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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Among the many reasons I love this site is the instant gratification. Just think about a show or a period you want to check out, filter by year, state, whatever, and bingo, you're there. It is just so cool!
  2. Jeff comes off as totally warm and empathetic in this interview. Like kidsmoke said in another thread, he just has a way of being fully present and focused in the moment. My favorite takeaway? We need to start a campaign to resurrect Shake it Off!
  3. Tell it, Lou! I am totally convinced of the correctness of my choice in the election and, while I enjoy batting reasonable ideas back and forth, there's no changing my mind and there never has been. There are just two competing world views out there (OK, more than 2, but 2 that have a chance of gaining the presidency) and I am a dyed-in-the-wool liberal and that's it. I'll vote for the Democratic candidate every time, because the beliefs of that party overall are most consistent with my world view. I may feel more or less enthusiasm for a particular candidate, but there's no doubt in my mind
  4. You know, this is so true. A band--any band--that tours a lot is bound to have some similarity in their setlists night after night. Those of us who follow them obsessively are NOT the typical fan, and we shouldn't expect Wilco to feel entirely fresh to our ears at every show. I was just thinking the other day about Josh and the cowbells on Hoodoo Voodoo, or Glenn on his drumkit on ITMWLY, or any number of other moves that are starting to feel a little bit played out to me. Then I think, what are we, like 1% of the audience? (Hey, at least I'm in SOME kind of 1% heh heh). For 99% of the audie
  5. That was a really nice read. They sound like genuinely good people, and I enjoyed the music. Kind of sweet how they're surprised to see that people follow Wilco from Italy to Spain. If they only knew. . . !!
  6. Outtasite for sure. Maybe more? Whoa, what was that laughter???
  7. It would sure be nice if that senorita would STFU!
  8. Yay, just got it on my phone, which I'm playing through speakers. (My office is blocking the live stream on our network, and I was bummed. . .) It's coming through loud and clear!
  9. 0h God, I feel your pain. My niece and her friends--all in their mid-20s--came with me to see one night of Wilco in Berkeley. They seemed to be enjoying the show and they all told me afterwards that they did, but I didn't sense a great deal of enthusiasm. But then 2 weeks ago she went to see The Biebs and was ridiculously thrilled. I give up. :-(
  10. On Jimmy Fallon the other night, Nick Offernan was talking about a college speaking tour he's doing. In real life he's married to Megan Mullally, and she's opening for him at these dates. He said it was absurd having her open for him--kind of like having Wilco be your opening act. For the non TV aficionados out there, Nick Offernan is Ron Swanson on Parks and Recreation and Megan Mullally was Karen on Will and Grace.
  11. 10 feet above sea level here. Flat, too.
  12. Here's one more review, from Rolling Stone online, courtesy of Google Translate: The "small and poor" Florence is slowly recovering from the punch in the stomach of Iggy Pop, who arrived soon after the stroke in the Cascine park Radiohead, ready to face the season of indoor concerts, having lived as a summer full ever. Autumn season started in the best way possible, with Wilco. A concert of class and style, songs so simple but never dull. Reasons that remain etched in memory and continues to whistle as he returns to the parking lot, with a beatific smile on his face. You're friends with ev
  13. Oh, he's made more conflicting statements than that. The problem is, it's all weasel words that can probably be spun to find some minor distinction so that his campaign can say there's no contradiction. Like saying he's pro life and would defund Planned Parenthood and wishes that Roe v. Wade would be overturned, but then saying it's not a specific bullet point on his agenda to actively do any of those things. Both statements can--sort of--be true. But it's intellectually twisted and morally bankrupt to be such a weasel.
  14. I'm actually really looking forward to hearing this show, because of the shows I've seen recently this was not one of my favorites. But I've suspected that the reason had to do with my crappy seats and a couple of mildly annoying audience incidents at the show. I'm glad to be reading such positive reviews-- I want to give it a fresh listen.
  15. Another thing all those countries have in common is a high degree of atheism, or to be more literally (not just politically) correct, secular humanism. [Emphasis on both words] Subsidize Wilco, not oil. That has a nice ring to it.
  16. No, I didn't mean to imply that anyone thought it was completely scripted. Obviously, they had some prepared taglines, like Jon Stewart's "bullshit mountain" analogies, but for the most part I think they were winging it. They're both pretty smart guys.
  17. I think it's definitely worth listening to. I was mostly just listening to it, although I watched some parts. And I agree it did not seem scripted, except for a few bits.
  18. Yeah, I couldn't watch the debate last night but I watched it today for free--it's up on YouTube. It wasnt quite as good as I'd hoped it would be but then again it wasn't as bad as it might have been. Both men had some good moments, and I thought they struck a nice balance between entertaining and informative. On the entertaining side of things, they got some mileage out of the height difference between the two. Papa Bear is 6'4" and Jon is 5'7", and Jon had a riser coming up from the floor that he could control to raise or lower himself depending on the point he was making. It was a funny b
  19. Maybe, if you're talking about, say, a drug rehab program. Not for unemployment insurance, which is the only federal "handout" I know about firsthand. But I would assume most programs don't require that. Let me guess--you think they should?
  20. Yep, you really can't assail the validity of BLS data. It's statistics, period. They don't do any analysis of the data, although others do right after new reports are released. Like most statistics, they can be interpreted different ways to support different points of view. One of the things that makes this unemployment number so meaningful is that they've collected the data the same way for a long time. So it's hard to make a case that the number is being manipulated.
  21. I think Jeff wrote a song about this--called Wishful Thinking. Would be nice though, and the perfect solution to my internal debate as to which I'd prefer: two nights of Wilco or one Wilco and one Tweedy solo.
  22. Yes, horrified. Anything that makes Romney look like a viable candidate is pretty horrifying to me. I don't expect you to agree.
  23. Oh that was an upsetting debate. Romney appeared so much stronger than Obama it made me sick. I know it's bullshit-- just say everything should be pushed back to the states and the federal government should get out of it and somehow the free market economy will make everything all right-- but perception counts for so much. I'm hoping that the analysts and fact checkers will bring some much needed perspective to all of this. It just boils down to a difference in world view. Basically, I'm truly stunned and frankly horrified at how well Romney came off in this debate, if you don't think about
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