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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Kelly is a very fine backup singer. I have seen her sing backup with just about everyone. But her solo records still have something to offer. I have listened to the Flat Five several times since getting it (played it on my show last week and will again today). This is not a record for everyone, since it is just too quirky, but if you like that sort of thing, it also is quite good. LouieB
  2. That looks good, but since I haven't yet played your last two suggestions yet (but will), and don't own this (feel free to send me a copy), you will have to be content with the crazy stuff I play today October 25th at 12-2 on CT. Will get on one of your requests today. Listen at noon -1 your time I think for Chicken Shack. LouieB
  3. Let's talk about something new; how about the new Flat Five album on Bloodshot Records? I think it turned out really well with Chicago music scene stalwarts Kelly Hogan, Nora O'Conner, Alex Hall, Scott Ligon, and Casey McDonough. Really breezy and fun. Good travel music. This is a long anticipated release and I think it turned out great. LouieB
  4. Okay there is a Midday mixtape show (see above for the address etc.) at 12 PM central. I will not be on next week as I am taking a vacation which includes videoing Beach Slang, so this week let's see: Dylan, Cohen, Beach Slang, Flat Five, Yo La Tengo, old time american country music (1920s and 30s), George Gershwin, Cal Tjader, and assorted other fun stuff. Check me out this week. LouieB
  5. I saw Nick Lowe last night. That was fun. LouieB
  6. Agreed about the novelists. Dylan has taken more listeners to literary byways than any other figure of the last 50 years. LouieB
  7. Let's hear it for those Jews..... Being a New Yorker he can't get too nuts about Jews, but then again you never know. LouieB
  8. Sometimes these things take time. But some of the novelists are not too happy. LouieB
  9. I don't know if it is a masterpiece but it is quite good. Played a couple songs from it on my show the other day. LouieB
  10. At long last. His name has been on the short list or decades. LouieB
  11. Going to be a good one today - New Drive By Truckers, Beach Slang, Two Cow Garage, Tim Buckley and Tim Harden, Von Freeman, old country music, and assorted other fun stuff including both versions of Racist Friend. Join me on www.wnur.org or Tunein at 12-2 PM Tuesday October 11. LouieB
  12. Slightly earlier warning this week. Try www.wnur.org or TuneIn. This week will be fun as usual. Going to feature Nick Cave, Duke Ellington (with Billy Strayhorn), MIles Davis in Berlin, forgotten Chicago bands (Pulsars, Seam, The Dials, Veruca Salt), soul records, The Beats (the big three), plus Roy Acuff, Nina Simone, and King Curtis, plus who knows what. Come on, you know you want to listen Tuesday October 4, at about 12:15 PM central time (news first not by me but by NU students.) LouieB
  13. Anyone here watching the Luke Cage on Netflix. Really digging it a whole lot. LouieB
  14. More cool this stuff this week. Tune me in at 12 Central today. LouieB
  15. Really sad. Another part of my childhood gone. LouieB
  16. So what's the story on the movie that never came out?? LouieB
  17. Still sick of politics? Tune me in this Tuesday September 20 at 12-2 PM central on WNUR.org or 89.3 or TuneIn. Once again doing the Midday Mixtape with plenty to attract the VC crowd. Let's see, more Wilco, DGeneration, William Tyler, Brinsley Schwarz, Mike Bloomfield, Duke Ellington, Morrissey, The Decendents, Bob Dylan, early jazz, Terry Riley, and the Mekons, among some other stuff. This will be a regular show now on Tuesdays so if you miss this one, tune in next week, but you shouldn't be disappointed this week if you catch me. LouieB
  18. What was that Zappa and Beefheart album? Bongo Fury? LouieB
  19. Time for a Jazz Impressions one off slot this Sunday September 18 at 5-7 PM central time on WNUR.org, TuneIn and 89.3. This week for this show I am playing some of the Cleveland sax players (Lovano and Ayler), Chet Baker (by request), more Nels Cline Lovers, Django Reinhart, Ralph Towner, jazz from the 20s and 30s, and Ellington fro 44-46 (Strayhorn period). Forget the politics and come enjoy some jazz on a summer Sunday late afternoon. Thanks. LouieB
  20. This will certainly help get the African American vote. LouieB
  21. Just for the heck of it I took this quiz. Strangely Clinton and Stein are only a few percentage points different. Go figure. No I already have said the difference between Clinton and Stein (the loser) is just a figment of the partisan left's imagination. LouIeB
  22. Bringing new and old to the Midday Mixtape show for September 13, 2016 at 12-2 PM Central Time on WNUR.org, 89.3 FM, or TuneIn. This week I will be featuring new Wilco, Dgeneration, Nels Cline, and Erwin Helfer along with a guest set from Lane Campbell playing Westerberg, Chilton, and Easton among others. Mixed in with Helfer will be early piano blues and boogie and also getting back to gospel from the Designer label that I was unable to play a couple weeks ago. There will be a segment on artists before or after they became famous. (Floyd, Kristofferson, etc.) Expect a few unusual cuts too.
  23. Any comments on the actual album? I plan to play some on a jazz show a few weeks from now when my CD copy comes in. LouieB
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