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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Hey now, I called the over on TB as well (though not the "way" over). I do think they'll be a decent team to contend with this year. Just for the record.
  2. NYY v. DRays bench-clearer today: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/spring2008/n...tory?id=3289751
  3. Will Cliff's Notes for Infinite Jest be provided?
  4. There's relevence in his hooker-izing. It's illegal activity. There's the hypocrisy, too. But Doesn't it also speak to his ability to effectively run the state if he's busy acquiring broads on the side? I think it does. It also speaks to his inability to distinguish between right and wrong on some level.
  5. This I omitted and assumed we were on the same page about.
  6. Of course banging a whore dwarfs in comparison. Is anyone debating that? This doesn't mean he's fit to continue to run the state of NY though. He screwed up, got caught, and needs to step down in the best interests of the state. The man is in charge of running the state and is having flings on the side. It's relevant.
  7. She looks like she's about to cry at any given moment. And usually does. I think it may have something to do with life being so beautiful and we're all one in unity or something. I'll have to keep an eye on that mouth, though.
  8. MrRain, I agree with your take on this, actually. I feel the Bush Admin. is crooked and has broken the law on several fronts as well. I thought Spitzer had been charged with bringing a prostitute over state lines/trafficing or whatever it was already. My fault there. The guy's gotta go. Regardless, his crime is a simple one compared to some of the things Bush and his cronies have been accused of, eh? Caught red-handed and all. I agree that it's a lot different the higher up the ladder in politics you go in terms of what you can and can't get away with.
  9. Who's been charged with a crime though? Allegations are one thing and charges of criminality quite another.
  10. I agree. I fail to see why his situation is even compared to other issues, actually. People have good reason to be offended by it in it's own realm, regardless and independent of other issues that people have a right to be pissed off over.
  11. The population, in general, is pretty simple-minded. Caught with a hooker is something we can relate to. Having to dig around a bit and think becomes too time consuming and bothersome. Better just to believe what you're told.
  12. I did hear that recently. Tivo w/ lots of FF is the only way to watch this show.
  13. I love the Pups but would probably be too amped to sit/stand through some of the slower Wilco tunes after seeing them open. Maybe not though. re: JT opening for Wilco- Warren Haynes, arguably the hardest working man in Rock these days, has opened shows solo and then played with his band Gov.'t Mule or with Phil & Friends (full show) or the ABB (full show). I saw him at Red Rocks in the parking lot about 4-5 years ago on a make-shift stage for about 70-100 of us that were hanging around that particualr area. He played solo for about 30 min. and then hooped into a courtesy van back up to
  14. Brooke White. She's come a long way. She looks kinda hot now, too. The scared look is annoying as all hell though. Nice voice, though. She's done well the last few weeks.
  15. Good stuff. I agree on the Tom Cruise but the Johnny Depp one had me chuckling too.
  16. GnR's Appetite should probably make the list as well as The Clash, The Clash. Never Mind the Bullocks, too. Debut and last album.
  17. Michael Johns will be in the top 2-3. Archuletta may just win it all.
  18. David Hernandez would slay it singing on gay cruise trips. Archuleta has had better moments but he'll be in the topw 2-3 still. I still didn't think it was that bad. That was Chikezie's best moment but I'll bet it was his peak and he won't gain it back. I don't see what others see in the Irish chick. It was a common and tepid "Come Together." Janis Joplin's shtik is now officially "old." She's a top-notch bar-band chick though. Castro will stay in it. Never underestimate the fact that it's still a popularity contest in a large respect. Christy is a goner. Hernandez is a goner.
  19. Chuck T's high-tops used to be about $10 when I was a kid. It still amazes me that basketballers wore these in games. I can still feel the aching of the calves and bottoms of the feet from wearing them for basketball as a kid.
  20. My 7-year old makes these now. "Cootie Catchers" the kids call them.
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