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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I love this line too, especially the jaunty way he sings it.
  2. Oh, you are right! I feel downright illiterate.
  3. Hmm. Improbably, you guys are treading on MY territory. Lay off!
  4. Except actually, he doesn't know anything anymore. He's dead.
  5. Same here! It actually does sound like cold captain, but what the hell is a cold captain? So my money's on co-captain. That's one of many reasons why I'm so looking forward to lyric sheets for this record.
  6. ". . . Mr. Tweedy started the group from the splinters of Uncle Tupelo..." Think that'll replace "rose from the ashes of"? Really good interview. Thanks for continuing to find these--I love hearing Jeff talk.
  7. I haven't had a turntable for 30 years, but I've been thinking about getting one (as well as a new . . receiver and speakers) for a while now. Finally went out and did it last night. The anticipation of listening to this on vinyl is what finally pushed me over the edge. I just upgraded my pre-order to get the vinyl. And now, of course, I'll have something new to obsess about--haunting used record stores, regretting that boatload of LPs I practically gave away years ago. . . Ah well, can't live in the past.
  8. Ooh, how exciting for you! Be sure to ask Jeff one of those questions in the "if I could ask Jeff one question" thread.
  9. Thanks everyone for the setlists. So glad to see there's love on here for Nick, too. I was wondering if he'd be solo or have a backing band, but he's got such a strong voice and charming ease, I think solo is the way to go. Would've been nice to see him do a duet with Jeff, though--that'll probably happen at some point on tour. Also, Jeff sang Jesus, Etc.--YES! Just curious--how did he manage that? Did he simply not encourage the singalong, or actively discourage it? And my usual request--any memorable banter? I'm guessing not much, since they had a lot of great songs to cram in under 2
  10. That is a really funny story! I bet that was a good show, 'cause Jeff was certainly in fine storytelling form. It's probably against the rules to post the video here, but you can easily find it on youtube by putting in the search terms tweedy farrar mexico. As soon as I heard the title Sunloathe I thought about this Tweedy story.
  11. I can't even take a stab at top 10 songs right now, but I wanted to chime in on Radio Cure. It's probably been mentioned on here before (maybe even by me) but during this year's Solid Sound they sang it on the first night, when the rain was really coming down. The PA cut out right before "distance has no way of making love understandable" toward the end of the song, and the crowd picked up the verse without missing a beat for a couple of lines. Then the PA came back on and they finished up with everyone singing along (which we'd been doing all night anyway, but more exuberantly when the sound
  12. Whoa! Very exciting, then. Thanks for the heads up, scottyb.
  13. Here's hoping they sell a bazillion!
  14. If you haven't done this already, check out the How to Fight Loneliness thread on this board. Or just go down to the theatre and take your chances. There's almost always someone whose plans have changed, and Wilco people are generally good guys who aren't going to gouge you. Have fun--do NOT miss this!!
  15. Really? I would be surprised if what Wilco itself streamed from its website isn't exactly what's going to be on the record. Unless, of course, they get on VC and have second thoughts based on comments. :o Not likely--this album doesn't have anything on it that seems to have caused us to rise up in mass protest!
  16. Yup, me too. I can never do these multi-quotes right, but I mean "Outside I look lived in."
  17. Speaking of posters--now's as good a time as any to ask. Did anyone else get this year's Solid Sound poster. the one with the popsicle? I got two--one for me and one for my friend. One's mainly turquoise and the other is mainly yellow. I can't figure out how to frame them. The colors are so vivid. I know I'll need non-glare glass but beyond that I"m clueless. Anybody have good ideas? These babies have been rolled up in a tube for too long.
  18. Remember just a few months ago when nobody was posting for days on end? I was beginning to wonder if our little group was falling apart. Hah! We just needed something exciting to rejuvenate us. Oh, and to answer the question, no, I can't keep up. I just go through little spurts of activity and mainly keep up with the Just a Fan threads.
  19. "Outside I look lived in" is probably my favorite line, but I also love "Bless my mind, I miss/Being told how to live." For anyone who's lost a parent, that line is so loaded with meaning. The push/pull of resenting but also relying on your parent guilt-tripping you and providing a built-in rudder to keep you on course--someone whose expectations you kind of have to live up to.
  20. I'm sure someone on here must be from Nashville and would know of a good place to get together. I'm going solo to both nights and would love to meet before/after either or both shows. C'mon, let's get something going!
  21. Wow--great find! I have to check that out when I get home.
  22. Mine is a short and strange list: Darryl Hall and John Oates: My sister had a big crush on Hall and got the attention of a roadie, who invited us backstage after the show. We hung out with them for a while playing foosball. Unfortunately for my sister, Hall wasn't interested in her, but Oates hit on her. (She wasn't interested in HIM.) Warren Zevon: I met him after a show long ago in Charlottesville, right after Excitable Boy had come out. I couldn't stop gushing about how brilliant I thought he was and he seemed genuinely happy and surprised to find such a hardcore fan at this random show
  23. I've gotta bump this. Not sure anyone saw it, but the album will stream again!
  24. Here's some good news, especially for anyone who might have missed the stream over the weekend, along with a few very positive words from Bob Boilen and another link to the Born Alone video. http://www.npr.org/blogs/allsongs/ Seems to me that dBpm is doing a very fine job of getting the word out about this album. Almost every day there's a new little nugget to amp up the excitement level.
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