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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)" - Very funky Abbey Road Side Two - Lots of work for the man, time signature changes
  2. Good luck! It won't let me vote again
  3. I agree. It's not really relevant. Plus isn't this thread about who's infidelity is worse, Edwards or McCain? Just kidding. I think it's all pretty juvenile. The only thing out of this that annoys me is that Edwards continued to run knowing that this would probably come out and kill Democrats chances of winning.
  4. Longoria is a huge loss, but he should be back in a couple weeks. Hopefully they can handle the Angels next week without him. (hopefully)
  5. From what I've read, McCain was never offered admiral. He decided to leave the Navy before he would even have been up for a promotion and that the reason he left was because he didn't think he would ever get it. I know there was a New York Times story earlier this year that said different, but I believe it's been discredited. Even McCain writes in his memoir Worth the Fighting Forthat when he wasn't sure he would get a star: I've also read that earlier promotions he received did not follow the standard procedure because of his grandfather and father's importance to the Navy so maybe he wo
  6. Happy Berfday! Thanks for everything you do!
  7. I'm doing Orlando at the end of the month! Yippee!!
  8. I'll go for a 2nd time as well: Christian Apologetics - Voice But Your Own Wish it was a better picture. Aargh!
  9. Never got into this until now. Just didn't listen to it much, was a little too slow for me, but now I'm loving it. VC still generating quality recommendations!
  10. That must have been a great weekend for those guys. Nudies, then Cubs uniforms.
  11. They just got a deal and are re-releasing Ode to Sunshine with a new recording of an old song "Streetwalker". Comes out Aug 26. It's playing on their myspace
  12. Billy Joel is to East Coast as Journey is to West Coast
  13. It's a bad comparison and not a complement (Radiohead is the British Wilco?). Wilco is a pretty unique band. Also, I love Wilco and don't care for Radiohead if that means anything.
  14. Hayyim Mordecai Margolioth - A Very Poor Doorstop
  15. I agree with some of what you say, but saying that c,f,and d doesn't work makes you sound like you live in a 15th centruy cloister. Concepts of what is harmonious or dissonant evolve over time and it's about utilizing both the dissonant and harmonious, not just pleasant sounds. otherwise music would be very boring. Centuries ago the chord g7 in itslef was seen as dissonant. Now a funk band can lay just on g7 for hours and no one's ears are bleeding, so the math thing doesn't cut it for me. I understand what you're saying but our society today is too varied and complicated to claim someone's ta
  16. That's a good book, by the way. SBS is pretty good, too. Also, people who are saying that Tweedy's songwriting is worse, have you seen these songs live? Oh shit, they are so good live.
  17. I haven't been there yet, but you're pretty much guaranteed to hear Wilco in Chipotle's, right?
  18. I don't know all of Jim's stuff, so I may not be the best source on this, but from what I've heard, he used to be more noise-oriented and at some point swithced to a more fingerpicking style and totally freaked out his fans. But yeah, from the Kot book, Via Chicago was the turning point towards noise (or at least more "out" sounds) and that was well before Jeff met Jim.
  19. They've done Ripple, but if you're a dead fan, you might not like it
  20. Happy berfday. Liquor kills bugs inside your body
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