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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Well put. I'll look forward to discussions in the future JH.
  2. Not the great Phish song thread I was expecting All kidding aside,Bowie is hands down the best frontman I've ever seen.One of the very few that can straddle the line of art/entertainment successfully,imo.Saw him from the 2nd row once & it was freakin' amazing! favorites include:Diamond Dogs,Ziggy Stardust,Low..
  3. Crooked Tree I.P.A. (Dark Horse brewery,Marshall MI).Excellent!
  4. There's just so many! This is kind of like a lyrical Rorschach (sp?) Test,it may say more about the poster than it does about JT's genius. 'exactly what do you want me to be?'
  5. That might be because you live too close to the River of Death
  6. Cue up Black Sabbath's "Master of Reality" LP... http://msnbc.msn.com/id/15239501/?GT1=8618
  7. My daughter said it was a guy from the movie Almost Famous.She probably has a crush on him.
  8. I think my wife harbors a not-so-secret crush on that guy.What to do,what to do.....
  9. Does it matter who is best? If it did,I probably never would listen to anything other than John McLaughlin albums.I'd like to read a 'celebrity death match' w/ Cline vs. Bennett like the Ryan Adams/JT one from awhile back Oh well...I do have a Cline Singers show that truly blew my mind,I must say.
  10. The one time being w/ teh Dylan on the Before the Flood Tour,right? You dawg..
  11. You're on the money.Like I said before,these guys (MU) have a long history with bad behavior.
  12. Bjornicus I gots a question for ya.I watched a debate taped this week.NY 24th Congressional District. Raymond Meier ® Michael Arcuri (D).Is Utica your area? I thought both guys gave well thought out answers although neither guy was exactly oozing charisma,ya know.Just curious if you have an informed opinion there.
  13. Jesus... wow...my little brother went to ND from '84-'89 & he still has a shirt from the '88 ND-Miami game that says "Catholics Vs. Convicts" the more things change,the more they stay the same.
  14. Do tell...I was just reading where someone said you were at the game.I saw no sports today.
  15. As we say sometimes out here in the sticks,"Ya done good,man".
  16. I'd much rather read Wheel's reviews than,say,David Fricke God knows how these bastiges could paint any of us when taken out of context..
  17. Grateful Dead,eh? Sir,if you're interested,I'd love to swing a trade sometime! My homepage has my cdr list.
  18. The password is:...I Remember DBoon
  19. I find the D minor is the saddest of all chords
  20. The man who lives "Where no Wilco has gone Before!!"
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