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Presidential Race (Respector Edition)

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I actually enjoyed watching the convention last night. the people there actually looked like a true picture of America. I watched some of the RNC last week and it looked like white, disgruntled America.


Hey, there was that one black dude they kept showing in the audience!

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Just saying. There will be more women tonight too I suppose. There are lots of them around ya know.




Considering that women are an extremely important part of this election I expect to see a lot them around. (I guess we can't keep them barefoot, pregnant, and making dinner).


Joking aside my point was that the RNC seemed to go out of its way to seem like they are inclusive, when statically the make up of the GOP is religious older middle aged white men (http://www.gallup.com/poll/118937/republican-base-heavily-white-conservative-religious.aspx yes I know it is form 2009 but I doubt it has changed that much). And their party platform really seems to cater to this group. Anti-gay, limiting women's reproductive rights, anti-immigrant, etc. So from my perspective it seemed a tad disingenuous.


I would love to see a break down (I looked and couldn't find it) of the make of each party by percentages and then the make up of convention speakers. Someone to the internets!

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Joking aside my point was that the RNC seemed to go out of its way to seem like they are inclusive, when statically the make up of the GOP is religious older middle aged white men (http://www.gallup.co...-religious.aspx yes I know it is form 2009 but I doubt it has changed that much). And their party platform really seems to cater to this group. Anti-gay, limiting women's reproductive rights, anti-immigrant, etc. So from my perspective it seemed a tad disingenuous.


Your link says nothing about age.

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Is Obama really that evil?



Maybe evil is too strong a word. But he hasn't lived up to expectations (although perhaps no one could have) and he is certainly hurting my profession.


I already said I was going to vote for him again...what more do you want? ;)

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This is the last presidential election that the GOP in it's current form has any chance of winning. The country will be even more non-white in 2016 and soon after, whites will be the minority. We are witnessing the last breaths of the Republican Party, unless it can significantly change and attract more women and non-whites. This will be the last time they can possibly win as the grasping at straws "voter fraud" initiatives evidence. They know that their only hope is to keep enough Democratic voters away from the polls and get as many angry white men and religious evangelical women as possible to the polls. It is sad, really, what the Republican Party has become. Many years ago, I voted for both Dems and Reps. In Florida, at least, it's been years since I've come across a GOP candidate that I didn't think was seriously nuts or, if sane, saying crazy shit to satisy nutjobs. I have always been registered No Party but, hell, I might as well register as a Dem so I can at least vote for the Dem I prefer in the primaries. When the choice is shithouse rat crazy or sanity, what choice is there? I mean some dude that thinks that he'll get his own fucking planet when he dies because he believes that almost 200 years ago God told some teenage kid the Truth, is the GOP nominee.

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I mean some dude that thinks that he'll get his own fucking planet when he dies because he believes that almost 200 years ago God told some teenage kid the Truth, is the GOP nominee.


Mormonism. The gift that keeps on giving. :lol:

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The country will be even more non-white in 2016 and soon after, whites will be the minority.

I was thinking about this very thing the other day. That may not be all that bad. I was thinking my kids could get into college easier being a minority!

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How come the Republicans didn't have a former President speak at their convention? Aren't they proud of their living Presidents?


I don't think that the current GOP want to point out that GWB saw the economy completely fail, and his policies lead directly to that. And they didn't want to point out that Romney's policies are pretty much the same as GWB.




There was a rumor of a hologram Reagan. Too bad that didn't happen.


I am not sure the GOP would have wanted Reagan there since he:

  • Raised the debt ceiling 18 times
  • Raised taxes 7 out of his 8 years as president
  • Raised taxes more than any other peacetime president ever
  • Signed an abortion rights bill (as Governor)
  • Created the first state based emissions standards (as Governor)
  • Expanded socialized medicine (as Governor)
  • And also supported collected bargaining

Even if the GOP could have reconciled Reagan's record with the current GOP having a hologram Reagan would have been terrible. If Reagan is so awesome put up a video montage, but putting words in his mouth and having him be a hologram, highly disrespectful.

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In Florida, at least, it's been years since I've come across a GOP candidate that I didn't think was seriously nuts or, if sane, saying crazy shit to satisy nutjobs. I have always been registered No Party but, hell, I might as well register as a Dem so I can at least vote for the Dem I prefer in the primaries.

This was my exact experience here in F-L-A. I was an independent until I realized I couldn't vote in primaries here, so I decided to suck it up and register as a Dem. If not for that, I would still be registered independent.

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Since he was taking about "working together" so much, Clinton should have at least acknowledged Newt Gingrich and the rest of the Republicans that came in 1994.


Also, isn't Rubio from Florida?

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Since he was taking about "working together" so much, Clinton should have at least acknowledged Newt Gingrich and the rest of the Republicans that came in 1994.


Oh yes, the glorious bi-partisan cooperation between Clinton and Gingrich that led to the government shutdown...

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Since he was taking about "working together" so much, Clinton should have at least acknowledged Newt Gingrich and the rest of the Republicans that came in 1994.



Too be fair yes, he should have. It would have made another great point, something like, "look when Republicans actually worked with me and compromised we where able to balance the budget etc. This current group of Republicans are refusing to compromise and just imagine the things we could get done if we had the same level of compromise." Or something like that, Bill would have made the point better.


Of course maybe he didn't want to pile on the Republicans too much.

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And quite a grand jury testimony. ;)


If convention speeches are like grand jury testimonies, he wouldn't be indicted for perjury like most of the GOP speakers last week.


So you don't have to look it up yourself here is Bill Clinton's speech fact checked for you:




Former President Bill Clinton’s stem-winding nomination speech was a fact-checker’s nightmare: lots of effort required to run down his many statistics and factual claims, producing little for us to write about.


Republicans will find plenty of Clinton’s scorching opinions objectionable. But with few exceptions, we found his stats checked out.

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Let's not forget that Newt and Bill shut the whole damn thing down. They didn't always play nice. Also, if it weren't for the shutdown, Monica probably wouldn't have had suc easy access to Bill. In the long run, though, I think the shutdown kind of forced compromise.

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