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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I'm ok with my team being mediocre this year.
  2. Get-well-soon vibes coming in from nearby Deerfield!
  3. Anyone else pick up the newest version of OSX? I'm already loving spaces and stacks, and i just had a hilarious video-chat with my dad where he was next to the eiffel tower and I was on the moon. I can't give a full review yet, but it's fantastic so far.
  4. Makes you wonder why they'd rather play for a country of criminals than... nevermind
  5. Most of you dont get mine. only j4lackey REALLY understands.
  6. I played in a chess tournament in the peoria civic center once. True story.
  7. Some gems from last night's broadcast "The third base coach is really important, because home plate is right after third base, and thats where you score runs." "A bunting play like that will work if you can run, but if you can't run, it probably won't work"
  8. News flash boston fans: San Diego County could really use all that rain you guys are hogging. dickwads.
  9. Maybe this will make you guys think twice before you try taxation without representation! But seriously, sorry about the shows, guys!
  10. Ah yes, the dude at the end of Magical Mystery Tour singing "Death Cab for Cutie".
  11. I will try and make this. You're not attempting to play straight through anymore?
  12. Did Gambon or McKellen sing "MacArthur Park"? huh? WELL THEN YOU BETTER ALL SHUT UP!
  13. I swear you guys won't jinx anything by posting. It's a seven nine run game.
  14. David Tennant meets Peter Davidson (the 5th Doctor) next month in Dr. Who's Children in Need special. (written by Steven Moffat, so good things are in store) I love the Peter Davidson era, so
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