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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Yay! Download day! OK - under headphones that first song is odd, but I'm up to song 3, and it is fantastic so far. Aaaahhhhh!
  2. Sounds very romantic! It's going to be hard to out-do yourself next year! You made her Meditteranean lamb? Are you a chef or something? She should be impressed with this. Most men I know would throw a steak on the grill.
  3. Oh, yeah! "The Man" by Patto! Thanks mrk. We had a lot of threads asking about this back in the day. Bah - how quickly I'd forgotten. To whomever chooses these intro songs for Wilco shows ... kudos! "The Man" by Patto! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ier6cwupJmo
  4. Since I don't have the file you're listening to, I'll list some known intro songs: the theme song to The Bob Newhart Show "Peaches" by PUSA: and The Four Horsemen by Aphrodite's Child
  5. Mike - sorry if I missed this info, but how many people actually submitted a list to you?
  6. oh, I need to see that skit. wait, is this it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDojwQ8cJC4 that song, however ... ... ugh. I guess my point is that I like hearing his voice in a song that isn't worn out, and in such a surprising setting as Grizzly Bear.
  7. Hope it was a happy one! PS - check out the Nudie suit and one T-Rex video listing amidst the tons of Elton John videos! This is the video A-man links to above. How did so many of your worlds collide here? Weird!
  8. Donna, thanks for the reports! I'm looking forward to seeing them in Chicago soon!
  9. Yes, yes it is. I like this song. Um, a lot. More please? You can listen to it streamed here (half-way down the page) http://volume-knob.blogspot.com/2009/08/jay-z-hearts-grizzly-bear.html
  10. Two Cow Garage (along with Jon Snodgrass from Drag The River!) visited Fort Wayne a week ago, were very entertaining and even did 2 covers - Springsteen and Petty. So much fun! I'd never seen them live before ... about time!
  11. Paul!!! May your birthday setlist be long and filled with plenty of encores! Via Chicago loves you, baby!
  12. Welcome to Via Chicago! I sorta doubt you'll get a repeat visit already, but your best bet would be to write a quick email to TMM (link can be found at Wilcoworld.net under the "links" section) and ask them. If they know the tour is already set in stone with nothing to be added, they'll probably tell you so.
  13. Me too! She gets so excited when Wilco gets news coverage. She is so proud of them! She even called me back afterwards for review. She said she particularly liked that they showed the "normal" side of rock & roll, that musicians can have a family and still rock etc. "You know, so much about rock music isn't very nice." My mom is 80 years old. Great-Grandma rock!
  14. That is a hilarious video! I love the reference to supergroup "Crosby Stills Nash & Young" who wrote "Thriller"
  15. From Greg Kot's blog Aug 16, 2009:
  16. Finally got this new CD, "Killingsworth" - love it! It hasn't left my car CD for a while either! It took a few spins to sink in, but there's some really catchy tunes in there. And nice to hear the ladies of The Decemberists in some background vocals, too. Listen in full -- streaming here (click on album title): http://www.minus5.com/store.htm Looking forward to the show too - ooooh - Peter Buck! I'm going to have to check out the Baseball Project release more thoroughly (not being a baseball history fanatic, it was a bit over my head and the songs didn't catch me like Killingswor
  17. Jay! Thanks for this link to these Daytrotter sessions! Wow - my first intro to them ... I'm in love!!! (I needed a musical pick-me-up, too! )
  18. Have a great day, guy fka cryptique! (I hardly recognize any of you name-changers!)
  19. I wouldn't take anything like this seriously. Country and modern - like Wilco in designer clothes. IMO, this is hilarious (especially the goofy face he makes after he says it ) and does not piss me off in the slightest. This came out a while back, and we discussed this way back when it was first posted on the net. But I'm not looking for the original thread. Not worth it. Edit: Well, okay so I did it anyway. It only took 1 minute. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=34536&view=findpost&p=1096738 Your next assignment is to read those 20 pages and come bac
  20. I admit to being in somewhat of a musical slump myself. But like Brownie says, it will come back. It doesn't help that my good PC is broken, I can't download music (much) and I also can't update my iPod. So I'm enjoying what I DO have on there for now. I'll have to catch up later when my PC gets fixed (or new one bought). I've just been buying CDs and listening mostly in the car, which is always a good place, IMO. It's just frustrating to be in limbo on the PC/iPod thing.
  21. Mrs. Peel! Have a great one! (I never realized how much Sebastian Bach looked like a girl! )
  22. Woo-hoo! Happy B'Day Ms. Y Hope it's terrific!
  23. Happy Day Greg! I'm sure glad you're closer to the midwest these days so we get to see you more often at these crazy rock shows! And Vince: "GregLKY" ... that is a good one!
  24. Ugh. I'm so sick of that guy and his hair.
  25. Happy Birthday, remphish1 !!!!!!!!!!! Here it is your birthday today and I'm giving you shit about spelling?!? Sorry! xoxo
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