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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. I have listened to about 86 chapters of The Girl on the Train (audio books are about the only way I get to "read" anything lately). I am baffled at how this is some kind of national hit. Just dreadful characters that have almost no redeeming qualities to latch on to.
  2. "a whopping 43 percent of respondents said they had never heard of Fiorina."
  3. our little Wilco fan.
  4. that is how they opened their show in Austin last year at Stubb's. Made me a little dusty-eyed. What a great freaking tune.
  5. as Wilco songs go, it's one of the better ones to accommodate guests, for sure. Simple chord progression, easy to solo over. I'm just surprised Jeff can stand it after all the Tweedy and Wilco gigs with it...
  6. I'm impressed that you're not completely burned out on California Stars by now.
  7. interesting that Black Lives Matter folks are interrupting Sanders' events.
  8. So all successful for profit business executives are incapable of applying leadership and management skills to a nonprofit governmental scenario? As opposed to legislators who've never managed a thing?
  9. I'm interested in that Marshall Jeff was playing for his dirt tones. I can't imagine that it has replaced the 2nd Morgan. I wonder if there was a problem.
  10. Is Jeff playing a Marshall? never seen it. Must be, only one of the Morgans is out.
  11. Magnetized is a good way to determine whether you have any loose or rattling items in your vehicle.
  12. I watched both debates in full. Still not clear on the GOP stance on Obamacare and Planned Parenthood.
  13. Rubio hands-down had the most presidential performance of that main debate. Thought Kasich did well. Ted Cruz is such an asshat. Christie did better than I would have expected. Huckabee is going to save social security through taxes on pimps 'n' hoes.
  14. I'm mid-way through the first debate. Fiorina has handled herself pretty well. Easy to see how she was an effective executive. Rick Perry is bafflingly inept as a public speaker. I may be biased since I find his existence repugnant I loved hearing Santorum rave about how we must treat everyone equally under the law--unless you're gay or a pregnant woman, of course.
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