said: I met Henry Rollins during my first week of college. I also met Craig Wedren from Shudder to Think. Both were very nice. Oh yeah, and that guy who now sings for Alice in Chains. He helped me get my broken gas cap open on my car at a gas station about 15 years ago. Awesome dude. I actually saw him two days ago in a record store, but I didn't bother him. does that dude live in ATL? what record store? criminal is supposedly closing. let's see, i've met john a few times. i'd love meet tweedy and of course neil young. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Vacant Horizon Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 i've met patterson hood so many times, it's really no big deal when i see him. he is gracious and kind. very very cool and nothing like that ryan adams story above. man, he sounds like a tool. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tinnitus photography Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 remphish1, i didn't know you were a stalker Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Sweet Papa Crimbo Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 On 9/8/2011 at 11:07 PM, Vacant Horizon said: i've met patterson hood so many times, it's really no big deal when i see him. he is gracious and kind. very very cool and nothing like that ryan adams story above. man, he sounds like a tool. Doesn't sound like a tool to me. He invited u2roolz and his friend backstage, offered U2's friend an opening act slot, shared some weed and took them barhopping. He was in the midst of his adiction, so I'm not surprised he freaked when he couldn't find his stash. But dude...All the tired Horses got to open a show for him after this interaction. The singer who seems to be distant at best and a complete douche at worst is Thom Yorke. I have never met anybody famous. Did stand in line behind a Swedish Heavy Metal Band at Forever Young Records last Sunday, but I don't know what band they were with. Wait...I take that back. I've met Don Henley a couple of times. Once in a professional situation where he was a bit leery about my presence at his house and had his security check me out. The second time I saw him at Big Al's Bar B Que on Inwood Road in Dallas and we had a good chuckle over the first incident. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Shakespeare In The Alley Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 But it's generally accepted, even among his most diehard fans, that Ryan Adams is a massive prick, tool, douchebag, brat, whatever you want to call him. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
The High Heat Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 On 9/8/2011 at 9:23 PM, PopTodd said: When I was interviewing the guys from NC band Dillon Fence (really, really cool guys), Exene Cervenka popped her head into the dressing room to say hi. (They were opening for X.)Seemed friendly and nice, but I wouldn't say that I actually talked to her... just said hi back. I have a Dillon Fence album, as well as the entire Hobex collection, plus a solo Greg Humphreys cd. Good stuff! I'd tell you all whom I've met privately, but Bob Dylan advised me to never drop names. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
PopTodd Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Quote Richard Hell: This hardly counts, because he's the brother of one of my best friends. But he is a most interesting and thoughtful guy. One funny story--his mom is a retired college professor and the founder of a women's studies program, so is very much a feminist and also quite professorial in demeanor. And my friend, Richard's sister, is a very out lesbian. Anyway, back when Richard and the Voidoids played at CBGB's, my friend, her mom and I went to the show and they had a table set up for The Hell Family. (Needless to say, that's not his given name!) A good time was had by all.This is super, crazy cool. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
cryptique Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 I've met several, but I don't do impressions. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
almostART36 Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Tweedy - met Tweedy twice...both times in Portland, ME....the first time it was his wife's anniversary and he had just got off his cell and he was like "sorry guys on the phone with the wife, it is our anniversary" he wa apologizing...super nice. Just such a normal was funny because we couldn't stop seeing the one point they were all across the street and this was when AGIB came out and they were mocking Tweedy's Hummingbird dance was funny. Patterson Hood - multiple times....nicest guy you could ever meet. Goes out of his way to talk to you. Last year at Athens DBT weekend we were hanging out at their Nuci's space charity event and we sat in the hallway and talked about Dexter Romweber for like 10 minutes...because one of his albums was up for auction. Jim James - hung out with all of MMJ after a show at the hotel bar. Super cool....there were probably 30 people in the bar, the band and their friends, crew and a bunch of my friends and some others...I talked to Jim for a little while. A friend of mine and I were driving the next day to see them play Levon Helm's barn and I told him that and he was so pumped for that....and then the next night at Levon's i'm standing on the stairway behind Levon's drumkit and he recognized me from the night before....we started to chat and then a few minutes later Levon is staring over and goes "you ready Jimmy?" and brings him up to sing "It Makes No Difference" which literally almost brought the barn down...that was an incredible weekend. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
PopTodd Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Not a lead singer, per se, but certainly the lead guy in his band (Dixie Dregs): Steve Morse.Saw him walking by at a NAMM show when I was 16 and I caught his attention. Told him that I was a big fan. He gave me a big smile, thanked me, and asked me if I had anywhere to be. I didn't."Come on, take a walk with me to the Ernie Ball booth!"On that walk he gave me all kinds of tips on how to practice guitar and just generally shot the shit. A super incredibly nice guy who was really generous with his time. Basically an ideal "meeting one of your idols" situation. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
-seven Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 I met (well, not as much met as served) a few musician back when I had a cafe in the East Village in NYC. Michael Stipe - Very quiet. I remember he went outside alone to squat on the sidewalk and have a cigarette...squatting the whole time. I wondered what it would have been like for a fan to have passed by, seeing this guy squatting in a doorway on an East Village street smoking a cigarette and then realize it was Michael Stipe. Mike D - also very quiet, humble and polite. He used to ride his orange banana seat bike and park it out front. Moby - Queit and shy. I don't really remember much more about him. Iggy Pop lived in the neighborhood and walked by many times....never came in, but it's very cool to see Iggy Pop walk by. That's all that comes to mind. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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