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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Your points are pure speculation. Mine are based on statements and precedents from the candidates themselves. All you do is make claims and then use them to base your further arguments. I make claims based on easily supportable evidence. There's a big difference there, though with your inability to discern differences, you're obviously missing it. And you completely changed the subject regarding Supreme Court nominees, with some claptrap about how the Dems will "roll over." I don't know how to explain it any clearer to make you understand: with a Democratic president, the nominees will be li
  2. Prince is the key there. That guy is possibly the most underrated player in the league. I'm not a Pistons fan, but I can't help but admire what they've done over the past several years. Virtually all of their personnel moves seem to work out in their favor.
  3. I love Dylan. I just don't see any real Dylan comparison in "What Light." OK, yeah, maybe Jeff's vocal delivery is vaguely reminiscent during the verses ... but that doesn't make it a Dylanesque song.
  4. Because: Also, do you deny that there's a difference when it comes to Supreme Court nominees? Do you really think there's no difference on the issue of Iraq? Really? If Barack Obama is elected president, do you really believe that the U.S. course in Iraq will unfold exactly the way it would have if McCain is elected? Do you really believe there's no difference on healthcare? The Republicans shout about socialism and scuttle any attempt to bring healthcare to the uninsured by telling horror stories about the systems in Canada and the U.K., but offer no substantive solutions of their own
  5. I'll use your own words to answer that question from my perspective.
  6. Because you included that last bit, this thread is based on a false premise. That has not "been proven to be true." The differences may be minute, but they're real, and they have real-world consequences. Even if the only difference between them was the kind of justices a president of either party would nominate to the Supreme Court, that's real enough. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I see very distinct differences between the two main parties on issues that matter to me, and I vote accordingly. Anyone who claims there are no differences (sorry Mr. Nader) is glossing over the
  7. I don't subscribe to a newspaper, and I fell out of the habit of reading comics online (other than Achewood), so I don't see them very often these days. That said, I like Get Fuzzy ... I had to catch up on the backstory to understand what was going on with it, and I still don't follow it regularly, but when I do it's generally rewarding. My dad is freaky for that strip (and he's not really a comics fan). Frazz is pretty good, though it seems deliberately similar to Calvin & Hobbes in its artwork, which puts me off a little. But the strip itself is often funny on its own merits.
  8. Linky The basic premise is that if you remove Garfield from his eponymous comic strip, the strip is vastly improved. Based on the available evidence, I'd say that premise is correct. The explanatory text on the site is kind of weak, though.
  9. That sucks for Charleston ticket-holders. I've had a few shows rescheduled in my time (not Wilco, but shows I was *really* looking forward to), so I know how much it blows. I do happen to think an SNL appearance is a good reason for them to reschedule, though -- not that it makes it suck any less for you all. I hope everyone can make it for the August date ... I'm sure they'll find a way to make it up to you.
  10. Not my favorite, but far better than "What Light" imo. I certainly wouldn't mind if they played that one. I'm still holding out hope for an SBS song in the first slot and an older tune in the second (something energetic). And if the SBS song could be "Impossible Germany" -- full-length -- that would definitely make them some new fans. With the horn section reportedly in tow, however, I'd expect "Hate It Here" and/or "Walken" will be on the agenda.
  11. And I'm saying that "What Light" is going to make a lot of people in that "average SNL viewer" demographic say "this song is stupid, this band sucks." I don't really care about "wider appeal," I just don't want them playing a song ("What Light") that makes people dislike them on first listen, and that's what I think that song will do.
  12. I disagree on "What Light," but probably because I've never cared much for that song. I don't think that's a good first impression song for Wilco. It's slower, very repetitive, and doesn't really show the songwriting talent, musical skill, or passion of the band. If I were trying to introduce Wilco to a friend, that's one of the last songs I'd ever consider using to try and hook them.
  13. Yeah, I like that place. The prices have gone up quite a bit over the last few years though.
  14. I'm pretty sure tonight's is new.
  15. I saw the Iowa Beef Experience at Gabe's in Iowa City ... nearly twenty years ago? They weren't too bad. They opened for Killdozer. The Sidewinders (a.k.a. The Sand Rubies) were from Arizona. I loved those guys. Also, two offshoots from that earlier band: Rich Hopkins & Luminarios, and Maryanne.
  16. Given how weak the writing has been lately, you'd think they'd be more than willing to eat up a few extra minutes of airtime with music.
  17. Agreed. I hope they play one from SBS in their first slot (maybe "Hate It Here"?) and an older chestnut in their second.
  18. So the recent Van Halen tour was actually a Kiss tribute?
  19. Some stuff I learned when I was super-poor: Some craft stores (or maybe photo/framing stores?) carry frame kits where you can buy the sides and top/bottom of a frame separately, so if you need a weird frame size, you can do that. I think they come in one-inch increments. Hardware stores often cut glass much more cheaply than a frame store would. It might not be UV-blocking or whatever, but it's glass. A matte for the poster/frame, if you wanted one, would be a whole 'nother issue, though. Of course you can always buy and cut your own if you're handy that way (I'm not, particularly).
  20. Fantastic, thanks. I kept skipping that thread ... glad someone finally pointed me to it.
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