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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Sounds like you had fun man! I told ya so! Now, if we can just get Phil to do something around here in the Fall...
  2. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...0717?hub=Canada Goddamn.
  3. I know this should probably be in the NP thread, but what the hell...just unwrapped (finally!) From the Vault 3 and am crankin' me some Pig!
  4. Hey q23 be sure to give us a report when you can. Have fun!
  5. The legs that rocked the nation: Happy Birfday El F! (Pretty hard to find a pic of Miss K. that's sfw)
  6. Phil & Friends-- Deer Creek 7/15/01 AUD (the quintessential quintet: PL, Haynes, Herring, Barraco, & Molo)
  7. Completely off-topic here...I just wanted to say (given your screen name) if you could make your avatar Jeff's stomach w/ the ciggie in the belly-button (from the IATTBYH movie) that would be AWESOME!!
  8. After going there last fall I came home raving about the Iroquois to my wife. I said even if there's a band we only marginally dig playing there next year we must go just to go back to the venue! I check periodically on their site & it seems like most all of what they put on there are musicals. Might just be a one-timer there for Wilco.
  9. Is that at PromoWest? F*#k the rain. You'll have a great time! One of the best times I ever had--Alpine '89. Torrential downpour the last 2 nights. Very "Woodstock-esque" you might say.
  10. I enjoyed that a great deal. Thanks for sharing!
  11. String Cheese Incident--Deer Creek 7/15/01 SBD
  12. Question: there are 3 DPs from that 10-day stretch in Sep. '72 (9/17, 9/21, 9/27). Which one is your favorite? I kinda lean towards the last DP ever (9/21) just because I love Dark Star>Dews..but that Dark Star>Cumberland is amazing! Really sweet transition. Might be the only time that combo was played. Too bad, it works! Hell, that 9/28 show should be released. One of my favorite Other Ones.
  13. 7/15/89---the first Deer Creek show. A veddy good 'un. "Close Encounters" space. Really, this show was the jump start to the excellent Alpine Run, and the next 2 years of killer Dead.
  14. Just out of curiosity, how long has it been since XRT broadcasted a Wilco show? I know I have some from long ago, but I don't think I have any shows w/ the current lineup.
  15. I agree with the Iroquois. Nicest outdoor place I've ever been to.
  16. Whoa. That's kind of a double negative, eh? My bad.
  17. Nice. As you know the Buckaroos were a prime inspiration for JG & Co. to turn away from overt psychedelica & get into the stuff that turned up on Workingman's/American Beauty. I probably would have never discovered Don Rich if David Nelson wouldn't have raved about him to me.
  18. I love Owsley's contention that he provided a 'community service'. I have no way to dispute or agree with this idea...I was born 10 years too late to make an 'informed decision'.
  19. Sorry, Brahski. I wish I could've figured out a way to streak the hair w/ a touch of grey.
  20. Dig it, a GD thread has stayed on the front page for a whole week! Today's plan: dig out the 7/13/84 Greek Theatre show (w/ the Dark Star encore).
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