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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I have a small bit of fanboy in me but I think Come Feel Me Tremble - documentary on Westerberg is just incredible. Highlights his talent and his rabid fanbase pretty well.
  2. I agree with you but I'm not sure why. "People" haven't given us a reason to have more faith in them.
  3. Maybe my favorite album of all time. Just purchased the reissue and it's worth it.
  4. Very sad news indeed....RIP
  5. You guys should all piss in a large pot and boil the hatchet...so to speak.
  6. That's all we can ask.
  7. I'm still really liking this. I've used it to help me cut the grass, drink beer, read, ride stationary bike, etc. It's close to "Boys and Girls in America" for me.
  8. Tough to argue with the list (or extremely easy depending on how you look at a subjective list), however, putting Wilco behind Whiskeytown is a bit sacreligous.
  9. "abuses alcohol and marijuana" that is shocking!!
  10. See ya Peter... pop in from time to time. Good luck.
  11. I'm going to go with JUDE. Cortez the Killer, Carlos, Greg and Sir Stewart are also in the discussion. El Kev and Pig Sooie solely for their love of the Replacements/Westy. oh, and add Peel in there as well!
  12. That sounds pretty good. I don't mind frappuchino on occasion but it's too sweet for me generally. That sounds like it may do the trick. Unless of course you like bitter. That, coupled with the fact that I generally forget, lead me to drink green tea that's been steeping for >10 minutes.
  13. It's true from what I've seen in my town. It's difficult for the small places to compete. I've seen several go out of business in the past 4 or 5 years. As far as the tea, I love that stuff. Green tea in particular. There used to be places on the east coast called Tealuxe. I thought that they were going to take off like Starbucks on a smaller scale. Guess they haven't. They have an excellent online selection though.
  14. Yes, definitely some props to Dave Mathews for choosing Alejandro. It's great exposure for him. I can't say that they'll be kind to him but it's definitely a nice payday and he will certainly win new fans over. I remember when he did a benefit show in Chicago many years ago and there were a lot of big names there - Tweedy, Louris, Billy Corrigan, Marianne Faithful, etc. Alejandro absolutely stole the show with his cover of "I Wanna Be Your Dog". The entire place was on fire for the first time the entire evening. The guy is a consummate professional so he'll find a way to win some of the
  15. I believe Dunkin' Donuts has the best regular coffee and Starbucks does the iced/fancy drinks well as far as chains go. That said, I'd much prefer the mom and pop places if it is a viable option. Starbucks/Caribou/Dunkin' has put most of those out of business.
  16. You are wrong and clearly know nothing about music. Also Jeff Tweedy is superior to Bob Dylan in all ways. edit: oh, and I love this album after multiple listens. I'm a bit surprised at some of the criticism.
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