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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Why? Because you say so? Why did I just know that this post would eventually include some slagging on VC? This line of argument completely ignores most of the points being made here in favor of Wilco's decision, to wit: that playing SNL is, despite the show's somewhat lessened stature these days, still quite an honor, and something that most American musicians dream about being asked to do. It's not about attaining superstardom, but about fulfilling a dream. In fact, many of the fans you accuse of having a stake in Wilco achieving superstardom actually fear that they'll become superstars,
  2. Not even Bobsled? This is insanity.
  3. I think this is really cool. If I were more of a Hersh fan, I'd totally buy one. (I like Kristin Hersh, but I don't know her catalog well enough to choose a great ten-song playlist.) It'd be impossible for someone like Tweedy to do this (he'd be in the studio 24/7). Still, if a more popular artist laid down a couple hundred songs in this manner and then let people customize their own discs in terms of song choice and running order from the existing recordings, I bet a lot of them would still get sold, even though it wasn't quite as personalized.
  4. This is possibly the most perfect first post in Via Chicago history. Welcome to the board!
  5. Speaking as someone who has bought hundreds of used CDs, many of which later led to purchases of new CDs by the same artist, I believe buying used CDs helps artists, albeit in a roundabout way.
  6. I saw a trailer for it at the cinema last week, and it didn't look that interesting to me. Maybe it was just a poor trailer?
  7. Years ago my brother tutored athletes at the University of Florida, and he said one time he looked around at everyone working quietly on their assignments and realized he was the only person in the room without an Olympic gold medal.
  8. How does he compare to Timmy the Twister?
  9. It wasn't clever the first time you posted it either.
  10. Why don't people want Wilco to dance the Charleston?
  11. I wasn't voicing my displeasure with the government so much as I was voicing my displeasure with you. And that's something that's very important to me.
  12. I'm struck by how the (semi-)anonymity of the internet affects situations like this. 1. It emboldens people who otherwise would have been left whining to their girlfriends and the few others unfortunate enough to be within earshot to enter a forum like this and not just complain about a rescheduled show, but to slag off the band itself and go on rants about how they're screwing over their fans. 2. It prevents me from laughing in all of those people's faces at how ridiculous they're being. Seriously, if we were all in a bar, and some of you were going on like you are in this thread, I would
  13. Jeezus, dude, it's a fucking concert. It got rescheduled. Your ticket is still good for the makeup date. No one burned your house down or shot your grandmother or even kicked your dog. Get over it. Are you honestly going to tell me that if you had a chance to appear as the musical guest on SNL, you wouldn't rearrange your schedule a bit? The show may not be what it once was, but it's still an honor to play it. The rescheduling of shows sucks for those who hold tickets, but it's not the end of the world. Just adjust your plans. If you incurred travel and hotel expenses leading up to the ori
  14. My Jeff Tweedy-related list would just read like his overall discography. I think I've bought everything in chronological order, starting with No Depression back in 1990 or so. ...though there's at least one gap. I don't own the Wilco Book. That obviously means that as Wilco fans go, I totally suck.
  15. Hell yes he would. Fade the sound slowly, have a cameraman tilt up to focus on the SNL logo above the stage, blur the focus, and cut to commercial. I've seen similar things happen to bands before, though I can't guarantee it was on SNL.
  16. I can see that working too, sometimes better depending on the strip.
  17. That's right ... link to a Green Party website. You slay me. Really you do. Also, I think there may have been some creative editing of a post or two back near the beginning of this thread to make it seem like the argument was less about presidential candidates than about the parties themselves. Whatever. I stand by my arguments regardless.
  18. You're still using examples from Congress to support your argument about the race for the White House. The two things are somewhat related, but not enough that you can use an example from one to apply to the other. Through all of this, you haven't offered any reason why Obama or Clinton would be exactly the same as McCain -- only that the Dems in Congress are pushovers. You're changing the subject instead of addressing it. Honestly, it's people like you who create fodder for people like Rush Limbaugh and enable them to paint liberals as shallow lunatics. Your arguments are never supported,
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