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Twisted Acres

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Everything posted by Twisted Acres

  1. Hey, I likes me some mural installation, and I adore Marvin Gaye!!!! That was a fun process to watch take place, love how they got worked in the metallic silver for the sparkles around him. It definitely felt like a good time, and to have "A Funky Space Reincarnation" playing over the whole thing was even better. Now we'll just have to go eat there when Patti and I finally make it down to DC.
  2. Betty's Twisted Acres is the name of my wife Patti's family's run-down old farmhouse on the side of a mountain in upstate New York. It's my favorite place on earth.
  3. I love Francesco. Glad Roma got through; I will root hard for them until they face the Arsenal...
  4. Tampa Bay has plans on the board for a new ballpark as well... something's gotta give up in Toronto! Keep the roof open and grow some bermudagrass, eh?
  5. EXACT same time I gave up too, Kris. Their "Live at Robert's" CD kicks all sorts of hillbilly butt.
  6. Would've loved to have popped into Robert's when BR5-49 was playing there regularly... that's a great place.
  7. wow, that guy did a helluva job with the pre- and post-construction comparison shots from exact same spots. That's gonna be a nice ballpark to visit. The outer facade is interesting, with the sheet metal appointments on the outside, it's got a unique look.
  8. The hustle to get the ball by Walcott, and then his terrific cross to Adebayor, who finished of course, was such a thing of beauty!
  9. on pins and needles watching this Arsenal/Milan match
  10. Use that carbonite stuff they froze Han Solo with, and defrost him on Gameday.
  11. nice! he needs it, that knucklehead!
  12. Absolutely... didn't want to just name everything he did, but everything he did will give you that same incredible feeling. Jeez, "Cigarettes and Coffee"!!!
  13. Sorry to hear about Favre, but thrilled to know that the Steelers have got Big Ben locked down.
  14. He certainly does. It also irks me that the main artifact pertaining to Otis Redding at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is the shard of his wrecked airplane where you can see his name in hand-painted script. He was so much more than that. Just listen to "I've Got Dreams to Remember", or "I've Been Loving You Too Long (to stop now)"... even his version of the Temptations' "It's Growing". You get chills every time.
  15. Exactly. This is the sort of pain that never goes away; you just sort of learn to live with it. Your loved ones are in your thoughts, whether you even know it or not. Forgetting their birthday is not a sin.
  16. Put me down for the under on SF as well.
  17. My only concern is that they've got 30+ games against the Yanks & the Red Sox, but I like their players. People forget about Baldelli... if only he could stay healthy. Get them out of that damn mausoleum they play in! Sketches for their new ballpark look quite nice, hope it happens.
  18. 75 for the Rays in that division seems like 3 or 4 too many... I think they've got a nice, young team that's gonna win a lot of games in a couple of years, but for 2008 I'll take the under. I'm sure bobbob's gonna be psyched about the Marlins' over/under being 69.
  19. They are, apparently, in shock... a friend of mine opens for the Frames quite often and he says they really are as stunned by this as they seemed at the Oscars.
  20. Got tickets for the 5/19 Radio City show today. My wife has had this cd in her car player since like September. I think the tix will be a nice anniversary gift for her.
  21. I was hoping (praying?) that "Little Boy Soldiers" might've made the list...
  22. no easy workaround that I can think of, Jen...
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