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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Full episode HERE. Jeff was pretty funny!
  2. TCP


    In Canada but still waiting on my orange vinyl. It's frustrating, I pre-ordered that Sam Beam and Jessca Hoop album from Sub Pop a few months ago and it showed the day before release. With anything I pre-order through Kung Fu though, I pay way more for shipping than anywhere else and I get it weeks after release. The most annoying thing is, I remember ordering stuff through Weezer's Kung Fu store when I was in high school, circa 2002/3, and it was the same problems then too. Fortunately I picked up a black copy over Labour Day in Seattle so that makes the waiting a little easier!
  3. Yeah I'd imagine there's something weird going on with your set up. I can't think of how the pressing process went wrong for that to be the case. It's possible, I suppose, but you should do some tests and make sure everything is set up correctly, just to be sure!
  4. I hope jff is right. I've always wanted to visit Amoeba LA, even if it's supposedly a little touristy.
  5. Yeah, I got the 2014 reissues too, they were exceptionally well done. Just like the original, the inside of On The Beach's jacket matches the inside of the umbrella on the cover. Just lots of little details like that. Plus the pressing quality is top notch, as always with Neil's albums. I really want Harvest Moon on vinyl, but it took six years between the 2009 reissues of the first four albums to reissues of the next four (individually, at least). So Harvest Moon will be available in 2040 maybe.
  6. NOOOOO!!! Do not, I can't repeat this enough, do NOT use paper towel on a vinyl record, that'll make things much worse. There's a few solutions online to cleaning records, don't use woodglue or something like that, but destilled water and a microfibre cloth should work. If you're serious about vinyl, I can't recommend the Spin Clean enough. It's pretty affordable and does a great job.
  7. An important note from last night's Wilco concert regarding (potentially) this thread, courtesy bbop: Based off that I will now update my Wilco album standings to a 10 way tie between AM, Being There, Summerteeth, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, A Ghost Is Born, Sky Blue Sky, Wilco (The Album), The Whole Love, Star Wars, and Schmilco. ALL RECORDS ARE EQUAL!
  8. Yeah I picked it up on Friday. It's pretty good. Though if you already have most of The White Stripes albums, a lot of this would be redundant. Some of the new mixes are really cool and there's some b-sides and songs like Love Is The Truth which is nice to own on vinyl. It's too bad, one of the recent Third Man Records Vault package was a live Jack White acoustic show, accompanied by stand up bass, dobro, and fiddle. It was a much more interesting acoustic release.
  9. I have a short 5 minute drive into work, so I'll listen to CBC Radio 2 on the way in and the way home, they usually play pretty good music. If I'm in the office I'm usually editing video, so music would be too distracting but if I'm doing admin work (or slacking) I'll open spotify. On the weekends if the wife and I are driving around we'll use our iPod in the car. At home though, it's all vinyl.
  10. TCP


    I believe they delivered it to Schmanalogshman.
  11. A new Wilco album means bumping this thread. 1) Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 2) A Ghost Is Born 3) Being There 4) Summerteeth 5) Schmilco 6) Star Wars 7) AM 8) Sky Blue Sky 9) The Whole Love 10) Wilco The Album All these records would be pretty close together. It's pretty impressive, I can't think of too many bands that have released this many records without a bad album in their catalog.
  12. They also gave Being There a 6.8 (and said Misunderstood sounds like Beck and that AM was "downright bad"). Clearly, they're ashamed of that because they've removed it off their website. But the internet never forgets.
  13. TCP


    From the Wilco Facebook page: Damn, Europe got the best vinyl.
  14. Ahh, I hate music reviews. It's so subjective. Sky Blue Sky was the worst Wilco album? Get real Dan Lucas.
  15. This is the best I got, somehow my phone got stuck on square photos, but you can see Jeff's tiny little combo amps. EDIT: It's kind of big so just click this link. Mikael's keyboards look stripped down too, but the only one I could make out was a Moog, just to the left of him in that photo. Pat's keyboards are likely stripped down too, he has a piano to his left with a glockenspiel(?) on top of it for Radiocure (and probably other songs). I don't recall how much equipment John had on stage last year, probably not much since he's the bass player, but he ended up playing the 12 string acoustic
  16. Oh shit, sorry, I meant Late Greats. I had an almost 10 hour drive home yesterday, I was a little brain dead clearly.
  17. You nailed it. I just spun my LP for the first time. It's definitely going to take a few listens to properly digest, which is a nice balance from Star Wars. If history has taught me anything, Wilco is at their best when you don't fully understand on first listen.
  18. If the full title is "Wilco Schmilco" does that mean we have to say "Wilco Schmilco by Wilco" or "Wilco's new album Wilco Schmilco"? I kept a closer eye on Pat last night, it's really impressive how many instruments he switches between, even in midsong. I agree with Chuck, Impossible was best on Friday but Spiders was best the second night. I love AGIB and SBS but some of those songs like Spiders and Late Greats are so much better live. It was a special moment when they started Late Greats and everyone stood up and sang along. Seattle is a beautiful city. The wife and I met two VCers, radi
  19. Ah! So sorry, I didn't see that until now, if I had I would have come over and said hi!
  20. I was surprised by how similar it was to last night's show but it was still very good! I agree with knotgreen that the triple whammy of Ashes/Locator/Laminated Cat was fantastic. How great is Pat on the banjo? I love the response from the crowd when John sings It's Just That Simple! The acoustic version of Nothingsevergoingtostandinmyway was another highlight. The pause in the concert was unfortunate and I feel bad for the band as they probably didn't know what was going on. I was close by and the whole situation definitely put a damper on the evening, at least for me. Hopefully that gentleman
  21. It wasn't that bad, for the most part it was great, I'm sitting lower tonight which should hopefully be better! You know, I have to say for having marijuana legal here, I haven't seen it or even smelt it once since arriving yesterday AM. Is it usual for the band's photographer to take a picture of the crowd at the end of the show?
  22. Just got a vinyl copy thanks to a certain Seattle record store selling it early. Download code doesn't work yet and I didn't bring a turntable with me BUT the artwork is, as always, top notch!
  23. Yeah I was really impressed with the background of the set, it would change colours between songs, some songs even had clouds that would move at different speeds! My first Seattle (and US concert!). The crowd did a really good job singing along for A Shot in the Arm, but from at least where I was sitting (lower balcony) it was the worst crowd I've been in. People in front of us were talking the whole time, someone behind us took photos with their flash on throughout the entire concert which is just rude, and someone threw up not too far from us. Kudos to the staff though, they were super quick
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