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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. When someone in my family loads the dishwasher with a bowl or a glass or something upside down on the top rack and it collects all the dirty water and then spills out all over the other clean dishes on the bottom rack when you pull out the top rack. Actually, I have numerous dishwasher loading (or failure to load) peeves, truth be told. I should probably have that looked at.
  2. I finally got around to downloading this from i-tunes this weekend. I've been through it a couple times, and I like it a lot. It's different enough to be interesting, but still holds the greatness of DSOM. Least favorite is Great Gig in the Sky; I needed that one to be a little more reverent. But the rest is a good mix of mashing in lots of stuff in some places, and stripping out lots of stuff in others. I understand why non-Lips fans wouldn't like it. I don't see it winning any new fans.
  3. At the risk of stereotyping, the Japanese tend to be very efficient.
  4. Canceled meetings. Double bonus points for Friday afternoon meetings.
  5. Not to prolong the fight, but I will see your peeve and raise you two annoyances! We're cool. I get your point.
  6. Not pick a fight, but one of my biggies is having people without kids give me advice on how to raise mine. I hear your point, and you might have a dozen kids for all I know. But in general, advice-giving rights are earned through experience. All others just annoy the crap out of me. That line in Signs "he can't even run his own life, I'll be damned if he'll run mine" is one of my mantra's.
  7. Indeed. If things don't change, 2010 might be the first year in a long time that I don't get the see them. This is not good. Loved the webcast, but there needs to be a show within driving distance soon! I'm not quite to get-on-a-plane status (been on too many this year already for work stuff), but it's getting close. There's a lot of touring dates already set, so I'm getting worried that there might not be anything local coming up. You and Poca doing OK up there? All is well in Lexington. Kids and work. Just the usual. See ya, Vince
  8. Well, that was fun. Perhaps we should do it again soon, eh?
  9. we're not at 1000 posts yet... need more songs!
  10. Um, no... but I do know that the cowbell is highly under appreciated in this one.
  11. "Thanks You Everywhere" on the streamsite??
  12. stream's getting a little choppy at my house
  13. I spose that means the acoustic set is over...
  14. really not missing that much. just the usual.
  15. so what's the thing that sounds like a slide guitar in the acoustic set?
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