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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. Yeah, this was certainly a movie that just should have never been made. There is no way Hollywood wouldn't totally steal the soul of the book. Looks like they did and then some.
  2. Dead and all I'll still take Ana Lucia.
  3. 1. I Got You 2. Misunderstood 3. Theologians
  4. Damn the NBA for their ridiculous postseason scheduling. There should be at least one game 7 on today. I guess a double-header of game 7's isn't a bad thing, but still, three days off is too much.
  5. Ditto for me on "Yonder." I really loved the last album, but after a few listens I'm just about ready to call it a day on this. To many slow, meandering tunes for my taste. I'd still like to catch them live however.
  6. I can't really imagine being able to watch Season 1 now after this season. Don't get me wrong, I love it and there's so much mystery and unknown, but being where we are now, it would be tough to watch for me.
  7. What are you 12? Who uses that word as an insult who isn't in middle school? Grow up.
  8. It was somewhat implied by Richard a couple of episodes back that Widmore and Eloise were sort of co-running things. I can't remember who he was talking to (Kate perhaps) when he said "Well let'sjust say love is complicated." Obviously they have some sort of Bill and Hillary Clinton dual power going on. In a separate thought what flashbacks are we likely to see next season: Richard and or the Black Rock, Jacob and the bad dude, Illana, Is that it? I actually think that at least one thread of the first episode could pick up with the Black Rock inhabitants and Jacob vs evil dude.
  9. I don't know why I continue to put faith in the Lakers when they continue to play like this against a team missing its top two players, but somehow, someway I feel like Kobe will not let them lose. Let us not forget that Boston had to win two game 7's last year en route to the Championship, the Spurs won several in their championship years as well. So, I'm still calling Lakers and Cavs, with the Lakers winning this game 7 by around 10, pulling away in the 4th.
  10. I don't know about the second part of your theory, but it clearly looked as if Jacob brought him back to life.
  11. Here's where I differ with most of you. If you look at Kobe and Lebron pretty much canceling each other out, who then has the better team? Despite a couple of rocky games in the Houston series, I believe that answer to be decidedly in favor of the Lakers. They have more players that can create shots on their own, whereas the Cavs feed heavily off of Lebron, they have more big-game experienced players and Phil Jackson is just way more in control of his emotions and his team than any other coach around. Plus the Cavs have gotten no tests from the ultra-weak East (s0 far Boston fans), whereas the
  12. Alright, once again what role if any does Widmore play in what's going on now? Is Claire still alive? Will Desmond be back as a major character next season? It sounds like people believe Rose and Bernard stay in '77, die sometime thereafter and are eventually Adam and Eve in the cave in 2004?
  13. I think the Lakers will roll tonight. I think they've learned their lesson about taking a game off. I'm hoping Boston goes ahead and wins as well. That would provide for two very gripping Conference Finals. I'm glad that 'Melo finally got somewhere in the postseason. I know he isn't quite up there with Lebron, DWade, and Chris Paul, but he's still a damn fine baller who will be among the elite for the next decade or so.
  14. Yeah, ABC has been hyping that "What did you just see" stuff for weeks now. I just can't imagine caring about a TV show in this way ever again. I mean I put watching LOST live over almost any real-life social interaction, save for a really good concert. I turn off my phone, I close my door and alert my roommates to leave me alone. As for the Bernard question? Yeah that's totally him, just with a few more pounds and a big ass beard.
  15. So, was Richard purposefully leading Ben astray all this time by having him believe it was Jacob in the cabin? Or did Ben know that that wasn't Jacob in the cabin and was playing dumb to keep Locke off target? Also, the theory that they wake up back at the scene of the plane crash doesn't jive with me. That would still put the majority of the primary characters three years (2004) before where all of the real action with fake Locke/Jacob/Richard and Illiana crew are (2007). It just seems like that would be a a waste of time at this point. Lastly, I'm a little confused as to who the war wil
  16. hey Tamala, It's been far too long since I've seen you and Rob. Hopefully somewhere soon. Have a great one, Greg
  17. A local vinyl enthusiast here in Richmond who has worked at the longest-running indie store here in town recently split ways with them to open his own shop. It's a small, one-room storefront shop on a commercial corridor in the middle of a neighborhood and the kicker is that he is selling nothing but vinyl. I'm not exaggerating when I say that there's not a single cd, new or used in the entire store. Furthermore, about 90% of the store's inventory is classic 60's-80's releases, mostly used, though some rereleases. I've been there twice and he seems to be doing quite well. One day when I was in
  18. Didn't he tell her that her son was a thug? He's a total fucking joke and I hope KMart busts him up.
  19. Holy &*&%^((&^^%#^% I can't believe what happened in that Houston LA game today. The Lakers just don't appear to have that killer mentality that I expected out of them. I think they'll win this series, but the Finals don't look as sure as I thought they were a couple of weeks ago.
  20. Looks like Boston V Orlando may end up being the only competitive 2nd round series.
  21. I think Faster Pussycat could've been more successful if they were from NYC in 1973. They really aren't a far stretch from the NY Dolls, Johnny Thunders aside. Maybe Hanoi Rocks would be the bridge between the Dolls and FP.
  22. They were playing the AB's the other night in Charlottesville before Springsteen took the stage. I have read in more than one place that he's a big fan. I think me and my friend might've been the only people in the arena who knew what was being played.
  23. I'm scared to admit this, but several times a year, for no apparent reason I get the Whitesnake song "Slide It In," stuck in my head. I don't think I've heard that song in 20 years, yet still it's in my subconscious swimming around for some awful reason.
  24. I saw the Cult a few years back at the Norva in Norfolk, VA and they were really great and did nothing to tarnish their legacy at all. At that show Ian walked out on stage and grabbed the mike and said "This is for real motherfuckers, this is the real deal." Somehow it wasn't even cheesy when he said that. "Electric," is still one of my favorite records of the 80's. I always heard people say that it was the best ACDC record post-"Back in Black," or that it was the best ACDC record that they never made. Either way, I think it's one of the best riff rock albums ever made, and it, and they in gen
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