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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Regarding stellar material of the final years: I've heard both Bob and Phil have been adamant about not releasing 7/9/95 (even if it does hold historical significance) for the lack of consistently good performances (one came reasonably assume we're talking about Garcia here). I honestly think from what I've heard from '95 (about half) there isn't a single shows I'd consider worthy of official release. Deer Creek riot show is passable, and I wouldn't mind seeing it come out, I guess, if only because I was there. I think about the last show that sort of grabbed me was 10/5/94 Philly. And it wa
  2. I love Portnoy, and I really couldn't agree more with his assessment. Syd Era Floyd is some exciting, groundbreaking stuff. They have a pretty heavy influence on what was going on with The Beatles at the same time frame. I never felt The Beatles set trends as much as amplified them, and what was going on at places like UFO informed a lot of The Fabs' musical experimentation in the Pepper period. With a lot of Syd's Floyd stuff there seems to be a conscious attempt to be a 'Pop' band with much of the material - which is strange because the post-Syd Floyd immediately went for the interstel
  3. My favorite period is the Saucerful-Obscured Era ('68-'72). At that point they were still an underground cult-type band, pretty much. Very much the epitome of 'head' music. Too bad they haven't done an archival release thing like the GD - the boots I have from that time frame are truly mind-blowing.
  4. I think we all know that everything post-Final Cut is not much more than a cash grab. Dave has made some very good solo LPs - I just never understood why he couldn't be happy enough playing some Floyd material live alongside his solo stuff and call his records The David Gilmour Band or whatever. Evidently it's a BRAND, not a BAND. Sigh.
  5. Ordered! I KNEW I was holding on to my Xmas present money for a reason.
  6. I remember when "The Delicate Sound of Thunder" came out. I always called it "The Thunderous Sound of Cash Registers".
  7. Whether or not this news interests you personally (I'm firmly in the camp that thinks anything named "Pink Floyd" without Rog lacks a certain integrity) the fact is this news is most certainly blowing up social media and the internet right now. Any word of a Floyd album or tour is always BIG news. Perhaps only topped by Zeppelin rumors.
  8. I sort of recall reading that 10/9 and/or 10/10 had some collaboration. Is that quote signifying that it's been released in some way? The words "disc 2, track 2" make me wonder.
  9. Man I'd kill to hear that Owsley tape of the "firing". Thanks for sharing!
  10. I own many many box sets, and I can state without reservation that "The Great Deceiver" is one of the very best. That shit is frighteningly powerful.
  11. You know, I would tend to agree with this assessment. It seemed to me to be like he was picking and choosing when he wanted to hit THE NOTE. I mean, damn Robert, it's one night, not a whole tour, you'll have plenty of time to get the voice back in shape for whatever the fuck your next 'project' is going to be. Leave everything on the stage when it's over, man. I was mightily impressed by everyone else. They WANTED to do it. I don't think Plant really did.
  12. This thread was started 4 YEARS ago and now we have a release. That blows my mind.
  13. I saw the GD 75+ times, and I must say The Q in '01 was one of the best bands I've ever seen. It was jaw-droppingly good.
  14. If you ever get the chance, check out Randy's LP "Kaptain Kopter & The Fabulous Twirly Birds" from the early 70s. It's heavily influenced by Hendrix, in a good way imo. California allegedly drowned while saving his son from a huge wave in Hawaii. The boy survived Randy didn't.
  15. Well, I know Jason would probably drop everything to play with Jimmy, but as you know he's hooked up with Glenn Hughes and some cat named Andrew Watt in a new band, California Breed. I actually heard them tonight on Alice's radio show and I was pretty damn impressed. Glenn is a force of nature! How a guy his age (and what he's been through wink wink) can belt it out like he still does is pretty miraculous. I've seen all the surviving members in some form - Jimmy with Rodgers in The Firm in '85, Robert around the same time, and JPJ opened from King Crimson here in '01. I missed them here in '
  16. Indeed. That would top almost anything I've seen them do (for me). The possibilities of that song in the hands of such a locked-in band like Wilco could REALLY go places. I guess it's not as much of a stretch as it might seem. I think Nels and Glenn, in particular, are capable of almost anything, and you give two keyboard players who have been together nearly 10 years a green light to do whatever the hell they want... What Jeff does would be key. If nothing else, that tune could be used to 'blow out the cobwebs' during soundchecks or in the studio, and there's nothing bad that can come fr
  17. I saw Jon Davison with Yes about a year ago and he's fantastic. But no Percy, no Zep.
  18. Wilco will be eligible in 5 years. Think they'll get in first chance they get?
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