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Wilco — 6/23/12, Morrison, CO (Red Rocks Amphitheatre)

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The second night is always better? I guess what a certain someone told me once is true...at least in this case, IMHO. :thumbup


Just seemed like the overall sound mix was much improved, the band's energy was a little better and the crowd in general had (slightly) fewer pot smokers and (somewhat) more "true" fans. At least from my admittedly limited vantage point, and even though a decent portion of the crowd was probably also there on Night 1. :pirate


Anyway, I clocked last night's show at 2 hours, 16 minutes, give or take a minute or two. As far as variations off the printed setlist, the band audibled out of How To Fight Loneliness and into Forget The Flowers to start off the first encore. And apparently Casino Queen was an impromptu addition for the second encore; it didn't appear on the printed list that I saw.


Great to see a lot of familiar faces at both shows! :wave


This was the complete setlist, as played, for Night 2 at Red Rocks:



Art Of Almost

I Might

At Least That's What You Said

You Are My Face

One By One

Impossible Germany

Born Alone

Laminated Cat (a/k/a Not For The Season) (electric arrangement)

Radio Cure

Passenger Side

Whole Love

Box Full Of Letters

Summer Teeth

Capitol City (no end bells)

War On War

Dawned On Me



Forget The Flowers

Jesus, etc.

Hate It Here

The Late Greats


Kingpin ("livin' in...Morrison")

I'm The Man Who Loves You

Red-Eyed And Blue>

I Got You (At The End of the Century)

Casino Queen

Dreamer In My Dreams

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I was just trying to figure it out. Thanks for posting.


I've probably seen 20+ Wilco shows dating back to A.M. (more if you count Tweedy solo), and I have never seen a better set list. Tweedy put a lot of thought into the song selection tonight. Only 7 repeats out of 27 tunes! "Dreamer in My Dreams" and "Summer Teeth," for God's sake!


Absolutely spectacular. Two stellar, amazing-sounding nights of Wilco in the world's most beautiful amphitheatre. Thanks, guys. It was better than in my wildest dreams. Maybe Santa Fe isn't so far away any way...

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The second night is always better? I guess what a certain someone told me once is true...at least in this case, IMHO. :thumbup


Just seemed like the overall sound mix was much improved, the band's energy was a little better and the crowd in general had (slightly) fewer pot smokers and (somewhat) more "true" fans. At least from my admittedly limited vantage point.


Couldn't agree more, although I really enjoyed night one too. But tonight was a better crowd and better sound (i think a little louder and definitely mixed better).


Throw out the new album, and is it really only TWO repeats from last night (Germany and ITMWLY)?


Amazing band!

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"general had (slightly) fewer pot smokers and (somewhat) more "true" fans"




People complaining about pot smokers at an outdoor rock show? I don't "partake" anymore, but don't mind if others do. Rather have em' high, than drunk.

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"general had (slightly) fewer pot smokers and (somewhat) more "true" fans"


People complaining about pot smokers at an outdoor rock show? I don't "partake" anymore, but don't mind if others do. Rather have em' high, than drunk.

I agree with the latter sentiment. I chuckle (quietly) when my kids ask why it smells like a skunk at times at Wilco shows.


And a fantastic set list! Wow!

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So now "true" Wilco fans can't also be pot smokers? What is the world coming to? :uhoh


Yeah, I didn't mean to suggest that the two were mutually exclusive but I think I was still under the influence of the contact high I got Friday night (cough, cough)...


But seriously, though, l was merely judging by the number of puffs I was offered last night (none) versus the night before (three)...


But seriously, though, I make no judgements about whatever people do at shows, whether it's toking up; jumping around like a jackass; or being in the front row and taking pictures of themselves and their friends with their backs to the stage during songs. Whatever you gotta do to enjoy the show is cool with me, more or less, even if I personally disapprove and/or think you're an idiot.


I guess shows at Red Rocks--which is as gorgeous and awe-inspiring as ever--or perhaps in Colorado in general, seem to bring out a lot of a certain kind of easily stereotype-able folks, if you catch my (herbal) drift. And most of them

seem like nice people and "good" fans. I was pretty much just making an observation that it seemed like there were slightly less smoke clouds around me last night.


As to whether I'd rather have stoned or drunk people around me, I'll leave that discussion to someone else except to ask whether those two things are mutually exclusive? :-)

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These two setlists have me pumped for Brooklyn and Cooperstown this summer. I mean, 6 BT and 3 AM songs in the same show? Killer! I was considering making these shows my excuse to finally go see a show at Red Rocks, and after seeing these setlists, I've made a huge mistake.


On another note, anybody get there early for Dr. Dog? How were they?

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I agree that the second night was better than night 1, at least for me. Of course I'm sure it helped that I was 20 rows closer and the sound was much louder. My wife liked night #1 better and I'm guessing it's because she is much more of a casual Wilco fan and recognized more songs on night 1.


I thought Dr. Dog was great although their sound was a little muddy, at least compared to Wilco. It made me want to see them in a smaller venue for sure.


Overall, a great 2 nights of music, wish there was a 3rd one tonight although one must not get greedy.

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Yeah, I didn't mean to suggest that the two were mutually exclusive but I think I was still under the influence of the contact high I got Friday night (cough, cough)...


But seriously, though, l was merely judging by the number of puffs I was offered last night (none) versus the night before (three)...


But seriously, though, I make no judgements about whatever people do at shows, whether it's toking up; jumping around like a jackass; or being in the front row and taking pictures of themselves and their friends with their backs to the stage during songs. Whatever you gotta do to enjoy the show is cool with me, more or less.


I guess shows at Red Rocks--which is as gorgeous and awe-inspiring as ever--or perhaps in Colorado in general, seem to bring out a lot of a certain kind of easily stereotype-able folks, if you catch my (herbal) drift. And most of them

seem like nice people and "good" fans. I was pretty much just making an observation that there seemed like there were slightly less smoke clouds around me last night.


As to whether I'd rather have stoned or drunk people around me, I'll leave that discussion to someone else except to ask whether those two things are mutually exclusive? :-)

Well, I'm glad that you choose to stay sober -- that way we don't miss out on your spot-on setlists and run-downs!


I will admit, there have been Wilco shows where I was in the "too much fun" club and regretted not having more crystalline memories of each song played, every word of banter, the small nuances. It's difficult (for me, anyway) to not get caught up in the spirit of a great big ole Wilco party! That last beer always seems like such a good idea at the time...

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I almost can't believe we were as lucky as we were to get to see two shows like this. Both of them were utterly amazing, although I too preferred the second night. During some of the songs last night, I just felt like the music was being directly injected into my soul. It just felt overwhelming. There is no other band that can do that to me.

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I almost can't believe we were as lucky as we were to get to see two shows like this. Both of them were utterly amazing, although I too preferred the second night. During some of the songs last night, I just felt like the music was being directly injected into my soul. It just felt overwhelming. There is no other band that can do that to me.


You said it. I have such high expectations for this band and they never disappoint. Last night was a true gift to the fans. I haven't felt that exhilarated after a show since I had 3rd row for Madison Feb '10. And I had much better seats for Friday's show, which was also thoroughly enjoyable.

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Great night, let's see what I can add here....


First time seeing Dr. Dog with their newer drummer, sounded fantastic in spite of a mediocre sound mix. I thought their auxillary percussionist seemed extraneous. Unusually good energy and crowd response for an opener. I wasn't the only one singing along.


Wilco was in top form. ALTWYS gave me butterflies. I know some people aren't wild about it but Capitol City brought a grin to my face, I didn't notice the bell sample had malfunctioned 'til Tweedy said so. I wonder what the Twitter war he had in mind was when he was bantering on the intro to Hummingbird.


I don't think I'd seen Radio Cures live before, it was astounding.


I liked encore 1 better than 2. I'm at a point where their old 'rippers' seem boring to me. I know I'm in the minority, people seem to have a lot of fun when they play Kingpin, I got you, or Monday, so I can content myself to a perfect main set. Hell, end of encore 1 with Late Greats was the moment I felt like I'd had a complete experience.

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This was my second trip to Red Rocks, and it was as gorgeous as I remembered. The views were incredible in the park during the day, and at the show each night I would sometimes become distracted by the enormous slab of glowing rock to my left. When the wind kicked up, especially last night, the hanging "ghost" lights waving back and forth behind the band looked beautiful. I had a great time both nights, but I'd personally give the edge to Saturday for "Dreamer in my Dreams" alone. God, I love hearing that song. (Nice job, ditty!)


The shows were great, but so was spending time with so many friends (old and new) in line. The ingenious shade-providing setups, the sharing of chairs, coolers, drinks, food, tunes, special deliveries of ice cream bars ... the band, the music, and you guys are what make these experiences so much fun.

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That's an impressive setlist for sure. Thanks to all for posting reports.

Just out of curiosity: what is it like seeing a show there if you're not in the first couple rows? Do you get vertigo? Maybe it's just the pics I have seen, but it looks like if you stumbled, you could fall down into the next 50 rows ahead of you. Scary! :lol

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It's not that steep. Distance from stage to front row is a little larger than average. Sound in the first 50 rows is great. From around row 30 up, you also have a spectacular view of the foothills/flatlands east of the Amphitheatre. Rows are actually pretty roomy, so no fear of falling. In fact, if they built it today they'd probably make the rows (they're 70 or so of them) a little thinner to accomodate more people.


Have seen probably 100+ shows there. The more I go, the more I appreciate it, especially when Wilco is onstage.

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Great show. i haven't got to see them since Cincy in '09.....I think. Red Rocks crowd, and security are great. I've been used to the back half of the venue getting upset when someone stands to dance. But not last night!!! It was somewhere around the 15th show I've seen (first one west of Louisville/indianapolis). I'm a tru fan!! I smoke and drink a bit. but not at Wilco shows because it'll go by too fast and then I'm just sad at the end:( I really thought it was over after "End of the century." So nice to be around good people and listening to great music in a beautiful venue!


P.S. check out "The Sun Came Out" DVD w/Neil Finn etc

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I was waaaayyyy into the second night of Red Rocks, it was a great great show from the mindset I was in. I loved the setlist and how much they mixed it up from night 1. I also thought the band had more energy, they were "on" or in the groove or whatever way you want to describe that intangible thing that happens when they are really performing as an ensemble with that incredible group mind. I thought it was night and day compared to night 1 which, from my perspective, seemed to be rather lackluster, like they weren't really into it or it was't coming together for whatever reasons.


Sat. was Wilco flying high at full power, an amazing thing to witness, playing so many styles of music in one show, doing it all with such skill and precision. I don't know how they do it, no one that I listen to does it quite like them. It was one of those nights when even their newer pop-y, lighter weight songs like Born Alone, The Whole Love, and Dawned On Me that I don't usually get excited about sounded like they had an extra depth to them. Something about either the way they were playing or my frame of mind made it so I could hear the song craft in those tunes, so much like The Beatles.


Things started so great with Misunderstood, and a very strong Art of Almost and At Least That's What You Said and I was already feeling like this was gonna be an extra good show.


I requested You Are My Face, my wife's favorite song, who knows if they would've played it anyway, but we were thrilled, such a vocal tour de force, one of the loveliest songs they've ever written and then it has the noisy dynamics, too. Mikel's piano playing in this song is exquisite, I can't say enough about how much I love this song.


One By One was another great choice, too bad too many people were talking during it, though.


Impossible Germany seemed extra long, like it took a while for them to get to the landmarks in the song. I felt like they got lost at points or they let the jams dissipate, not quite as sharp as other versions I've heard, but they still got to the crescendos and the unison guitar parts and it reminded me a bit of how the Dead would recover from a momentary stumble and it'd feel even more like a triumph when they pulled it off.


Passenger Side is a goofy song, but Wilco pulls it off in a way few bands can. I was loving this setlist!


i'm not too enamored with their vaudeville music hall style (Capitol City, Hummingbird) but they were playing so good and I was in such a good headspace that even these sounded strong to me and I was impressed that they are so adept at so many styles.


But the biggest highlights for me came in the encores, holy shit! Forget The Flowers was so tight! Kingpin, yay! The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Dylan have always been my overall all time three favorites, but there is another part of me that feels for a time The Stones and the Faces were the greatest rock bands of all time in their barroom boogie take on Chuck Berry. So when Wilco does this, on Monday, Outtasite, I Got You, etc, I am about as happy as I can get from rock 'n' roll. So hearing Casino Queen, their Stonesiest song and Dreamer In My Dreams just put me over the top last night. I love the way they take the studio version to another level when they do this stuff live. Dreamer has that acoustic honky tonk sound on the studio, but hearing them do it at full tilt electric rock 'n' roll version just steamrolled me. Pat was just POUNDING the keys on that one, holy shit, he is GOOD! I mean like Jerry Lee Lewis-good on that piano. God bless Pat, doing his Pete Townsend windmills and just rocking out like there's no tomorrow. He's truly the secret weapon in the band, no wait that's John on his swinging bass and great backing vocals. How in the hell do they not get lost when they drop into the chaotic noise and let the song completely disappear and then find it again in perfect synchronization? It blows me away every time.



The Red Rocks crowd does have a particularly notable way to enjoy a show. There was a lot of weird energy around me, people getting kicked out for being too wasted, and strange people who don't seem to know how to be respectful of others. I'm a Deadhead, I get all that getting high and live and let live stuff, but it was a bit much in my particular section (just behind the soundboard). Its funny how people who seem to be about being all laid back and free spirits can turn mean and nasty when they are too wasted. I also felt some weirdness in the heavily Dr. Dog oriented crowd. There were many there who were talking openly about not caring about Wilco, they came just to see Dr. Dog. Maybe I'm just an old dude, but to my ears, Dr. Dog have a loooonnng way to go before I'd say they were any good. To my ears they are weak singers, weak songwriters, and they just don't sound like they know enough about the history of good old music. Goofy silly songs without rooting in strong traditions. Very little dynamics and really novice instrumental arrangements with little contrast or interplay between parts. They did have a lot of energy, but for me that was about the only positive I could hear. I was shocked how many people were really into them and I was not surprised that they weren't invited to sit in. I think they have potential but they've got a lot of developing to do yet, IMO.


But none of that could detract from how great a show Sat was for me. I think even the band knew they were way more on on Sat than Fri. Tweedy joked about being glad to be there "especially considering last night" and he also mentioned how Sat's crowd made him feel Fri's were assholes, although he was joking, I sensed a bit of truth in the joke, that that is what he really felt. Maybe he was just in a better mood, I didn't see much on Fri that I thought was poor in the audience, except both nights had some talkers in the quiet songs and a good majority of the crowds did not know the "true fan" singalong parts in Jesus Etc and stuff like that.

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I almost can't believe we were as lucky as we were to get to see two shows like this. Both of them were utterly amazing, although I too preferred the second night. During some of the songs last night, I just felt like the music was being directly injected into my soul. It just felt overwhelming. There is no other band that can do that to me.


I almost wish Red Rocks would have been the last of my 3 weeks of shows. Saturday night is going to be tough to beat! But, on the other hand, I had so much fun with the Weekend group and am looking forward to meeting up with a few of them in Duluth! Or, at SSF next year :)

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someone check my work, but not a single song off of Wilco (The Album) at either show?


I think you are right. I'd have loved to have heard You Never Know, Wilco (the song), One Wing, or Country Disappeared, although I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on that one.

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