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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Sounds similar to the way mine were framed. The frames are kinda black with a hint of blue, if that makes sense. Looks good with the border color of the poster. I chose not to have them matted, but they were still pretty expensive. Problem is, we can't decide where in the house they should hang. The leading contender is a wall in the dining room.
  2. Because the options were checkboxes instead of radio buttons, I voted for both.
  3. Don't hurry too fast ... the Wolverines need lots of time to learn the new offense.
  4. This is the best part of the article (aside from the headline): A picture of the couple's house is still posted on the county's real estate Web site.
  5. Pay no attention to me. Let's just say that I'm not a fan of those bastards, if that wasn't obvious enough already.
  6. You squeak by on a technicality, yes. That doesn't make them any less evil, however.
  7. Gee, thanks for the spoiler in the thread subtitle. I guess I don't need to watch that videotape now. Why would anyone outside of Manchester cheer for Manchester United? They're the fucking Yankees of English football. In other words, evil.
  8. Youth Culture Killed My Dog We Want A Rock Narrow Your Eyes Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes Mammal Those are just the first five I could think of. This probably reflects that I currently only have three of their albums (TMBG, Flood, and Apollo 18) on my drive here at work, so that's what I tend to listen to. Tomorrow I'd probably list a completely different five. edit: I could just list any five of the "Fingertips" sequence. Especially "Come On And Wreck My Car."
  9. Nope. He's moving over to ESPN. The back page is now done by a rotating cast of columnists, though I suspect they're searching for someone to become a permanent fixture.
  10. Jorge, that first post you provided is infuriating to read, and I'm not talking about its subject matter. How many damn times can someone write "Now - " to start a new sentence? And he doesn't understand the proper use of quotation marks. Wow. As for the subject matter ... I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means about the quality of players currently in the White Sox farm system.
  11. Bucket Number Six Blet Tin Foil Hats The Coursing Veins Avogadro and the Moles
  12. That's the way the ping-pong ball falls. But how exactly was Minnesota "shafted"? The lottery operated exactly the way it's supposed to. They do it that way so no team is guaranteed a top pick, which (hopefully) prevents teams from tanking games at the end of the season. (Full disclosure: I'm a Bulls fan.)
  13. I'm sure someone would be willing to do a B+P trade with you (blanks plus postage) through good ol' fashioned snail mail.
  14. Yeah, we'll be on Lombard very close to Laguna, so it's around the corner and a few blocks north. I went to the Exploratorium in the '70s and loved it ... I think we'll get there on this trip at some point.
  15. Perfect, thanks for this -- Melissa is vegetarian, and this place is less than half a mile from our hotel.
  16. Ray Davies is the best lyricist. Paul McCartney is the best writer of music. John Lennon wrote the best songs. So, clearly the answer is Paul Simon.
  17. Bumping this thread because we're climbing on a plane in less than three weeks to head out to the Bay Area. We'll be there from June 6 - 16, and we'll have a car. Staying near the Marina neighborhood on the north side of town. We aren't afraid of public transportation or walking, and we're not the usual tourists -- we like weird/offbeat stuff and don't necessarily care about a lot of the usual tourist traps, though if there's a good view involved we'll likely hit some of those too. I know we'll be going up into wine country at some point, and maybe down the coast to Monterey one day. Also
  18. A guidebook I have says something about a big wall that sounds pretty interesting. It's kind of an old book, though.
  19. There aren't a lot of artists who annoy me more right now. I've only heard the few things that have been on the radio, but she sounds like one of those artists that some record company has decided to shove down our throats, like it or not. I'm betting she tested really well in focus groups. Kind of like Jason Mraz.
  20. Nice edit. You called me "fat ass" and then deleted it because you knew that would make you look like a total fucking prick. Too late. To whom do I report the board admin?
  21. Split hairs much? Why did you even bother to respond to my post? Really, I don't get it. Jesus. Just let it go. You've ruined this thread enough already.
  22. Collins is a fantastic drummer. I hope he doesn't give that up, but I won't be too sad if he stops singing stuff.
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