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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I'll bet this nomination is very encouraging for Jeff. He's pretty new in the role of producer, and it's a diverse category, so this seems like a significant nod. Here's one review of Mavis's album, from a Best of 2013 list. I particularly like this excerpt: http://justplayed.wordpress.com/2013/12/08/best-of-2013-20-mavis-staples-one-true-vine/
  2. I know there are FLAC files up for this show, but if anyone just wants to listen without downloading it's up here http://sooutoftune.org/concerts/1165 Also the Denver show. Hopefully he'll be adding others as tapes surface.
  3. Thanks so much for all the details--it's almost like being there. I love the remark he made about maybe starting to catch on to the rock star thing with throwing the name of the city into songs. Not that he hasn't done that before, of course, say on Kingpin. But it's cute that he acknowledges it.
  4. I am sincerely sorry if I offended any sensibilities about mentioning a certain Bar Mitzvah. I knew about this from a blog that I follow and Facebook postings and it did not even occur to me that it would be unseemly to mention a rite of passage like this. If the moderators feel it would be in everyone's best interest to delete that mention please by all means do so.
  5. I believe Sam was just bar mitzvahed, so it'll be a few years before we have to worry about that.
  6. Yeah, you mean you didn't know about that super secret show at the Vic? Thanks for the correction. I edited it above.
  7. Jeff also played One Sunday Morning at one of the Vic shows earlier this year. It was my request. He gave me the stinkeye and made some remark about it being the world's longest song.
  8. I like an enthusiastic audience, and that extends to a fair amount of whooping and hollering between songs and even sporadically during songs. Sometimes you just get carried away and all that excitement has to come out. I think performers appreciate some unbridled enthusiasm and find it encouraging. With someone like Jeff, even a sprinkling of assholes can inspire some good spontaneous banter. But overall, that's probably the main reason I like to be way up front. When all that is happening behind me, it kind of adds to the ambiance without affecting me too much. I'm willing to line up for a l
  9. Really? I didn't hear any rumors about a live stream of this, or any of the Tweedy solo shows. I wouldn't be surprised to see a taping surface, though.
  10. Just saw a few pictures from the show. Wow, Jeff's hair is really long! http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=6&ved=0CDcQqQIoADAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kansascity.com%2F2013%2F12%2F03%2F4667643%2Fjeff-tweedy-at-the-uptown-theater.html&ei=mLyeUs-KCuHOyAHh1oGoAg&usg=AFQjCNH5_eggQQzRSYxVrP6ROC6BG_ES2Q&sig2=JukmvG2K3N1uHCXoAYtZAw&bvm=bv.57155469,d.aWc
  11. I'm afraid it's probably true that we'll have to wait till 2015 for another Solid Sound, but I can't say I'm happy about it. Maybe they'll do another benefit concert for Mass MoCA as part of a northeast tour like they did in 2012. That was a fun, intimate show.
  12. Actually, I thought this article was laudable not just for its snarkfree-ness. It's well written, it doesn't trot out all the usual quotes and he's put some original thinking into it. And--OMG--that first show of the tour is tomorrow night!
  13. I ordered one too. It looks like they're going to get enough orders to make this a reality.
  14. Wonderful post, Jesse. When I was first falling in love with Wilco a few years ago now, I was so excited to hear about the DVD Project, and I couldn't believe you were so kind to send me all of those DVDs for nothing other than the cost of the original spindle of blank DVDs. I still can't, even though I'm now more familiar with trader ethics. I treasure that collection. Your post was the whipped cream on my pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving!
  15. Thanks, Analogman, for posting below with better formatting.
  16. I've been to other places that are more naturally beautiful, historically significant, or otherwise more "important", but right now what I think of as my surefire happy place is North Adams, Massachusetts. I can't think of anywhere in recent memory that I associate with so many good feelings as that town. I've been there for all three Solid Sound festivals and even went to the benefit concert in 2012, and I think every trip has been better than the last. Wilco is the main attraction, of course, but the awesome Mass MoCA and the friendly, welcoming people of the town are all part of the experie
  17. I've never heard him do that one live myself, and I love it. I'll request it too.
  18. 'Way to go, Matt, Your first? You're in for a real treat! I've been doing write-in requests for Ballad of the Opening Band. It's not on the dropdown list yet.
  19. Wow, I can't believe you used those words. I shared this sad announcement on my FB page a week or so ago and said the exact same thing. He really is, too. I've seen him in concert many times, in venues large and tiny, with and without a band, and he's always so engaging. He's written some of the best songs in the world.
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