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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I can't do the old Fixed It For You trick, because I don't want to mess up the link, but I followed it wondering what the fashion "boos" were all about. Turns out the article refers to fasion "boost." And that's apparently due to Spencer's friend Tavi Gevinson, who is quite the big deal in the world of fashion bloggers/icons/wunderkinds. She appears in Spencer's Whole Love video.
  2. I know I've posted this somewhere before, but it's been a while and it's sort of related to the topic at hand. This thing just cracks me up, because I have never seen Jeff looking this unkempt--those pit stains! that hair! (And he's usually so immaculately groomed, of course.) Still, it's a fun watch. http://www.myspace.com/video/artist-on-artist/artist-on-artist-fred-armisen-jeff-tweedy/3425517
  3. Agreed. And it might not be such a crazy idea, since there's a strong Jeff Tweedy/Fred Armison connection, and of course Fred/Carrie/Portlandia. Speaking of which, wouldn't it be fun to see Jeff do a guest stint on Portlandia?
  4. What I would suggest is just put in a search on ebay for used Wilco t shirt. There's usually lots up there.
  5. For anyone who's interested (and I was/am) Tavi is Tavi Gevinson, another of the ridiculously precocious young people in the greater orbit of the Tweedys. I've been following Spencer Tweedy's blog for years (www.spencertweedy.com). I started because of the Wilco connection, of course, but I've grown to really appreciate it on its own terms. I love watching the emotional/artistic development of an emerging talent. I cannot believe he's just 16, and I think it's going to be amazing to see what he does with his life. So anyway, the Tavi connection--she's one of Spencer's longtime friends (sam
  6. This is wonderful news! I love interviews with Mavis, too--I can just hear her saying these words. And you know, I think she's right--she has gotten better recently. This late career boost seems to have made her a more confident performer. It's that old Tweedy magic.
  7. Nels is amazing and an integral part of what makes Wilco great. I think everyone's getting on board with that now. A while back there were some Nels haters (I remember complaints about "overplaying") but he totally makes some songs, and even on the songs that don't feature him, he adds beautiful texture and complexity. Plus, he's an absolute gentleman and a lovely guy. Happy birthday!
  8. I assumed this was something photoshopped. The proportions look all off. Frisell looks huge and Nels looks like a miniature. But if it's real, yeah, I'd like to know more too!
  9. This was a great live music year for me, if only because I got to see lots o' Wilco! First and foremost, Solid Sound, which is in a class by itself for more reasons than just the music (the friends, the community feeling, the town, etc.). Then 4 shows on the Whole Love Tour: Merriweather Post, Raleigh, and both nights at the Ryman. All were spectacular, but the last night at the Ryman had to be my favorite. Being the Wilco obsessive that I am, everything else is in the also-ran category, but there were some great contenders that played here in Norfolk/Hampton Roads. Among the highlights: D
  10. What a perfect thread for this morning. I came to work early this morning (start the new year off right, y'know), all prepared for our Monday morning meeting, and I even brought challah and butter for my coworkers. Strange, I thought, that no one is here at 8:00. So around 8:30 I walked around the building and found just one person here, who said,"Hey, you coming in to catch up on some work too?" So. . . we're off today! That was definitely the best smile I've had all year. All 2 days of it.
  11. There are lots of Hess/Wilco stations where I live. Like a dork, I always like to buy my gas there, and it's usually the cheapest station around, by a few cents a gallon. Plus, when I gas up, with my Wilco license plates and usually some Wilco playing from the ipod, it gives me a little secret smile that takes some of the sting out of the cost of the fuel. They also have an unusually large assortment of Wilco-branded lighters, in a variety of sizes and designs. I can't help but think that's a nod to the band from someone in their marketing department. I mean, I don't think you see tons of Ex
  12. This has been up forever. It seems to be based on nothing, nothing, nothing. . . nothing at all. I submitted a query ages ago asking where the information came from and if there were any updates, and I never got a response. I don't think it's a believable source, unfortunately.
  13. I agree. I've always been dubious about those rumors, ever since the band made no reference at all to "next year" at last year's SSF. Whereas after the first year, they made several remarks about coming back the following year. So I've been kind of pessimistic all along--but i guess I still haven't given up hope. The bright note is that in that same interview you mention, Jeff says that even if they do skip 2012 they will definitely be coming the following year. And Jeff doesn't lie, does he?
  14. Yes, but they're lady cojones. Squishy, self-effacing, polite, properly respectful. Didn't seem to work. We might need some real macho cojones.
  15. Pretty funny moment between Hesitating Beauty and Christ for President when Jay's summoning for a mic. Jeff says "They took your microphone away. I've felt like doing that before." Foreshadowing? No--it was clearly all in good fun, at this point. Terrific version of Christ for President, too.
  16. Ugh. I did not like this one at all, and I had high hopes, especially because I like Adam Scott. (In another thread, somebody said they thought he slightly resembled Jeff Tweedy. I don't quite see it, but I do like him.)
  17. Yes, all the innkeepers seem to believe it's going to happen, but I think they're listening to the same rumors that have been going around since last year. All kinds of people were telling us this very specific stuff that they have a 5-year agreement with Mass MoCA. I heard this from the Holiday Inn, two different B&Bs, and even a parking lot attendant who was very adamant that he had "insider" knowledge. FWIW, I sent an email to Deb Bernardini mentioning that the natives over here on VC were getting restless and hoping for some kind of word one way or another. I told her that we know Wi
  18. Hear, hear! PLEASE let us hear. If they're not going to do it this year, I will be really bummed, but I'm a big girl and I can take it. The suspense is driving me crazy, though. Plus, if they don't do Solid Sound this year, I'm going to start whining BIG TIME about adding some East/Southeast tour dates!
  19. Is there something here I can't see?
  20. Just received this today--No Solid Sound announcement, but no definitive word that they're not doing it, either. As another year winds down we look back and marvel at how it's all gone, and how quickly. In 2011, we witnessed the launch of dBpm Records, the release of vinyl 7 and 10" and assorted incarnations of Wilco's 8th studio album, The Whole Love. Another awesome Solid Sound Festival. And on top of that, the band played 55 shows in 9 countries and 19 US states, ending the year with the incredible Incredible Shrinking Tour of Chicago. It's been an exhausting bl
  21. Honestly, I wish the obsession would die down--it feels like it has a bit too much of a hold on me. Just when I feel it starting to wane, though, something gets me all cranked up again. The Chicago shows, that Jeff interview, John's sweetness, Jeff, Nels' awesomeness, Jeff, Glenn's sweaty passion, Jeff. . .Jeff. . . And yeah, hanging out here does qualify you as a more than casual fan, I believe.
  22. All I can say is that I relate completely to your story. I've posted here before about how my friends and family just roll their eyes (or worse) when I mention anything related to Wilco, and the only reason my co-workers don't do that--yet--is because I don't tend to socialize with them. Although at my part-time, "fun" job, my obsession is well-known and bemusedly tolerated. If the ridicule bothers you, I'd suggest keeping the Wilco stories to yourself when around the non-believers, or sharing them only with people who can relate to what you're talking about. At least that's the approach I'v
  23. Cussin' brilliant! As I just heard around here recently.
  24. Hey, for what it's worth, I totally agree with you. I've got nothing to gain from this, since I live in the US, but to think Australia doesn't make sense for Wilco? C'mon. And your comment about people complaining just cracked me up. It annoys the crap out of me when (esp. on Facebook) these idiots write "Please come to ____" when Wilco just played there last month. Or "Please come to _____" when they're playing 100-200 miles away next week. When you don't live near a major metropolitan area--and I don't--you know you have to travel to see a band like Wilco. I just don't want to routinely ha
  25. Hmm. Well, as one for whom pissing in a beer bottle is not a viable option, I think I like tagvestibule's ideas better. But if I decide to invest in a gogirl (look it up!) maybe I'll try the beer bottle option. Or adult diapers. I'm getting up there in years after all--might as well jump the gun a little.
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