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Everything posted by rareair

  1. it was not helped by the sound and mix last night, but u2's song was awful. and i like u2.
  2. i am relieved that this hypothetical is officially laid to rest.
  3. is manny holding out for 3 years and will anyone (including the mets) give him that long a contract?
  4. Nice! I guess I am renting my first rv this summer.
  5. the judybats flock of seagulls doves
  6. dr. dog for valentine's day is pretty exciting.
  7. and he is skipping nashville which he has not done in previous tours.
  8. "suspicion" is too kind and skews the question.
  9. what year would mark the beginning of bonds' use? '98? edit: thanks. i think his stats would warrant inclusion with '99 as a cutoff.
  10. i tend to agree that spitballing is more of an art than steroids. i think they both provide unfair advantages. i think gaylord perry's induction into the hof more akin to max patkin than cy young. not all fans "turned a blind eye" during the steroids era and should not be forced to embrace everyone b/c so many cheated. subjective line-drawing regarding these issues for purposes of hof discussions is an additional basis for otherwise agreeable people to disagree. there does not appear to be a definitive answer.
  11. i did the same thing last weekend. great record. i wonder if they will expand their u.s. dates this time.
  12. so, does anyone care about the wbc this time around? i do not and simply hope that zambrano does not play.
  13. he has not won a playoff game since his super bowl season and has not developed one qb despite a reputation for doing so before joining tampa. i love gruden but he needed to go.
  14. "downhill slide" is pretty harsh re: mmj. i understand the love for at dawn but z and evil urges still do it for me at least.
  15. titans have a very good defense, and he is a great coach (imo). not sure how this will help the lions inept offense. did they also get a new o.c.? (and rb and qb and line)
  16. q: how many days until pitchers and catchers report? a: not soon enough.
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