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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. am glad he pointed this out. phew!
  2. there's a place in Illinois called Cahokia. http://www.cahokiamounds.com/ it was an ancient city from 700 a.d. to 1400 a.d. and contains several built mounds similar in style to those of the aztecs, but larger and all made of soil. it is an impressive place.
  3. oooh exciting. i just hope it is better than Modern Times and the live performances pick up a rhythm other than that of Modern Times. that album really didn't do it for me. i have high hopes!
  4. stupid. i think what they're trying to say is that politicians are a bunch of monkeys (although a chimp is actually an ape but who uses the word ape in a reference like that; and if the planet earth series doesn't know the difference between a monkey and an ape why should a cartoonist). but at the same time whoever made the cartoon is either a deep racist and the editors aren't doing their jobs and didn't catch it or is completely oblivious to the history of this country and didn't make the correlation at all to the racist undertones the cartoon carries. either way it is more tasteless than th
  5. i thought they had arrested one guy for arson and discovered child pornography as well. i think there's charges of murder attached with the arson charges.
  6. i kinda like the fire engine tea kettle.
  7. did you know hummingbirds are migratory? they make the 500 mile trek across the gulf of mexico every year without stopping and travel alone.
  8. call me dumb, but is this their earned income or are these numbers how much money each musician generated all in all in total and is before everyone gets a slice? from the way the 2nd page in the article reads, it is how much each artist grossed not how much they are paid. and yeah, i thought everyone knew musicians make their money from tours not from album sales which is why radiohead put in rainbows out for hock instead of using the traditional route, they were able to make more money from the actual album by asking people to pay what they want.
  9. I used to think the same thing as a kid. Why don't they just print more money and give it to everyone so people wouldn't be poor. Apparently if you print lots more money to solve economic problems it makes the money less valuable and adjusts itself so a loaf of bread would cost $3,000. Although, don't quote me on this, I think they actually did print more money somewhere amidst all this bailout stuff.
  10. I volunteer at the birdhouse at a zoo and people ask all the time if we have hummingbirds. You'd be surprised how many people have never seen one before. unfortunately they are very difficult to exhibit and would nearly impossible to catch a glimpse of. similar to our kiwi birds.
  11. Hummingbird thought folks would appreciate this! keep in mind the opening of a hummingbird nest is no bigger than a quarter and a hummingbird egg is the same size as a tic-tac for a sense of scale.
  12. maybe start a thread about salaries and jobs and why some things are valued so much higher than others. back to crazy lady: what i wonder is, what could possibly be done to stop the crazy mom from having more kids. it is a bit baffling to think that she is receiving state aid, can't pay the hospital bills, but if she got pregnant again tomorrow, that's that, more state aid, more hospital bills, and so on. she's worse than the crazy cat people that have 100 cats they can't take care of. although, i suspect, if you take the 14 kids away, she'd just go get more. yet, you can't force her to stop
  13. when glenn opened for Jeff a couple years back, he joined him on stage during Jeff's portion of the show. that's cool that pronto is opening.
  14. That' EmmyLou Harris singing back up on the album. i always have to skip the chili pepper song. it's like nails on a chalkboard for me.
  15. It is brilliant! OK, off topic, but is baseball seriously that hard and that competitive that they ALL have to use steroids. i mean they're just hitting a ball around. hey, wait, bring it back to topic, crazy lady has more than enough kids to have her own baseball team!
  16. I'm guessing she's not being very forthcoming about it. According to ABC World news she's not paying the hospital bill and is indeed receiving state assistance. maybe she views the money she's collecting as her means of "doing this all herself", she did after all file for food stamps and the state assistance for the disable children all herself.
  17. they had a segment about her/the cost of taking care of the babies on ABC World News last night. Apparently she paid for the fertility treatments with a $100,000 worker's comp settlement. She receives $1900 x 3 from the state of california for 3 of her children because they have disabilities. she also receives approximately $500 from the state for food stamps, although i don't know if that is per week or per month. the hospital taking care of the 8 babies said it is an average of $3500 a day to care for each baby (x8) and they have to stay in the hospital for 8 more weeks, the total hospital
  18. the 9:30 club still does its ticketing through tickets.com
  19. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...d=moreheadlines there will likely be anti-trust investigations/hearings before the merger is allowed to be complete. the article in the post earlier today said that the merger would allow the companies to have stronger bargaining power and could pay artists less for concerts which would then = cheaper ticket prices. more like a way to increase profits for the music industry and take money away from the artists. the article even points out that they sidestepped talking about the hefty fees the ticket companies add on. the article now deals more w
  20. you make a good point. but oyi, what kind of example and continuation of this do you think her story will inspire in others? what a hornets nest.
  21. something that irks me is the number of people that have the means to care for a child, but aren't able to conceive and can't afford the cost of having fertility help or the cost of adoption and she somehow got the help with no income.
  22. "NBC News says it didn't pay for the interview, but her spokesman, Mike Furtney, made it clear to Kauffman that Suleman hopes to make money from her story. "What we'd like to see her wind up with is the means to raise her 14 children in the way that she wants to do that," Furtney said." ah, the new approach to life, have 14 kids to then make millions off of exploiting the 14 kids to make enough money to pay for the 14 kids. what is the story actually? they already made a movie called Cheaper by the Dozen...oh wait maybe that's what this is, she saw that movie and decided life should imitat
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