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Everything posted by yermom

  1. Volunteering would be so kickass if it paid. (I just had an issue here...paid or payed?)
  2. Oh , I totally forgot Ghostbusters! That one is HUGE in our house.
  3. The lounging Pat photo has the owl in it!
  4. I wear a French Maid's outfit on a regular basis any way. Laundry days, y'know.
  5. At this juncture, I would be okay with porn or toilet cleaning or even some combination of the two. They "just want you to come in and introduce yourself?!" That is AWESOME! bilbrekm, good luck on your search!
  6. I have a 4 year old female spawn who digs: Labyrinth (We're in agreement that Sarah is kind of a jerk.) Spaceballs (She actually likes it more than I do. The scene where they call each other "assholes," she thinks they're saying "spaceballs" so I don't correct her on that. ) The Black Hole (Which actually is a Disney flick, but different y'know.) Young Frankenstein (When the monster is rocking Madeline Kahn's world, my daughter asks "What's he doing to her?" and I just say "Tickling and wrestling and stuff."
  7. It drives me crazy because I like to think I'm ten times more charming in person than I am online!
  8. Whatevs dude, all of my unemployed friends don't get checks. They get a debit card and they renew their forms online. Geeze, it's like we don't have to have actual, physical, human contact ever again.
  9. I was weirded out by that too. I think it came from one of these, "?!?!" or something.
  10. The staffing company app I'm working on today takes a resume as a supplement to filling in all of the information (basically the same stuff that's on the resume ) on their forms. I hate it because if I just had the old school paper forms in front of me I could stop and start as I please without losing any info. I probably just need to do more cut-n-paste.
  11. There is a Reigning Sound lyric that pretty much sums up my thoughts on getting a job, "Well it's not that I don't want to work, but I hate filling out all the applications..." I don't remember what date I started working at some job I had 6 years ago or what my bosses name was or how much the paid me or the exact square footage of the parking lot at that location...or any of the other little bits of information I'm supposed to fill in on employment applications. I just need a stinkin' job, why does it have to be so complicated? I think I'd be a primo candidate if the only thing you had to d
  12. Wow. A very prolific writer. Never read his stuff but it's always very sad to see someone go to cancer. R.I.P.
  13. YESSSS!!!! I was going to walk to Canada if this didn't go my way. I am so pleased...and drunk and pleased!!! Off to bed to wake up to a sweet morning tomorrow! :party (I thought the red spotted dress was weird too.)
  14. Ten minutes or so in line. Touch screen voting. I accidentally hit the wrong candidate on one of the local things but you can touch it again to make the right choice and it reprints it over on the little receipt printer thing. I wonder if I just stood there voting, unvoting, revoting, unvoting...over and over again, if they'd even count my ballot or if they'd just thing I was a jerk and didn't deserve to be counted?
  15. I downloaded this a long time ago and I've watched it over and over again. I am in lurve with E. and I've got a thing for physics. Highly recommend it. Lizish, I love your avatar. That's my favorite shirt ever.
  16. Awesome. I had no idea it was time for this. Thanks! Good thing I took a nap today.
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