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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Let's hope for the best. He is a National Treasure.
  2. I do have that. Haven't listened to it in years. I seem to recall a raging ScarFire from around '77 on it.
  3. I did Alpine (9/15) and Hoffman Estates (9/16). Alpine was off the chart! Weir's set was mighty fine, and the Don't Let go from Jerry's set...well let me say I hadn't felt that way at a Dead-related show in quite some time. I really didn't know Clarence had THAT in him!
  4. OK now. I CANNOT believe you just compared The Fabs with that other garbage passing as music. That's truly blasphemous. Someone put the bat-signal out for bobbob and watch him have a stroke!
  5. I know I've said this before but from Oct through the end of the year (1973) is my favorite GD tour ever. Indeed.
  6. I wonder which one? '71 is a VERY pivotal year. The early Keith Era was nicely documented on a recent Dave's. I would hope it might be April - which imo is the peak of Pig's powers.
  7. I dig what you're saying - kind of. Except Jerry is 22 years older than Trey. Jerry - comatose at the age of 43. Trey - busted for drugs at age 42. Jerry came back, within 3 years was playing with FIRE again. Trey - after his bust was playing like a demon 3 years later when Phish reunited. So, lots of similarities. Let's see where Trey is at at age 53. Life is a long road. And Jer would be 71 now. Hard to say where his chops would be at this point.
  8. Well, all my kids love Wilco, they've all seen them many many times. As far as favorites go, the oldest (daughter, 28) is really big on Tom Petty, the middle kid (son, 25) is a HUGE Pearl Jam and grunge freak, and the youngest (daughter, 22) has the most eclectic taste of any of them. Sigur Ros and Henry Rollins Band are among her faves.
  9. I read somewhere (Jambase?) that Dweezil played on Halloween and did "Watermelon In Easter Hay" for the first time. It might possibly be his most beautiful tune imo. Dweezil did a GREAT job with it. He also said in an interview that his Dad considered Easter Hay, Black Napkins, and Zoot Allures to be his 'signature' pieces. Hard to argue.
  10. Hell, MY mid-life crisis happened when I was about 27. I was drunk that entire year. I'm 50 now. I feel like I've went WAAAY past my expectations on my longevity. It's all gravy now! Honestly, I truly just do not give a fuck about almost anything now. I opted for fun in this lifetime, and fun I shall have.
  11. LC hits it on the head for me there. There's good (and not so good) in every era. I must admit, of all the eras I definitely listen to the Vince Years ('92-'95) the least but I challenge anyone to listen to (just to name a couple of examples) the 5/26/93 Playin or the 6/23/93 Jam out of Terrapin and not say, " DAMN, that was GOOD SHIT!" The entire first set from 6/28/92 is smokin, and that whole show would be a worthy release.
  12. I get 'em all because I'm sick! That completist gene runs deep I guess!
  13. ^ OMFG that song. I hope everyone knows where that one came from.
  14. I would consider myself "fairly picky" when it comes to being a Deadhead, but more in terms of energy and setlists, etc. I personally LOVE it when they fuck up musically. Not so much with the lyrical amnesia.
  15. What a trip down memory lane. I'd been here less than 6 months. Seems like a lifetime ago.
  16. Every time I see Hendrix footage I'm reminded of what a total badass Mitch was.
  17. Regarding his being worshipped like a God by Deadheads, Garcia's quote (one of my favorites) was "I'll put up with it until they come for me with the cross and nails".
  18. It was an enjoyable thing to watch. I didn't really learn anything new but some of the footage I'd never seen before - very nice. Sir Paul got plenty of airtime. I was hoping Eric and Pete would be interviewed because I know their first encounter seeing Jimi was pretty earth-shattering for both of them. And of COURSE the ubiquitous David Fricke was there to give us his rock and roll wisdom.
  19. ^ That was REALLY good, TP. Thanks for sharing.
  20. One thing we ALL can agree on - another Wall Of Sound release! Yes, I subscribed to another year, surprising absolutely no one.
  21. I haven't felt like this about a musical hero dying since Garcia. This one cuts really deep.
  22. I just wanted to weigh in on Jeff Beck and say imo he is the most unique, inventive, original guitarist alive today (at least in the realm of popular music). His way of phrasing is such that I have a difficult time spotting any influences, save Jimi perhaps. It's like he just sprung up full grown from the Earth. I NEVER can figure out what he's going to do next! It's always some accent or lick that I never would have thought of, and it's weird as fuck, but it always seems to fit perfectly. I just love the guy.
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