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Everything posted by jakobnicholas

  1. I almost posted a week ago asking about this. Thanks for the info. I'm guessing at least a few of these songs will be really good. Anybody heard any of these?
  2. To use an R.E.M. analogy, while I love the quirky,mysterious lyrics of early R.E.M., I also like the more straight-forward lyrics of Everybody Hurts and many songs on Up. And I've heard that Jeff wants to make a record that people can dance to or make love to or just enjoy listening to. "I dreamed about killing you again last night" or a song like Hell is Chrome wouldn't work towards this goal. Although, thinking about it, the often-repeated "come with me" has possibilities.....
  3. Kansas University is BEAUTIFUL in the Fall. (ahem....hint, hint...)
  4. I'm missing something on this Bird dude. I'm all for unique sounds and voices....but I don't know....first impression is "weird-bad" not "weird-good". And She Wants Revenge was very disappointing as well....the singer's voice and delivery did nothing for me. Different strokes, I guess.
  5. "Flaming Lips - Soft Bulletin ---> Still to listen" Wow. I wish I could hear that album for the first time again. That album has never gotten old for me.
  6. Nice interview. He also gives props to Fountains of Wayne....cool.
  7. I'm a Mats fan, and I resent that statement. You fuckin' dumb ass shit for brains mo-fo! Rome I can only take in small doses. His athlete interviews are insufferable....he tries to act all cool, like he's the athlete's best freind, but usually comes across as a kiss-ass jock sniffer. And his callers think they're equally cool...most of them make me turn the dial. But I do like hearing Rome's "takes". I think he's quite funny and clever and creative....definitely a smart-ass, but a funny smart-ass.
  8. Tough crowd. Just curious.... What other bands fall in the "good" category? How many bands (Beatles and Stones excluded) could be called "great"?
  9. Wow! This will be sweet. I, too, just started getting into R.E.M. around 87-88....so I missed out on their early shows. Any guess on the pricetag for everything?
  10. I'm a sports fan, and occassionally listen to sports talk to get the latest headlines. But I can rarely last more than 10 minutes. Most of the hosts are just so cornball....and you can tell instantly by the bumper music. I'll give an exception to Jim Rome. He's a HUGE Replacement's fan....and has had band members on before.
  11. Chronic Town is BRILLIANT. I left it out as it's not an "LP". Green is very nice pop album.....I love, love, love World Leader Pretend. And Up is written off by some....though I think unfairly. The songs are a little all over the place...and it somehow lacks the overall magical feel other R.E.M. albums, but in the context of Berry leaving and Stipe thinking it would be the band's last album, its many great quirks hold it together.
  12. Wow. Exciting to hear Buckner's got a new album on the horizon.Buckner's freakin' amazing. I cannot wait. Meadow Sept. 12 Track list: Town Canyon Lucky Mile Before Window Kingdom Numbered Spell The Tether and the Tie
  13. Maybe the Sun Will Shine Today may not be THE BEST, but I want it known it deserves some love.
  14. Mine (at least for today): 1. Life's Rich Pageant 2. Out of Time 3. Automatic For The People
  15. It's been partially mentioned, but with the Tupelo break-up, critics and fans naturally would compare Trace and AM. And Trace won that battle. I remember reading an article about Wilco listening to Trace in the band bus and really thinking how great it was....perhaps as though maybe they rushed through AM. I don't think Wilco has anything to be ashamed of. AM is very solid. To me, it's like a good, entertaining, fun summer blockbuster movie. I enjoy the hell out of it, but when compared to Trace, it lacks something. Trace might be like a more serious movie that you can't get out of your th
  16. Like most "normal" people, I have not heard this (as it's not in stores until next Tuesday)....and must admit I'm not overly crazed to hear it. But I do like Tom Petty and will be watching him on: Jay Leno. Thursday, July 20. Leno's site on NBC even says which song he'll play.
  17. 1990-1996 was magical: 4 Uncle Tupelo records (the only 4 releases of the band that triggered a magazine. "March-16, 1992" might define what people think of as "alt-country") 2 Wilco records (Being There STILL may be Wilco's best) Trace (to me, Farrar hasn't matched this epic record) 2 Jayhawks records (the brilliant, perfect Hollywood Town Hall. This record, I think, also defines what "alt-country" means to many. Tommorrow The Green Grass comes close.) Golden Smog put out an EP and their first record. I remember purchasing all the above.....it was a wonderful period of musi
  18. Look under "Just A Fan". A nice soul posted a yousendit of the new songs under thread called "Let's Fight.mp3"
  19. Damn. Nice! Is all that on NPR's site now? Will have to give it a listen.
  20. I listened for about a half-hour Saturday night. I loved Dead, Drunk and Naked and Ronnie and Neil. What were the closing songs?
  21. jakobnicholas


    I'd like at least half the set to be new songs.
  22. jakobnicholas


    I got to thinking about AGIB's release....I checked and it was released June 22, 2004. I just now gave it a full spin and still think it's a very beautiful disc. Some of the songs (Hell is Chrome, Handshake Drugs, Theologians...) all may have improved live...but I still find something special about the overall recorded sound on the disc. Has it gotten better/worse for anyone?
  23. I saw it by accident. Very nice performance. The guy's got an interesting voice....I mean that in a good way.
  24. That's my favorite looking set-list on the Canada tour. Ashes at the end must have been great. And "Let's Fight" is lame. The lyrics suck. Nels ruins everything. I miss Jay Bennett.
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