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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. Ellie and I have had similar reactions to the overwhelming political coverage of the week.
  2. I just finished listening in the car to all of Michael Connelly's stuff, which was a perfect combo of entertaining but not too cerebral (I can't do dense audiobooks and focus on driving). Need a new author to try in a similar vein.
  3. I was dining at the local fried chicken establishment yesterday and they had the live Trump press conference on. I simply could not look away.
  4. I don't want to spontaneously send unwitting pigs into the air, but you and I absolutely agree on something.
  5. When did they add the parenthetical? It's catchy.
  6. surprised at how good Master of None is. I really have not cared for the stand-up I've seen of his, but that show is funny.
  7. I started to post something about something but then I didn't.
  8. I found the article to be sitting squarely atop several important points with its balls dangling proudly over the side.
  9. I did not see a single commercial that elicited an LOL. Granted, uverse cut off our service with about 7:00 minutes left in the fourth quarter, so I missed out from that point until Peyton was talking about drinking beer.
  10. Clapton is perfectly capable and a good writer. I just don't think he's one of the best blues players. Very predictable, but he pays respectable homage to his predecessors. Some of his arrangements are great. The solos in Cocaine are phenomenally textured and I love his work on Lay Down Sally. I just find his blues playing fairly ordinary. First time I saw Trucks really get after a song I thought "I'll never do that" and "you just don't do that with a slide". I don't know Trucks' material very well at all but I would love to watch the guy.
  11. I guess the no posting Wilco performances rule is still out to lunch.
  12. Glad to hear that about Mad Dogs. Been on the fence, mostly bc of the cheesy ads Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. The Worricker Trilogy, thanks to Tom. Fantastic.
  14. I wonder if NOJ has met any nice hookers lately.
  15. I doubt they just threw him in a body of water.
  16. The Internet tells me 2012-ish. That's who played with them when we saw them at ACL in 2013.
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