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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I never understood why it would be a put-on as he doesn't need the publicity, etc.. The mockumentary provides some explanation if that is the case. I had thought that he was a clean and sober guy.
  2. Happy Birthday Ben! Hope it's a great one. Have one of those fancy beers you like so much.
  3. Wow! I got to Lakeshore Theatre and stopped. I may have to try and hit this one.
  4. Part of me believes that but why? It's not like his stock was dropping. He's a pretty well-respected actor.
  5. Anyone see this young man on Letterman last night? If this is an act, hat's off to him. First that "hip-hop" video leaked and now this. Here's a partial clip of some of the highlights... Letterman is still hilarious: Letterman highlights
  6. I've never really enjoyed The Strokes much but this is pretty good. Nickel Eye - Daytrotter Session
  7. I'll just politely disagree. It's 4 or 4.5 for me. Maybe the thrill will wear off eventually but it hasn't yet.
  8. Sounds like a great time all! The setlist is unreal. Nice pics as well... Jeff looks great.
  9. it was actually a poorly executed joke regardin dagwave's invisible comment.
  10. Attack and Release is my favorite Black Keys album... I know that there isn't a great deal of love for Magic Potion (although Just Got to Be is fucking awesome), I think that this is a band that continues to get better and better. Dan's solo album is just a small sign of that. While many bands peter out with their first or 2nd, these guys have grown significantly. In no way, do I think that they are drumming their blues thing into the ground.
  11. while I wouldn't agree that it's better than Black Keys, I definitely agree it's great. From my perspective, much of it sounds like very stripped down Keys albums. Definitely worth getting.
  12. I have read all but Tracks... i'll have to check that out. Really great writer.
  13. I always took a literature class as electives throughout school to avoid that feeling. Text books don't substitute for good reading. My favorite was a Native American Literature course - Sherman Alexie, Louise Erdich, etc. One of the best, or most memorable, classes I took.
  14. Completely... love the violin contribution by Andrew Bird. Also, makes me miss the old lounge ax shows with people laughing and talking over the entire thing.
  15. in no order... JD Salinger - Catcher in the Rye Jonathen Franzen - The Corrections Don Delillo - Underworld George Pelecanos - The Turnaround Elmore Leonard - Killshot
  16. The FAQ answers much of this. I haven't tried it as of yet but am tempted. Many of the albums that I would be interested in upgrading don't appear to be available as of yet. It basically strips out the song that you previously purchased and replaces with the DRM-free 256kpbs version. Yes, it does take care of the whole authorizing computers thing.
  17. REM is one of the best bands around. People complain about their most recent output but even their worst albums have some gems on them. Here is a list... the only one ranked for me is the first Country Feedback I've Been High Low Finest Worksong Gardening At Night Perfect Circle Feeling Gravitys Pull You Are The Everything (Don't Go Back To) Rockville Begin The Begin World Leader Pretend Crush With Eyeliner At My Most Beautiful Losing My Religion We Walk Driver 8 Electrolite Fall On Me Sweetness Follows So. Central Rain Nightswimming It's The End Of The World
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