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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Wow, I completely disagree, but I've heard at least one other person say the same thing as you. I think Darin's joy at being onstage shines through in his performance, and I find his exuberance really refreshing. There seems to be a lot of communication going on between him and Spencer onstage, too. There was a funny moment at Newport Folk Fest when Mavis was onstage with the band singing Only the Lord Knows. She was looking to her right and at some point Darin did a big rock star jump just as Mavis was turning in his direction. She kind of jumped back in surprise but very quickly got right
  2. Small random thought--I saw a picture of the printed setlist from this show on Twitter and Jesus Wept was on it, but it looks like it was swapped out for You Are Not Alone. Same thing happened at the Philadelphia show last Sunday. I wonder if there's something about that song that keeps causing game time decisions to swap it out?
  3. Ha! Considering the overwhelmingly negative reactions, I seriously doubt that's going to happen. I've been known to go a little bananas but I don't have the guts to do this. And for the record, I was not at this show.
  4. I had an interesting experience earlier today when I was listening to my iPod on shuffle. New Moon came up in rotation and I started singing along with a smile. You know that sense you get when a favorite song comes up unexpectedly and you get a warm, happy feeling? It's usually an older favorite that I haven't heard for a while that evokes that feeling, but this felt sort of instantly nostalgic, not like a new song at all. That's a pretty good sign for how nicely these songs are settling into my head.
  5. Wow, you got lucky to get to hear a work in progress. I've never been at a show where he did that. I mean, I know he has done that, but I think it's been quite some time. Do you remember any lines or general theme?
  6. Last cigarettes, I'm just now signing on and saw your news. Oh my gosh, how terrifying. I'm so glad they are OK and I hope you all get to the bottom of the problem. There are worse things than missing a show--something like this puts it all in perspective. Good luck to you all!
  7. There is a family picture up on Wilco's Facebook page that should overcome anyone's resistance to signing up for Facebook.
  8. He's not exactly turning into a social media whore--I think his Twitter account is primarily a publicity vehicle, although he and Spencer have both sent personal messages through it. I think the twin influences of being around Spencer so much--who is a big communicator--and also seeing the positive side of social media from the support Sue has received recently have probably caused Jeff to soften up a bit on this.
  9. I like that! Given what Jeff and Spencer have said about the White Album, I think they'd like it too.
  10. I know what you mean I always wish audiences would be more responsive and less reserved. but it was interesting in one of the recent articles where Jeff says that he would probably be the one of the low key, reserved audience members himself, so hopefully he can discern the interest level of the audience without a lot of demonstrated enthusiasm. I actually was pleased to hear the audience bursting into applause mid song for some of the Tweedy songs. That was nice. Enjoy the glow!
  11. Dave, we missed you at the party. You could have contributed mightily!
  12. No, you didn't miss anything. Maybe it was one of the giveaway drawings for preordering Sukierae. At any rate, tickets are not yet on sale.
  13. Yes, me too! I''ve got Hardly Strictly Bluegrass and Raleigh coming up and that's it for the foreseeable future.
  14. LOL I just meant--to be soloing on the guitar while Nels is up there! Well, you guys, that was so fantastic. Loved sharing it with you all.
  15. I've got the speakers turned up really loud. I bet my neighbors will be gad for the show to end.
  16. Hey, watch Darin during this one. He loves it. He made Maviss jump at Newport when she turned around
  17. Whoo whoo yeah Diane izzo song! This has really grown on me--it is so beautiful. And it's hard to sing, and he does it so well. It kind of reminds me a Daniel Johnston song that he never wrote.
  18. Thank you bthoever yelled out Radio King. I was yelling at my computer--do it do it
  19. Have to say the jury's out on this version for me, but I'm willing to follow Jeff along with whatever he feels like trying. I admire him trying to do something new with this song
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