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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Hey, I just bought my ticket for Lockn this year too. It's a little more jamband-oriented than I prefer, but I heard good things about it from last year even in spite of Neil Young's backing out. Plus I used to live in Charlottesville so I'll have a free place to stay. We'll have to meet up again.
  2. I'll start off the insufferable whining-- Why no southeastern dates???
  3. I really don't think there's any reason to start sniping at each other. It would be nice if everyone just backed off a little bit. I'm sure I'm not the only person here who's had the experience of getting frustrating, confusing and upsetting medical information, looking for a conclusive diagnosis and a clear path forward, and having it all seem like one step forward, two steps back. It can seem like a neverending saga. Maybe when Sue initially posted this information to her friends on FB, she was expecting a clearcut resolution to be on the horizon. Perhaps she now wishes she hadn't been s
  4. I think 2013 was considered a success, since it was a sellout. It was also more crowded than in previous years, which wasn't ideal from an audience standpoint but was also understandable, given that the museum grounds have a pretty limited capacity but the festival needs to make a profit. Personally, I think it would make sense to keep the early bird pricing relatively low, giving hardcore fans the opportunity to get their tickets inexpensively, and increasing the regular ticket prices next year. After all, the actual ticket prices for this 3-day festival are a huge bargain and I think could s
  5. Here's a more detailed description of tonight's episode http://www.hypable.com/2014/03/06/parks-and-rec-season-6-episode-15-the-wall-airs-tonight-ms-knope-tear-down-this-wall/ It sounds like there's going to be a season-long arc having to do with the unity concert that Leslie Knope is trying to put on to bring the towns of Pawnee and Eagleton together. It's a fun storyline. I'd be surprised if Jeff actually appears on tonight's episode, but it's definitely leading up to it.
  6. Nels Cline Singers at the Windup Space in Baltimore on Saturday, May 3.
  7. Great article. It's going to make me listen with a fresh perspective. Also, interesting that there's a Tweedy tie-in of sorts. He references Low's "If I Could Just Make It Stop" as a song that draws a more emotional reaction from him, and of course Jeff produced that record.
  8. Yep, I've heard him introduce himself before, on something. It's Steer-it.
  9. I pre-ordered this on Amazon and should be getting my copy today. I've listened to a little of it on Spotify and it sounds better to me than the more recent albums. I'm going to see them at The National in Richmond on 3/15--one of my favorite sorta nearby venues--and have high hopes. I saw them locally at the Norva last year and wasn't blown away, but it was a midweek show and audiences in Norfolk pretty much suck.
  10. Can't seem to get the video to display but here's the link to the longer version. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6d4ep_wilco-at-the-marble-mountain_music
  11. Going to see Slaid Cleaves at a house concert tonight.
  12. C'mon somebody, take this boy seriously! He needs a girl his own age that he can drunk dial! I can vouch for him as a big Wilco fan , a prodigious drinker and an all around good guy . There, Matt, now you're on your own.
  13. Yes, it is. Rumors of Wilco's demise have been greatly exaggerated, to coin a phrase.
  14. I feel validated that my hindsight was 20/20. I loaded up on so many trips and so many shows over the past few years that my pocketbook--if not my spirit--is ready for a little hiatus. But not too long, Wilco, please. Not too long.
  15. He's done God and I'm Only Sleeping. I think the first time he sang God was in Charlottesville on Dec. 8, 2010, the anniversarry of John Lennon's murder. (I was there. Shiver-inducing memory.) He's sung it several times since then, always (I think) with "Wilco and me" substituting ffor "Yoko and me." I'm Only Sleeping was at one of the Vic shows from 2012 or 2013--can't remember which. I'm pretty sure he's done it before that as well. Pink Moon might have been a first, though.
  16. For once, I'm at a loss for words. I've been to a LOT of Tweedy solo shows and there was something just incredibly special about this one. It wasn't any one thing--the setlist was great, the vibes in the room were warm and communal, Jeff was absolutely in perfect form, that whistling in Hummingbird was un-fucking-believable--it just added up to a spectacular show. Jeff just left it all out on that stage last night. I'm still blown away.
  17. Oh funny, I didn't even notice this misspelling till just now. Yeah, I actually MAY be the bother! I'm certainly bothered today, stuck in the Norfolk airport trying to get to Chicago. It'll be a miracle if I make it at all. Damn damn damn.
  18. Sadly, due to this unending winter weather, Autumn Defense had to cancel their show at the Ram's Head in Annapolis tonight. The Baltimore area was hit really hard by the nor'easter. Actually everyone is hoping the show was just postponed. It would have been a great crowd--lots of big fans from all over were converging.
  19. Way back in the Stone Age when I was in junior high we had to recite from memory some number of lines of poetry. I memorized all of Annabel Lee and can still recite most of that sucker. Actually that was a really stupid assignment, but it was a fairly easy poem to memorize because of the strong rhyming pattern.
  20. Amen! That is the most amazing site. We are lucky to have such a generous and savvy Wilco fan in our midst.
  21. This is a really intriguing prospect! What do we think--mostly new material or solo renderings of Wilco songs? Probably a mix of the two. I really enjoyed the sound of those Raccoonist songs a while back.
  22. I will be there both nights and hope to meet you and your fiancé. (From your post in another thread, it looks like you went to One Big Holiday and probably met a couple of my friends who occasionally post on here.) I'll send you a PM. As to how to ensure you get your request played, you need to be among the first 30 people in line that night. Here's a little documentary from a couple years ago that's fun to watch but also gives you a feel for how the show is done.
  23. I also saw the 60 Minutes piece and came away thinking what a sweet person he seemed like. Maybe sweet seems too . . . sweet. . . but definitely down to earth, genuine, sincere, thoughtful and very present in the moment. Yeah, a sweet person! He had some interesting things to say about that role in an interview on Fresh Air that was rebroadcast last week. The audience is supposed to leave the film not knowing the truth, but he said that as an actor he had to know whether or not his character was a pedophile and play the role from that perspective. I've seen the movie more than once, thoug
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