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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I'm not a big Donna fan but I think she does add to the mix at points. She wasn't all detraction, imo. '77 is hyped, I'd imagine, because it was the year that a lot of those Betty boards became available before the advent or commercial use of cds. Having sbd analogs of a bunch of the '77 shows in the early 80's and beyond was awesome. There simply wasn't a lot of sbd material available and it was even rarer to get earlier sbd material at the time. And of course the personal preference shines. I personally really like the arrangements of a lot of the tunes during this period. I like the slowe
  2. This site usually has excellent insights and excellent interviews/chats with upcoming talent. They've been around a long time and are well respected for their analyses: http://www.baseballprospectus.com/ For quick Hot Stove stuff: http://rss.rotoworld.com/rss/mlb.xml And I go to http://sonsofsamhorn.net/index.php? for a lot of (usually) lucid and well-thought out fan analysis. It's a Red Sox site but they have sub-topics/categories with generally unbiased and incredibly detailed takes on all other teams/deals/etc. It's a members-only site but the major baseball stuff is open to public view
  3. I had a couple of these delicious rascals from New Belgium Brewing last night. Great, crisp taste and little aftertaste. Excellent beer: And tried a couple of these from Boulder Brewing. Decent enough, but too heavy on the aftertaste and once it gets slightly warm, it tastes heavy/syrupy:
  4. I year or two ago I got one of those breakfast griddle sandwiches and I almost yacked after one bite. It's syrup-drenched shitty bread and I forget what else was in it. How people can eat that sugary shit is beyond me.
  5. I saw this article from a few weeks ago linked on another site and think it relates well to the "overpriced" issues. In reality, players salary increases (in general) have jumped little compared to the increases (in $ billions) MLB has made over the last several years. It's apparent that average and below-average players are making far more than most sane people think they should make. However, the other side of the coin is that their fractional "take" from the big pie is minor. Team revenues have gone up markedly across the board while team spending has remained flat or gone down in compar
  6. Hey, P & H is only $9! I notice on the second sheet is "(steel)" written next to a few tunes. I was fortunate enough to catch Garcia bust out pedal steel guitar for a few of these shows (Giants Stadium, JFK, and Foxboro). The Foxboro show was on July 4th and I wasn't real sane that day. I remember looking up at the big side-stage screen(s) and seeing what looked like Garcia drawing pictures during the middle of a tune (I think it was "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight"). It took me a minute or two to figure out that he wasn't coloring during the middle of the song, but playing pedal steel. I
  7. Denver has a very large Mexican population? I'm pretty sure that Mexican-American is the largest ethnicity in Denver now. Denver has much better Mexican food options (non-chain) but for fast food the Chipotle and Qdoba joints are a huge step above the shitty burger joints in terms of quality and nutritional value.
  8. I don't know. I do know that Chipotle started here in Denver and that I've never heard of Freebirds. If it's a chain, they don't have any around here that I know of.
  9. I went with QDoba over Chipotle. By just a slight edge. Although QDoba ripped off Chiopotle's concept, QDoba offers queso sauce. Queso sauce adds a lot to a burrito or tacos. I ate at a Pollo Loco (crazy chicken?) for the first time a month or so ago on a whim and it was o.k. And I've never been in the mood for panda, and quickly at that, so I've always passed on Panda Express.
  10. Anybody else looking forward to catching Arlo's "Alice's Restaurant" at some point today? It's usually on the radio a few times today.
  11. I thought I had included Holliday earlier but mistakenly left him out. I wonder if there's still the bias with sportswriters about a supposed Coors Field effect/advantage. I'd have to look at home/road splits but I don't think there was a huge difference. Plus, it's not like Citizen's Bank Park is pitcher-friendly. Compared to Coors, it's a better hitter's park. You'd think it'd be apparent that Holliday was more of an MVP for the league than Rollins, but here we are. Holliday was pretty clearly the MVP for the Rockies, and certainly up at the top for the NL, but was Rollins even the MVP
  12. Some good ones offered. A few that weren't: "All Down The Line," Rolling Stones "Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown," Jim Croce "Smells Like Teen Spirit," Nirvana "Easy To Slip," Little Feat "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out," Bruce Springsteen "Pretty Woman," Roy Orbison "Waiting on a Friend," Rolling Stones "Time is on My Side," Rolling Stones "I Won't Back Down," Tom Petty
  13. I agree. NE has beaten arguably better teams by 23 pts. or more this year several times (WAS, SD, BUFF) and soundly beat better teams (DAL and CLE) by close to this spread. Plus they're at home. And they're that good right now.
  14. I think the only book I'd consider reading in the Kindle way is David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. It's weight is the only reason I have never gotten past the first hundred pages or so. Maybe I need to work out before I attempt it yet again. I can see practical purposes for wanting a computer log of the books but I'm with the majority in that I love the physical aspect of books as part of the enjoyment in reading them- the ability to mark pages/passages, the texture, the heft, the print styles, etc. I also like to lend books that I've enjoyed to friends (as well as borrow from the same
  15. I don't have the stats, and of course Ramirez and Tulowitzski play the more demanding position than Wright/Pujols, but isn't Ramirez on the side of questionability? I know he's improved a lot since a pretty poor defensive 2006 season, but has he improved that much? As good or better than Rollins on the defensive end? Either way, he's certainly worthy of greater consideration, possibly more so than Rollins imo. And not that Rollins had a weak year, either. But MVP-worthy? I'm not so sure.
  16. Nice pics. I wasn't aware you lived on a black-diamond ski run though. ed. Oops.
  17. David Wright? Albert Pujols? Hanley Ramirez? Heck, Tulowtzski? A solid case can be made for the first two over Rollins, I feel. The other two a case could be made.
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