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Everything posted by rareair

  1. yay for leos. happy birthday!
  2. i saw a computer animated version of the new marlins stadium during last night's game. very impressive.
  3. i do not. he has struggled for at least a year. hopefully lily gets back soon. i agree that the offense is more the issue.
  4. gorzy in the rotation does not help the situation.
  5. vick to vikings would be entertaining. he could mentor percy harvin.
  6. what did ortiz say during his press conference? EDIT: found it late. guess he is blaming a supplement.
  7. cold war kids - we used to vacation I kissed the kids at noon then stumbled out the room I caught a cab, ran up a tab on 7th & Flower Beth's recital I had to ruin missed my son's graduation punched the Nichols boy for taking his seat he gets all that anger from me still, things could be much worse natural disasters, on the evening news things could be much worse we've still got our health my paycheck in the mail I'm just an honest man provide for me and mine I give a check to tax deductible charity organazations two weeks paid vacation, won't heal the damage done I need another one
  8. lesson for today: it is only street teaming if no one likes it.
  9. i really should have waited to post in the thread requesting albums after 1999.
  10. 1) wilco - yhf 2) radiohead - ok computer 3) m ward - post war 4) ryan adams - heartbreaker 5) my morning jacket - it still moves 6) the flaming lips - yoshimi battles the pink robots 1) dr. dog - fate 2) wilco - agib 3) spoon - kill the moonlight 4) beck - sea change 5) the white stripes - elephant 6) my morning jacket - z
  11. agreed that josh ritter live is quite enjoyable. i have never, however, seen a performer so "overtly happy" in my life.
  12. ok, so maybe the smoltz thing is not that great of an idea.
  13. i have been pondering the statement since posted. i am even compiling my top 5 most overrated (and simultaneously) underrated players in mlb history.
  14. agreed. good stuff. iggy pop's new album was worth a listen as well.
  15. unless he pulls a hamilton and hits 42 home runs in the semis.
  16. time after time is my least favorite song..... TIME AFTER TIME IS MY LEAST FAVORITE SONG.
  17. an article from nashvillepost.com this afternoon. strange shit indeed, esp the eminem wannabe ex boyfriend. Who are the other people in the McNair case? Questions continue to arise over those connected to Steve McNair's final days Keith Norfleet 07-07-2009 3:14 PM — The death of former Tennessee Titans quarterback Steve McNair has Nashville and the entire sports world in a state of disbelief. In the days since his body and that of girlfriend Sahel Kazemi were discovered in a downtown condominium, the public has heard the names of Wayne Neeley, Robert Gaddy, Keith Norfleet, and even
  18. i hope he works out. his fastball was 93 mph in the 6th and he has not pitched in a year. he will put it together in the next couple of starts.
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