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Everything posted by TCP

  1. That stage looked great and that setlist was awesome. Reservations is great live. I've seen Wilco play Impossible Germany 3 times now but I've never seen Nels solo like that, jeeze. EDIT: Oh and the new Schmilco songs that haven't been released online (officially) by Wilco sounded great! I hope we get a few more tomorrow night.
  2. That stage is beautiful and that setlist is AMAZING. Glad to see so many Schmilco songs get played.
  3. TCP


    That Jack White acoustic record comes out too. That's all that I'm aware of though.
  4. All you people living close to major cities make me sad I've lived in the interior of BC most of my life, an 8 hour drive to the biggest city, Vancouver. So I haven't seen a lot of concerts locally. Well once Great Lake Swimmers played here, they were ok. And like a fool I once missed Joel Plaskett. I saw a few concerts in 2006-07 when I was in Vancouver for college, but not a lot of the bands I was into played the city in that period. Since then though, I'm now an actual adult with a wife and a career but no kids, so the wife and I have tried to line up our vacations with concerts in the p
  5. TCP


    Nice! Make the Monday morning return to work a little easier. That baseline kind of reminds me of The Breeders' Cannonball. I like it!
  6. TCP


    According to the Wilco Facebook account the Schmilco world tour begins Tuesday, so it sounds like we can expect more Schmilco tunes then!
  7. TCP


    Fellow Canadians... packages from Wilco's Kung Fu store usually come up via Puralator, correct? I don't want Schmilco to get trapped in the mail if this strike goes long. EDIT: Unrelated bad news via an e-mail from Kung Fu: Sounds like it's "some" and not all? Hopefully if we got our orders in right away we'll get it when we were suppose to?
  8. Yeah the fact that Star Wars was easily the best Wilco album since A Ghost Is Born only makes the excitement for Schmilco worse. I was definitely not this excited for The Whole Love or Wilco The Album.
  9. There's no better way to get me excited than to compare something to On the Beach. Must... remain... calm....
  10. I've been watching The Tragically Hip concert on CBC! Did they just play the two Schmilco songs??
  11. TCP


    There's a romantic notion of a band like Wilco recording mostly live in the studio together. And they've done that on albums like Sky Blue Sky and The Whole Love. I just don't think those are particularly great albums for Wilco. Especially in comparison to Star Wars. The performances on those albums are great but the songs are lacking. If recording the songs separately lets the band do something as fresh sounding as Star Wars and the Schmilco preview songs, I'm ok with that. I'd sacrifice the warm studio intimacy that records like The Whole Love had for all around better songs.
  12. TCP


    Damn, I wish they were doing these listening parties in Canada, I want a Schmilco slipmat
  13. TCP


    It'd be nice if they'd play the album in full, similar to how they were playing Star Wars in order, but without posting it online first so we can experience the album for the first time live. Also not trying to be rude but doing away with the hootenanny is the worst idea I've ever heard, acoustic Wilco is just so good.
  14. That's not how my list would look, that's for sure. There's a few albums I'd say are not even country on there, Bright Eyes for instance (which has one song I'd classify as country). Magnolia Electric Co should be much higher. Also no Sadies? Seriously? Wait, where was Neil Young? Johnny Cash and Loretta Lynn make it on but no Neil?! Although to be fair, I do agree with their #1.
  15. TCP


    Or a If I Ever Was A Child 7" was announced/released!!!
  16. Here's a potential Wilco reference, maybe... So, earlier this week, the wife and I are on a roadtrip, we made a giant playlist and she put on Joel Plaskett's Through & Through & Through, which I'd never heard before. As a big Wilco fan a few lyrics perked my interest: Ok, common saying, probably not a Wilco reference. BUT WAIT! The blue eyed soul line is what got my interest, but again, maybe doesn't mean anything. But the "You won't hear our songs on the radio" sounds a lot like The Late Greats "You can't hear 'em on the radio", and the next two lines suggest that reference as wel
  17. There was definitely a period where I would describe Wilco as the American equivalent of Radiohead. They were doing to Americana/folk music what Radiohead did to British rock. But after Sky Blue Sky, Whole Love, etc, I don't know if that's really true anymore. But I think in the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot/A Ghost Is Born era, it was sort of fitting. At this point after 10 albums maybe it's easier to describe them on an album-by-album basis.
  18. I was posting heavily back then (as "Halcyon"), but I have no recollection of this. I'm just glad I wasn't the hoaxer!
  19. TCP


    That looks great. Don't tempt me, Wilco! Oops, yep! That's what I get for posting while also finishing my work.
  20. TCP


    I really appreciate these shorter Wilco albums. It's always a little much to flip/switch the record every two or three songs on albums that are just a few minutes too long for 2 LPs 1LP like Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
  21. TCP


    Europe got the best vinyl this time.
  22. TCP


    I wonder if/when we'll get a single this time. I'd love to get If I Ever Was A Child on 7" before the LP comes out. I still spin Random Name Generator 7" occasionally.
  23. TCP


    Is everyone going to chew their gum? I almost feel bad destroying such a limited collectors item! Maybe e-mail Kung Fu? I ordered mine at 7:20 PT and when I check my e-mail confirmation the gum is listed below the album.
  24. TCP


    I don't know if I'd say those are lazy album titles. I definitely don't think they take naming their albums as serious as they did with Yankee Hotel Foxtrot or A Ghost Is Born. Fortunately, they still take their music seriously so I'd guess it's actually a sign of maturity. ..If that makes sense??
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