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Everything posted by tongue-tied

  1. great, just when we needed more VW driving british homosexuals at Wilco shows.
  2. i've heard about this, and now i've heard it. i never could get into Adams' music, but this makes me like him a bit more. first because he opened up with "hey Jim, this is Ryan Adams, um, just calling to say 'hi'". secondly because it's unfair to criticize someone for not being Wilco.
  3. between 04 and 07 they were my favorite active band. at some point during that time, probably at some late hour when listening to AGIB and thinking it was the greatest album of all time, i'd have placed them above the late greats Beatles and Clash. now i'd say they're top 5 in the active roster, top 10 in the all time.
  4. underratered: i'm a wheel overrated: she's a jar
  5. AGIB (it was grammy winning, after all) YHF (for cover alone, i might place it first, but the city/water pictures SBS (the nature photo is cool, though less interesting in context with the music as AGIB or YHF. i like the photo of the gang inside) BT (simple, yes. but to me it seems to be in the spirit of the album. i listen to it and imagine wilco as being really loose and energetic in the studio, and all the artwork seems to be photos of them in the studio.) ST (not a fan of the band standing around looking vacant. on the inside they're separate, Coomer's stranded at the gas station for pet
  6. i love/hate it. it is catchy, but it commits many pop pet peeves of mine. its too fucking loud, it has chimes/bells, there are a million other overdubs (problem with Summerteeth in general), and that section of jeff repeating "speakers speaking in code" really annoys me.
  7. my bad, i knew i might have been wrong. also, strangers is one of my favorite songs from anybody. and this movie looks like a melding of the last two, the train version of the belafonte is taking estranged family members on an adventure where they might work out their differences. could be great, though i'm not thrilled with Owen being the lead character.
  8. i don't think you read it correctly, try again.
  9. i wrote a big thing on how learning music theory isn't preferable for a songwriter, but rather than walking that fine line, i have this unsupported thing to say: the idea that a songwriter such as Dylan at the height of his creative output could've done better by studying music theory is fucking silly.
  10. i was gripped by the book, yet nothing surprised me. after Lupin named Harry godfather, i knew it was all over for him.
  11. bump surely someone here knows
  12. Little known fact that Allen Ginsberg was the first person to be both an analyst and therapist.
  13. I feel the same way. I think the movies have been progressively better, which is odd because it would seem the books would make it progressively more difficult to pull off. The first two would seem the most straightforward, but watching the second one a month ago, I had to laugh at how awkward it was. (movie versus book spoiler alert.) The new movie has about 40% of the book shown, 30% implied with 30% only the bookreaders would know or care about. A surprising amount of the dialogue is word for word from the book (I read it a couple days ago), though some is switched to different charact
  14. err, i think he does "touch" Bennett and Bach. are we ignoring AGIB and SBS? Hell Is Chrome is about the best piano-based Wilco song in my opinion, but outside of my opinion i think it'd be hard to deny that Jorgensen's piano part in it is pretty damn distinctive. with my slight disappointment in the evolution of Walken's piano part aside, SBS is also full of great key playing. I'd say that all three key-players are great talents and there's no basis to leave Jorgensen out of the club. Personally I prefer Bach above the others, because I think he had great taste. But all three have contributed
  15. Reveille Apple O' Milk Man The Runners Four Friend Opportunity
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