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Everything posted by MunkyKayse

  1. What about the DVD extra that came with SBS Delux? I've only watched it once. Is that wrong?
  2. Ha ha ha! Okay, I shouldn't laugh at that. I once drempt I was standing in a line outside of a building, waiting for a Wilco concert to start, and out walks Jeff Tweedy. He walks up to me and starts making out with me. And then I pull away and say "But you're married!" and he's all "We broke up" and we go back at it again. I think that's the only Wilco-related dream I've ever had.
  3. I was wine tasting in Napa when I heard a Wilco song come over the speakers. I can't remember which song it was, but I do remember saying out loud "Oh my God! It's Wilco!" Only my aunt understood why I was so excited.
  4. Even though I can't go ( ) I would love to hear (or see on a possible DVD??): A.M. Should've been in love Being There: I got you (at the end of the century) MA1: Hesitating Beauty Summerteeth: When You Wake Up Feeling Old MA2: Airline To Heaven YHF: All of it!! AGIB: Wishful Thinking SBS: Impossible Germany Extras: Cars Can't Escape, Panthers, Diamond Claw
  5. To date I've only met three people who claimed they knew of/heard Wilco without having been exposed to the band through me. Did that sentence make sense? I've been drinking wine...
  6. I haven't listened to any recordings from the show, and I can't recall any moments when I thought the music might have been off a bit. I was too happy to be there to care. It was a great night! Too Far Apart was the one song that blew me away. Now when I listen to the original on AM, I can't help but think the song sounds incomplete. Considering the speed in which that record was produced, it probably was!
  7. I am so jealous of Chicago right now.
  8. Wow!!! It's not enough this band makes the best music in the world (in my opinion), but they're kick-ass people ta boot! Congrats on not passing out while in the middle of that call!
  9. Those plates are super sweet. It's a great way to identify a Wilco-phile while out on the highway.
  10. MunkyKayse


    Ditto. Easily in my top five of best songs evar. So for that, I could never be a Jay-hater.
  11. Ditto. After hearing it live, all I could think was "That song kicks ASS!" And I never really thought that before. Although I love A.M. with all of my heart. I listen to Summerteeth the least. It took the longest for me to "get into", although it did eventually happen. The songs are beautiful, but the album does suffer slightly from over-production. But anywho...
  12. I happened to record ALL of the nothings on my cell phone. I played it back, and marked down each nothing, and came up with 42. That's my final verdict. Saw your pics on Myspace. Unless those are faked. You never know. But you seemed to fit the bill.
  13. ...I bought last (before SBS was released, obviously) ...contains my favorite* Wilco tune, Should've been in Love ...makes me feel like going on a long road trip. *I have no number-one favorite, but whenever this song comes up on my iPod, I never skip it.
  14. Seconded. Wilco men are the best looking.
  15. I imagine my friend and I were the only ones last night not lighting up, but there was really no need to. Just had to breathe the air! Which reminds me of one event that happened near the end of the first encore: This dude was making his way up from the pit, when he just stopped in front of my friend and myself and was all "I'm so wasted right now. This is the best Phish show I've ever seen." p.s. And welcome to the board, Berkules!!!
  16. Awww! I wish I had known that! Well, I look just like my picture here I was too the left, just a couple steps up from the pit. Great view. Very happy. And those are some great pics! I really wish my poor camera took better ones. All of mine are blurry. But I'll still treasure them. I also got Tweedy's 41 or 42 nothings recorded on my cell phone. Damn it, next time they're in town I will have to meet you all!!!
  17. Great night... So happy to hear Too Far Apart! That song kicked ass live! And after Jeff would sing "Via Chicago" I was wondering how many of you guys were out there cheering when he said those words.
  18. I wouldn't mind a couple of A.M. songs, honestly. Maybe not Just That Simple, but I Must Be High yes. Should've Been In Love would be a dream. 7 days! Wooo!!
  19. First rule in my house is "My house, my music." Same applies to my car. The moment I see anyone's hand reaching out to touch my stereo, it gets slapped. Or I at least want to slap it.
  20. Five hours?! I feel like a retard. It took me the whole weekend to read it!
  21. ...contains the only song by Wilco that I can't stand... We're Just Friends. But I do like I Can't Stand It very much. First time I played it, it scared the crap out of me.
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