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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I don't know if I agree 100%. Yeah, wins are perhaps over-emphasized, but they do give a nice glimpse of how a pitcher fares. For example, Wakefield traditionally does not get a lot of run support when he pitches, whether he's pitching effectively or not. There's something to be said for that, I think. And smart money says to never count the NYY out of contention. A Wild Card spot is very possible.
  2. The Braves get their due respect, too. The Cardinals, as well. As was mentioned earlier, though, when the Braves and/or Cards go on the road they aren't drawing as many fans to the ball park. That might have something to do with it. More folks want to watch NYY or BOS. So they're shown and hyped more.
  3. I think if the Marlins or Texas or " " produced year in and year out they'd probably get covered more, too. Griping about coverage of teams that consistently contend? C'mon. L.A. is a heck of a team this year and I see plenty of coverage of them. Then again, I see plenty of Tampa Bay coverage, too.
  4. Who's "the average fan" though? Everyone's got their own loyalties, and some markets have more fans than others. It's pretty simple, really. You know this.
  5. Not for nothing, but BOS has had the best record in baseball pretty much all season. The NYY are based in NY. Hmmm.....
  6. True dat Cripes. Or should that be: true, dat.
  7. Gabbard! Complete game shut-out and upcoming overly-complete coverage on Sports Center (though truth be told, I don't watch a lot of SC or Baseball Tonight...but I hear, folks. I hear). Stay tuned for all your Red Sox and Yankees coverage....
  8. You know, I actually enjoy beer out of a can. I think it stays colder longer and I like the wide sipping birth allowed. The Dale's is very good. Maybe I'll send some out to you....
  9. I agree the coverage of BOS and NYY seems to dominate and I won't get into the "why" that is, but don't certain teams in other sports get the same treatment? The Lakers/Celtics in the late 70s-80s, the Bulls in the 90s, and the Spurs (and Lakers to an extent) from the late 90s-present. The Pats have been a dominant team in the NFL for awhile hence they get top Monday night and Sunday night game preferences. Do people want to see more coverage of the hapless 'Skins (I'm a "Skins fan)? Not for nothing, but the media created the "greatest rivalry in sports" hype with the Sox/Yankees, not
  10. gogo summed up my perspective more succinctly than I did.
  11. Yeah, I hear you. I do. However, the rating is there as a guideline for parental decisions. I don't have a beef with a parent taking a kid of 6/7 years old to a flick they deem suitable for their own kids. The decision is not illegal (the flick is rated PG-13 which suggests parents use greater caution in taking pre-teens to it) and merely differs from another parent's decision, perhaps. I wouldn't take my 7 year old, but I'm not going to get bent if someone else takes their 7 year old. Poor decisions are often in the eye of the beholder.
  12. I'm not sure what the new Harry Potter entails, but I am pretty sure a 3 mo. old isn't going to be affected by it. It's not like the baby can even see the screen or anything. Again, with ears plugs I don't see the big deal. And a 3 mo. old baby will "act up" every now and then whether they're at Harry Potter, an acoustic show, church, or laying in bed. That said, my wife is at the new Harry Potter as we speak and she left the 4 mo. old home with me.
  13. No big deal taking a 3 mo. old baby to a flick. Mom's gotta get out, too. Tissue in the ears for the kid is a good idea and the sense to leave to the hallway immediately if the baby starts to act up. We took our newborn to a Todd Snider show in early June when he was 3 mo. old. Second row. The music was just one guy with an acoustic guitar. We did the tissue thing and he got antsy towards about half-way through the gig so we ditched the seats and stood in the back. No big deal.
  14. I recently finished John Fante's The Brotherhood of the Grape and want to read Ask the Dust but thought I'd read the Bandini series in order, so... Half-way through this: And soon to start this (I'm number six-hundred something at the library for the recent one):
  15. Sheffield's a twat. An incredible hitter, but a twat. Maybe Torre simply plays players who jibe with the plan he's got over there. Just a thought, Sheff.
  16. So if I hear you correctly, it looks like rain...
  17. Yes, it's ketchup (or catsup if you please). Nice photos, Sir.
  18. I think "less disappointed" is a good thing, old man. I had the whites too with the Stan Smith's. Remember, they ain't cheap anymore....
  19. What about injecting pureed steak directly to the stomach? Tainted broccoli from his youth....
  20. Thanks cryptique, I'll try again later.
  21. nm. I can't save the sucker for some reason.
  22. There was a quote in the Chicago Tribune from a writer: "It's true there's a 'Cub' in Cuban's name. There's also a 'ban.'"
  23. Pretty much any live music save trance/dance crap. In middle school it was a lot of Pat Metheney and Chick Corea. Anything heavy on the instruments and free-form styles.
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