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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. This could be the week the Colts go down.Broncs by a FG.
  2. Come back home man....South Bend still has room for ya
  3. So true,but those damn things are hell on a laminator!
  4. Happiest of b'day wishes to you man....the reliable VC news source Keep on keepin' on!
  5. No kidding! I thought you'd photoshopped that for a sec there.
  6. Mother of Babbling Jeezus,is nothing sacred anymore? Wtf is next,"The Fat Man Rocks--the JG musical"??
  7. I'm inclined to agree.Barack is a guy I'd be proud to call Prez.But...don't we need him in the Senate even more? What happens if he vacates his spot & some ass clown takes his spot?
  8. Should he run in '08? That was the question this A.M.
  9. I don't have a shitload of DVDs,but the VHS is an entirely other story.I have way too much shit from the early-mid '80's that NEEDS to be transferred to a different medium.They've been well taken care of but 20-25 years...tape..I need to sit down & watch em more often.
  10. I'm sure to be in the minority here,but that may be my favorite song on the record(at this time,anyway ) For some odd reason,it reminds me of mid-'60's John & Paul (esp. the vocal harmonies) in a very good way. There's definitely more 'important ' songs on ST,but when ELT comes on the volume always goes UP.
  11. That's the one! I saw a couple shows on the summer tour & I thought the HB's were a superb backing band. Do you have the '86 Farm Aid telecast? 7/4/86.
  12. There's a good version of that on the '86 Petty/Dylan Australian Tour.I think it was the HBO thing (I have on VHS in the archives somewhere!).
  13. My only complaint:not long enough! Hell Bill Clinton's autobiography was 950 pages...and he didn't even play for the Dead
  14. If nothing else,I like to cue up the Poor Places->Spiders & turn it up LOUD
  15. I'm not going to compare,but it should be said that Michael Travis is a total badass too
  16. I once split with an actually pretty nice girl because she HAD to go see D.L. & I refused to take her.There's some things I just can't compromise on,ya know?
  17. I knew I liked you for a good reason!
  18. Best vibes for a safe operation & a full recovery. Stay strong
  19. With all due respect to the distinguished gentleman,I will have to disagree.
  20. Whoa! Good call! I totally forgot that one
  21. Maybe,The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway???
  22. Phish:Runaway Jim Harpua McGrupp (Anastasio must be a real dog lover) For me,one of the most positive,uplifting songs that never fails to make me smile would have to be "Shine" by the SCI
  23. mountain bed


    One of my favorites.
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