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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. They do. Seems like a lot of smoke-and-mirror tactics surrounding the whole thing. It blows that there are roughly three weeks until opening day and we can't get a straight answer out of this.
  2. I was assigned to read this in college and surprised myself in completing it (as well as the Brothers Karamazov, another tome with heft). I really enjoyed it, too. I've always been a big fan of books involving the sea (pirate tales, true story sea adventures, etc.) and love the whole New England whaling lore. The book's a bit verbose with details at times, but Melville does an outstanding job accurately conveying the art of whaling in his tale. If you haven't read it before, my advice is to forge through the dry parts. It's worth it. I'm going to start this book tonight (assuming I can kee
  3. First of all, that's no way to talk to a titled man. Second, he didn't start the thread so how could he have asked for all this? Can't you see it's tearing him apart inside? Have a little empathy, man.
  4. For the few around here concerned about the DirecTv/MLB/EI deal, it looks like there may be some breathing room in regards to cable providing the EI package as well. I'd think heavy emails/phone calls to your local cable providers voicing interest could only help. It's a lengthy article, but in summary mentions non-exclusivity for DirecTv (if I'm in fact reading it correctly. It's a bit heady). http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/dire...7EC8E995EB26%7D
  5. Thanks for the congratulatory wishes, all.
  6. Were you, or are you still, envious of John and his very open relationship with his monkey? As a follow up: was the monkey Yoko?
  7. It's on the Discovery channel, so yes. These guys have what's believed to be one of the most dangerous jobs going: Alaskan king crap/opilio crab "fishing" in the Bering Sea. Here's a brief description of the show and this new season: http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/deadlies...bout/about.html
  8. This show has consistently been one of my favorites to watch over the past few years. Great footage, suspenseful story-lines, interesting personas, etc. I'm amped.
  9. Lammycat

    Sky Blue Sky

    AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS I keed, I keed....
  10. Lammycat

    Wilco Covers

    Cool. Thank you. I really like the IATTBYH....
  11. I don't know but I know he used to live in the Aspen area and I know he's friends with some of the NGDB fellas, so.... There's alao a great picture of him and Garcia backstage (outdoors) at a festival from the 70s plucking banjos together.
  12. Correct. And I believe you're correct that he did not record with them. His tenure was very brief with the group.
  13. Cripes it doesn't even take a Wilco fan to see the proper order is: AM BT ST YHF AGiB SBS Really, it's a no-brainer.
  14. Unfortunately they are basically relegated to playing country fairs these days. Very good band, though. Jimmy Ibbotson was tight with HST and still lives out in Woody Creek (hence the title of the most recent album) and John McEuen plays around Denver/Boulder a lot (I think he lives nearby). Quick trivia: name a certain famous/popular solo recording artist who was in the original line up of NGDB from the mid-60s? (no googling!)
  15. And the drums when Levon would switch to mandolin and/or guitar for some tunes.
  16. I think you need to reconsider your selections. Do it NOW!
  17. Through a quick scan of my memory bank, I've concluded: AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS
  18. Come to think of it, I don't think Robbie Robertson joined them on the reunion tours of the early 80s, so I'd say that both LF and The Band ended about the same time. Anyway...
  19. Some would say LF "died" when LG died, which was prior to the Band's early/mid 80s gigs....
  20. I listen to the first three LF albums very often. Some of my favorite music ever. The Band were an exceptional group of musicians and wrote/played some incredible music, as well. I'm not sure why we even need to compare them. They were unique unto themselves, really. Kind of like the Band and Wilco.
  21. Hate It Here sounds like it could be the missing track off of Yellow Submarine.
  22. I always just assumed it was about Charles Kuralt groupies.
  23. I remember seeing that memo they posted cancelling the NY shows. It was a bit cryptique yet pretty funny. That's cool he sent you a post card, though.
  24. My favorite Silver Jews tune. Great lyrics. Great imagery. Great beat. Great guitars. My only gripe with it? It's almost too short.
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