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Everything posted by anthony

  1. J.G. Thirlwell - No Vacancy (Venture Brothers Theme) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B8Nrw19qEM
  2. I have not heard the Age of Adz, yet but I love, love, love the EP. All Delighted People is such an epic song. It is mesmerizing in its bombast. It seems to me to be a song Mozart would have written if he was 25, smoking a lot of weed, and had a killer ProTools rig. The little callbacks to Sounds of Silence is fascinating. I love the compare/contrast of the original and Classic Rock version. It really shows his gift for arrangement. Has Sufy ever rocked harder than the outro of the CRV? Enchanting Ghost is so good. Heartfelt and kinda spooky. The 17 minute Djohariah is just ridiculousl
  3. Ryan Adams - Rosalie Come and Go The Doors - Love Me Two Times Mile Davis - Flamenco Sketches The Beatles - Wait Whickeytown - Only Comfortable at Night (from the Fucker Demos) Ryan Adams and the Cardinals - When the Wild Wind Blows (from the Darkbreaker sessions) Iron and Wine - Teeth in the Grass Neil Young - Winterlong (from a Perfect Echo) Neil Young - Powderfinger (from Chrome Dreams Rust Edition) The Avett Brothers - Pretty Girl from Cedar Lane
  4. You can stream their upcoming live record: Live, Volume 3 by The Avett Brothers
  5. I cannot stop listening to this EP. I didn't think anything would overtake Mumford and Sons as my record of the year, but this has (and an EP at that!).
  6. Tough to keep up. I run out of stuff to say that seems remotely interesting. http://soundr.com/
  7. Iron & Wine - The Sea and the Rhythm Sun Kil Moon - April Bon Iver - For Emma Robert Johnson - The Complete Recordings
  8. Anyone want to start a Wilco/UT cover band in SoCal?
  9. I just listened to the EP for the 1st time and really, really liked it.
  10. I saw them last spring in San Diego and they were really great live. I am driving out to see them again in Las Vegas next week. Anyone else going?
  11. Avett Brothers Iron & Wine Ryan Adams
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrcF7dYADsw
  13. My first thought was PF's Animals - whole record based upon Animal Farm
  14. My favorite so far: Mumford & Sons - Sign No More
  15. I think Rain Song is DGCGCD (low to high). This is a pretty good tab. CACGCE is used for Bron-Yr-Aur and Friends
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmWIxnVBU7w
  17. Ryan Adams EPIC THREAD Beware. You can get lost for days...
  18. "I Wish My Baby Was Born" - Traditional (Uncle Tupelo)
  19. Not directly related, no. But the same style of writing: unreliable narrator, unseen characters, characters with odd/unexplained personal quirks, plots that tangentially intertwine, an implied ending (without expressly seen), ... All the stuff that makes IJ so fun is here - just in less pages. I read IJ before Broom, so it left me wanting more
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXcb7VPw59s&feature=player_embedded
  21. I recently finished this one. Really enjoyed it. I dare you not to tackle IJ after Broom.
  22. Just picked this one up. Really enjoying it. My front runner for album of the year (so far)
  23. With all due respect to JT, I think this song is better played in regular Open D, IMHO.
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