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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Just hang to the side or the back. Great line up. I've seen most of the bands on the list and they're all right up there live.
  2. When I was little we had sheep (among many other animals). Every now and then, the ewe would ignore one of the lambs for whatever reason. Speculation was that human hands had touched the lamb(s) too early and it pissed the ewe off. Whether this is true or not I don't know, but the mother would not allow the lamb to nurse and would physically push it away and basically ostracize it from the other lambs. We'd always end up bottle-feeding the lambs and putting in extra time with them in order to help them along. Sometimes, these young sheep neglected by their mother would die regardless of o
  3. They've got a pretty depleted farm system, shitty veterans, shitty youth, and a crummy GM in Sabean who, in line with ownership, won't spend the money they need to be competitive. They don't have a bright near-future for after this season, either.
  4. I like early Kansas. Actually, I don't like Kansas at all.
  5. Best of luck lynn. What not to do tip: Don't be late. What to do: Make plenty of eye contact. Smile. Arrive 10 minutes early. Have a question or two to ask the interviewer about the job (what's the student/teacher ratio, opportunity for advancement at the school, etc.).
  6. He comes off in the piece as still a bit screwy and unconventional for sure (curses a lot throughout with some memorable quotes). He made a fortune off of his car wash business, too. Like $50 million or something.
  7. Ooh, I missed the one nut joke. Damn that's good.
  8. Yeah it was shown in the HBO piece. It really is a pretty inspiring story.
  9. There's no room for him right now. He saw it coming too.
  10. Speaking of nutty Phillies players: anybody else see Bernie Goldberg's piece on Lenny Dykstra on HBO Sports recently? Amazing. The guy's a self-taught financial/stock wizard and well respected for it for those in the know. No kidding.
  11. In the media last week they were compared to being the same thing as hemorrhoids. An anal fissure (tear) is a form of hemorrhoid. Same category.
  12. Why the snark, Lou? Assuming "Margaritaville" to be the hit he's also got a few others: "Cheeseburger in Paradise" "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes" "Why Don't We get Drunk" "Come Monday"
  13. You must have missed the memo last week. Anal fissure=hemorrhoids. But anal fissure sounds a lot cooler. In fact anal fissure might be a decent band name. Maybe if the Butthole Surfers ever get back together they can do the "anal fissure" tour. And tied with only one other team in MLB to have the best record at .500.
  14. No 2B-man choice? Absurd. Question/answer options are limited. I was Hanley too. I was thinking Eddie Gaedel would pop up though.
  15. Wow. I was way off. I apparently have my finger on the pulse of nothing.
  16. I'm no Buffett fan but he has more than one hit/popular tune and has sold a shit load of albums.
  17. I'd probably nail Janice though she could stand to bulk up a bit:
  18. I like both the UYIs for the most part. A lot of excellent tunes to choose from, more than would have fit onto one album. There's a time and place for GnR and I still go back to them 1-2 times a year and Appetite holds up very well 20 years later imo.
  19. The dread kid does weird shit with his mouth and eyes.
  20. Definitely. It's already been a good pub;icity move. kind of weird how a company can just attach itself to a commodity (GnR, here) without consent, though. Thanks for the great insight.
  21. I may be wrong as well, but my understanding is that the IP address dictates your market which dictates which games get blacked out. I have a link to IP addresses for this if anyone needs it.
  22. David getting heaped with praise for his risk-taking/innovation/etc. is horse shit, though. It's a cover of Chris Cornell covering "Billie Jean" a while back. I thought Seacrest mentioned that in introducing the tune but it seemed to fly over the head of the judges.
  23. That's what I mean. You can select a proxy IP address when ordering different from your regional IP address.
  24. I'm sure there will be some mind-bendingly difficult procedure such as filling out forms or writing your Congressman or something that only the true penny pinchers will cash in on. I haven't enjoyed Dr. Pepper for about 20 years now anyway.
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